Initially, there was a huge flash of Light...

"They have ingeniously enshrouded their presence in mystery; certainly not because they have any desire to be mysterious, but only because we are not sufficiently mature to bear the impact of the full revelation of even the least of our extraterrestrial visitors."

"We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator have used this method of contact in many, many places, with many, many people. Upon your planet at present, there are people in almost all areas that are receiving our communications. There are many of these people who do not understand what is happening to them. They do not understand who we are, as do you. They simply receive communications. The reason they have no idea who we are is that they have no concept of people coming to them from the stars.This is unimportant. The only thing that is important is that they understand the message that we give to them:
the message of Love and
~Secrets of the UFO

"Some people see UFOs, and some don’t. There is a reason for this discrimination. A person who is at the proper stage of mental evolution can tolerate the stimulus to seeking which is effected by the sighting. Likewise in other paranormal events, whether the event happens or not is highly dependent on the state of mind of the observers. When an attitude of seeking along the so-called Spiritual path is manifested, the event is also manifested."
~Secrets of the UFO by Don Elkins & Carla Rueckert.

"God is no respecter of persons, either Spiritual or Material.
The divine presence which any child of the universe enjoys at any given moment is limited only by the capacity of such a creature to receive and to discern the spirit actualities of the supermaterial world"

“To go out of your mind at least once a day is tremendously important.
By going out of your mind, you come to your senses.” Alan Watts

"What you are about to read will challenge your patience, it will activate your skepticism, it will bring about a confrontation between you and me. The facts are set forth as I know them. It matters little whether you fully accept the following story. What is much more important is that you know what has happened so that you w ill be somewhat capable of understanding that the impossible IS TAKING PLACE RIGHT NOW. The UFO phenomenon is real. Experience with the phenomenon may come your way... as it has mine. This is what happened to me!"
~William J. Hermann  

Note* With one glaring exception i.e The Unintentional Hero, I normally never discuss myself or my parents, or my life here on this Blog, but as this is a remorselessly personal account, this becomes unavoidable.

~Dedicated to our sublime, ethereal Helpers & Guides in Eternal Gratitude.

WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS UNIVERSE...Or this Galaxy...Or this Solar System...


And once you become aware of the Deep ramifications of this Truth, you will never be the same.

THAT, is why there is a 'PRIME DIRECTIVE', which is non-interference with our Free Will, and our right to Not believe in their existence.

It now seems ever more likely, that it was indeed a Pleiadian who sent me the Stream of Vibrations talked about at the end of the following testimonial...(This has now turned out to be incorrect. See Below)

( Note* Some of our more Spiritually 'advanced' Cousins do not like to use labels or names, but seem to forget that we do...'We' need them, as it will be a long time before we become fully Telepathic. )

I had received a brief, terse psychic message, assuming it was from the BEAM team, which I felt was confirming the fact that it was a Pleiadian Ship I had seen, ( ' of Theirs'  the words came thru loud and clear in my head) only a few days I think after this was released...
But unfortunately, I was STILL at the stage where I was questioning, and doubting Every tiny bit of Phenomena through the materialistic lens of 3-D Science...

I WAS WRONG!!!!....I Now FINALLY believe I might know, who my Cosmic Friends are...(and No, I'm not prepared to explain how I know, as it was a series of unusual 'coincidences' but it felt as if I knew instantly)

I suspect that they are the Superbly Sublime ~"ARCTURIANS" ~ But...perhaps 'labels' are still potentially problematic and possibly even dangerous, and therefore, let us simply call these sublime beings; 

'The Unseen Ones'.

"The Unseen Ones, whom you would rightly call angels, do not only speak to the human heart but to hearts everywhere who are able to listen and who have gained the freedom to listen."

Extracted from the vital Free Pdf book; ~ "The Allies of Humanity" by Marshall Vian Summers

But irrespective of the particular now seems, at if a veil were lifted, as if my conceptual shackles had all of a sudden been melted away...suddenly Everything is becoming clearer, my entire disaster of a Life on this heavily-polluted material plane, everything is moving rapidly into focus...

I have long felt that as Adults too often we so easily dismiss our Childhood experiences as merely the workings of a frightened immature mind when in fact they may simply be experiences unfettered, unencumbered by social convention or the shackles of scientific rationalism.

As a boy one of my favorite pastimes was spent simply gazing up at the imagination would always fill the skies with the yearning wonders of a child's mind.

In our late pubescent years my compatriots and I readily accepted the idea that there were quite often 'shooting stars' in the skies, a kind of cosmic jewellery which regularly embroidered the Night Skies in Avondale Heights, Melbourne.

From my 2-storey bed-room window and at the top of a hill, I had an expansive, sliding
 front row seat over-looking some of the neighboring houses in fact I lived 2 streets over from Frederich Valentich, the missing Pilot who was taken aboard a UFO and never returned and I probably played with him briefly one day which I still remember quite vividly as a child.

When I look at the state of the World today, somehow I can't blame him for not returning.

(Note* The following is a direct transcript of Valentich's last contact with Melbourne Flight Control at Essendon Airport, extracted from "The Cosmic Conspiracy" by STAN DEYO ~ :

'21 October 1978,...the incident occurred on a flight between Melbourne, Australia and a small island to the south of Melbourne. An experienced instructor pilot for the Air Training Corps was alone on a routine, night flight to King Island.

(Note* Due to a recent video, it has become obvious that the following transcription, was Not the Entire transmission...for some reason, it has been edited down...)

His aircraft, a Cessna 182, was flying at an altitude of about 4,000
The pilot, Frederick Valentich, was only flying to the island to pick-up a load of lobsters for some
of the officers of the A.T.C.
His flight plan gave his estimated arrival time at King Island as 7:28 pm.

Valentich had planned to make the round trip that same night and be back in Melbourne by 10:00 pm...

He never made it to King Island or, much worse, back to Melbourne.

The official transcript of the last voice contact held between the missing pilot and Melbourne's flight
service unit was released twenty-four hours later by the Australian Department of Transport.

It is self-
explanatory: 7:06 pm. - The pilot asks Melbourne flight control if there was any known traffic in his area below the 5,000 foot altitude...
Melbourne control
responds: "No known traffic.

"Seems to be a large aircraft below 5,000 feet.

Melbourne control"What type of aircraft?"

"I can't confirm. It has four bright lights. Appear to be landing lights.
Aircraft has just
passed over me about 1,000 feet above.

Melbourne control: "Is large aircraft confirmed?"

"Affirmative. At the speed it's travelling, are there any RAAF aircraft in the vicinity?"

Melbourne control
: "Negative."7.08 pm.

"Melbourne, it's approaching from east towards me. It seems to be playing some
kind of game...

Flying at speed I cannot estimate.

Melbourne control
"What is your altitude?"

"4,500 feet."

Melbourne control
"Can you confirm you can't identify aircraft?"

"Affirmative."7.09 pm.

"It's not an aircraft.

It's..." (apparently, the transmission was broken here... but only long enough to miss the magic words...)

Melbourne control
: "Can you describe aircraft?"


"It is flying past. It is a long shape. Cannot identify more than that.
Coming for me right now. It seems to be stationary. I'm orbiting and the thing is orbiting on top of me also. It has a green light and sort of metallic light on the outside...It just vanished.

Melbourne control: "Confirm it has vanished."

"Affirmative. Do you know what sort of aircraft I've got? Is it military?

Melbourne control: "No. No military traffic in the area."7.12 pm.


"Engine is rough-idling and is coughing.

Melbourne control
"What are your intentions?"

"Proceeding to King Island.

Unknown aircraft now hovering on top of me.

Melbourne control acknowledged Valentich's last message before they heard a long metallic noise onhis radio frequency.

Then it was silent.

Valentich nor his aircraft has as yet been found.

Subsequent interviews with the pilot's father, Guido Valentich, have revealed that his son had told him, "...he had seen classified material at the Sale RAAF base which confirmed his beliefs (in the existence of UFOs)".The author's comments on the classified RAAF - UFO files will be made in the following chapter.
~The Cosmic Conspiracy)'

But for me personally, this incident (which came as quite a shock to our provincial Melbourne Media as Valentich had been a local Melbourne lad) was still some years away in the Future and meanwhile, the sometimes hectic activity in our skies continued...

As some of these streaks of light became more animated and began playing among themselves across the canvas of my bedroom window, I began to notice that these same lights were also often hanging 'around' whenever we went to the local Maribyrnong Sunset Drive-in Movie.

They always seemed to make it so-o obvious, hovering and flying directly over the Drive-In screen...but at a great distance above and behind the screen, which meant that we just saw small glowing lights, and so I would get out of the Car a lot, watching them, thinking surely everyone sees the same thing I do?

Thinking; Hey, Everybody! Isn't this exciting?

Like being at the opening gig of a Pink Floyd Light-Show concert at the Fillmore Ballroom in San Fransisco.

But for some strange reason, the Drive-In 'Tuck-shop', where we all congregated at Intermission time in-between Movies, to get our GIANT plastic-coated paper cups of Coca-Cola was ( apart from the odd individual ) surprisingly mute on that subject, as it seemed like no-one said or saw a thing....everyone was clamoring to be served first...placing orders for cardboard Dim-Sims boiled in their leather jackets, saturated in long drips of Soy Sauce, or horribly re-conditioned and re-warmed hot-dogs, which actually tasted OK once they were drowned in Tomato Sauce chemicals, meanwhile I felt it was great entertainment watching these small glowing lights creating formations, moving around the screen or flying along to my right behind the Poplar trees which bordered the Drive-in...I even saw them flying along the 'Maribyrnong Tram Line' tracks, (illuminating the surrounding Pine trees with a large glowing orb) which again, bordered the Drive-In property at the back of the screen and down a small hill to the Tracks...but alas I got there too late as I had to firstly fulfill an Order for food from the Tuck-shop.

At times the show outside in the skies was better than the picture on the screen...

I was jumping out of my skin...the night air seemed as if 'electrified' and yet there was often no-one else around as almost everyone was cosily engrossed watching the opening credits of the Main Featured 'Western' or 'Gangster' movie, all nicely 'tucked away' in their metallic little mobile wombs...

I often found myself alone at that age and asking ;

Why? did it seem as if these 'cheeky, playful lights' were trying to get our attention all the time???

WHY? were they sometimes a huge distraction from the Show???

But it was almost as if I were the only person 'out there', under the night-skies, as it seemed like most appeared to be hypnotized by the Movie across their windscreens...and my Parents were constantly, politely ( because Everyone could hear them ) asking me to calm down, get back in the Car, stop talking and watch the Show...

I always assumed that; 'naturally this will be in the Sun/Herald Newspaper in the morning'...but no such headline ever appeared in our part of the World here in the back-lots of Suburbia, until finally in the mid 60's there was a UFO landing at a School, in "Westall" a nearby suburb here in Melbourne, which was an excellent incident as it finally forced the endlessly provincial 'conformist' Melbourne Media to recognise and admit that yes, weird things did exist and sometimes happened, even here in our backwater of bland brick-veneer houses, looking like an infestation from above, like an enormous geometric rash had developed over the Australian landscape of identical 'Little Boxes'
 that stretched all the way out to the horizon...yes, apparently even here in the endless torpor and smokey haze of back-yard suburban barbecues, Real Magic sometimes occurred...and then of course, after that, 'They' came for Frederich Valentich...

All I could think, when I heard of his abduction on the nightly news was;


But then that was still some years away...

I distinctly remember, how, it almost seemed as if they came 'with us', when my Parents took me, in a whirlwind tour around the World.

Across Europe and America and barely a teenager...

On the day we visited the John F. Kennedy Memorial Cemetery in Hamburg, Germany, when we were ALL still reeling from the shock of Kennedy's murder, they appeared again that day in the completely white, wintry skies of Hamburg, flying along beside us, fairly close to the ground and in the same direction in which our car was travelling...but I thought they did that sometimes anyway, altho it was normally at a far greater distance and so I was still not completely connecting the dots...surely these sightings were fairly normal?

Surely these sightings were quite common, or at least had no connection with an indiscriminate, non-descript German kid like me?!

Surely they couldn't or wouldn't see me?

In my juvenile understanding, the fact that I, and my young Brothers-In-Arms occasionally saw these shiny objects in the skies, (although most of the time they were 'lights' or movement in the night sky) I felt could simply be attributed to the fact that they were often 'there' To Be Seen, and altho I felt affectionately towards these visitors, that still wasn't sufficient reason or grounds for them to be aware of an insignificant, red-haired biological speck on the ground.

I can still see those freezing night skies of the Northern Hemisphere, as we almost touched the Arctic Circle...when the sky was black as the ace of spades at 40,000 - 60,000 feet, with the constant drone of aircraft engines all around us, as I regularly chatted with the Stewardesses who were always great fun to talk to, because they had usually seen a great deal, and could sometimes tell wonderful often it seemed as if, my 'friendly lights' were never far away...

I guess I just grew up, accepting the reality of extraterrestrial life, and once I had discovered STAR TREK by Gene Roddenberry, Science Fiction, in one form or another seemed to be the only subject on the horizon and all I ever wanted to talk about...(usually boring the Hell out of my girlfriends) Sigh...and it never dawned on me that my peculiar rapidly growing obsession with Extraterrestrial Life and Science Fiction, may have been anything other than what I saw as just a completely natural, healthy academic interest.

But then something 'happened', some years ago, that is difficult to discuss, as it has only recently surfaced like the beached carcass of a whale, into my consciousness, and which, for the cause of truth and understanding I can only attempt to tell, as for me it remains; a cathartic exercise which is still not entirely clear in my head...;

I retain a distinct memory of me screaming at someone 'silently' in what seemed to be an unreasonable and unseemly amount of anger and first I was paralyzed, completely immobile and then suddenly I could scream...note, the only reason I would be screaming at someone 'silently' would be if I knew that they could hear my thoughts...otherwise surely I would have naturally yelled at them by using my vocal chords...unless of course I couldn't do that, simply because I was still paralyzed.

I should add in my defense that I wasn't screaming because I was frightened...My particular illness that night was drug-induced withdrawal and I wasn't prepared to go anywhere with anyone.

My irrational and possibly 'defensive' anger was such that I literally shocked myself upon recollection...this was directed at someone whom I couldn't see clearly, as he was shrouded in darkness as a black sillouette, at first framed by the unusually bright light of an open doorway just standing there whom I either didn't recognize or couldn't remember.

This 'visitor' moved into the room as I groaned inwardly until he was standing unreasonably 'tall' (abnormally tall) and as if 'expectantly' at the foot of my bed, as if I was expected to go with whoever it was, but whether this is Exactly what had precipitated the sudden absence of some of these visitors, or whether this is all just some type of bizarre 'false' memory which is just curiously coincidental I will probably never know...sigh...

He seemed amused and allowed me to continue screaming until finally, after I had exhausted myself he left with an attitude of; 'Well, suit yourself!'.

What I find especially curious about this memory of mine is that this happened many years ago, yet I have only come to fully accept the reality of Telepathy and Psychic phenomena recently, so how is it? that I was using mental projection at someone Years Ago, at a time when I still didn't fully accept  the complete scientific validity of Psychic phenomena? and certainly did not feel or see that I possessed any such ability myself!???

( altho I had read J.B RHINE on the subject, I found his work somehow unsatisfactory...for my tastes he was too clinical and unnecessarily statistical and Eysenck, whom I trusted, didn't appear 'game' to completely explore it's fundamental reality...and so I was forced to look further afield into areas like Theosophy) a matter of fact, I still don't see myself in that light, and think that I am probably just average, as we all share these abilities.

I guess looking back, there was always 'something there' hovering just at the edge of my awareness, or just around the corner of my mind, something which I would immediately shut-down, using scientific skepticism, just as I had shut down my own Synaesthesia, out of a pernicious fear that I might be going pleasantly insane from my past experiences with Psychedelics...  

However...regardless of the ultimate truth of this 'visitation' memory, it seems like from that moment on I cannot remember ever seeing another commotion of Shooting Stars least not as it had been in my youth.

The years went by, but I never lost my conviction that the Universe was filled with life-forms, which would often visit our fact, I confess that I was such an absolutely arrogant fool in my adolescence, and so convinced of my er, reality, that unless the individuals I ran across had read at least some of the books I was reading back then, concerning either Science Fiction and it's related fringe hybrids such as the work of ; OLAF STAPLEDON, or esoteric Eastern and Western Spiritual Mysticism, Zen Buddhism, or the writings of
Carlos Castaneda, his compatriots and related literature, I simply wouldn't talk to them...

Because it seemed that there would be No Point, in such a discussion~ LOL

And so typically, upon meeting some one new, my first, and most important question would be;

"What do you think of Science Fiction?"

Approx 5 years ago or so, I began to notice Intelligent Disclosure was creeping into our daily viewing habits...more and more videos of ‘Sightings’ and ‘Encounters’ began appearing, both individual and collective, as in the extraordinary Phoenix Lights episode and so with a deep inner conviction still ringing in my Soul, I felt that it was finally time for me to make a concerted effort, to end the nagging confusion, the ambiguities and the doubts, and the interminable whispers of my mind, which had plagued me, for almost my entire life, by attempting to finally reconcile the evidence on the Internet with my own deep, 'inner-feelings' concerning Intelligent Life in the Universe, and so began my quest for 'Certainty'...for understanding, and especially, for enlightenment.

It quickly became clear to me that the phenomena I was witnessing on Youtube, which for some reason I still hadn't resolved intellectually with my own inner convictions, somehow, enigmatically involved the Spiritual dimension...!

This, was an association which, due to my long running love-affair with science fiction, and hence science itself, I had never ever seriously considered.

Science Fiction has always enchanted and captivated me...ever since I was old enough to read, and I suspect that it is because of certain 'hints', whisperings of truth, glimpses of a hidden reality embedded in much of what is; conventional science fiction literature.

It is because of this recognition, that there are these 'unknowns' and as yet, undiscovered countries, hidden layers of reality and science waiting to be revealed...and unraveling these mysteries is why science fiction has always held me, so firmly in it's technological sway.

Whereas the concept of a Spiritual Universe, with ‘beings’ who existed on different Vibrational planes to us and yet who could respond to our psychic thoughts and who could manifest themselves in our physical World despite this, had until recently always seemed somehow archaic and uncomfortably close to Religion.

This may possibly be due, at least to a certain extent, to the Religious tone and language of the original Theosophists, those Spiritual Pioneers who only had our ecclesiastical texts, and ancient Religious writings to draw upon for their spiritual jargon, in order to communicate to the World their extraordinary Revelations and Wisdom.

"Exactly that has unfortunately been maintained into the current time, for which reason in the present one wrongly talks about ‘spiritual property’, ‘spiritual illness’ and of the human ‘spirit’ when the effects and powers of the consciousness are meant, as for example, the discernment,the wealth of ideas(‘spiritual property’),the illness of the consciousness (‘spiritual illness’) and so forth."

~ Billy Meier (BEAM)

"Universally and without exception, the science, philosophy, or whatever the subjects which have stimulated the mental processes of man in the past several hundred years, but especially during your own time and place, have one common fault: man is trying to evaluate the whole cosmic and celestial system of creation, recreation, regeneration and incarnation, and all subjects contained in the progression of mankind; yes, he is even trying to confine it to and start it all from his own little earth plane. Now that is most illogical; man will never gain access to the innermost secrets of the universe about him until he frees himself from the concepts which hold him in the dimension of the physical flesh and material world."
— The Voice of Hermes & THOTH

Nevertheless...after decades of being assaulted and raped sub-consciously by a sick, soulless Kulture and in spite of my relentless 'Shopper's Paradise' brain-warp conditioning, 5 nights ago in a kind of desperation and feeling empty and desolate I left my cynical, materialistic thinking, my nonspiritual 'over-coat' indoors hanging on a chair as I stepped outside...

I began 'Thinking Out-Loud'...mentally calling out to the Night-sky ~:

‘Why? had 'they' whomever 'they' were seemingly abandoned Me???’

With all the reports of Sightings in the skies of Earth on Youtube and elsewhere, why were MY skies seemingly devoid of any visitors?

I almost never saw ‘Shooting Stars’ any more...or very rarely and always merely faint, distant objects...just thin streaks across the lower skies.

And certainly nothing like what I had previously experienced in earlier days.

And so for 3 nights in a row I decided each evening to go out under the canopy of night and search for er, ‘shooting stars’.

For 3 consecutive nights this week I went out and although our weather here was utterly miserable and completely over-cast, I began looking up for a few minutes every night.

I would look up desperately, fervently searching the skies for something, I didn't quite know what but I would look up imploringly saying in my mind;

‘Oh, why...WHY have You abandoned me?’

‘Please...just give me something...’

Finally, 2 nights ago I went out again.

This was my third night under the night skies as I had done the previous 2 nights and began to look up...

This was my third attempt to definitively quell, extinguish anymore lingering doubts as to my inner convictions, I yearned for 'certainty' and I was prepared to continue indefinitely, for months if necessary in a similar manner, night after night until my quest had been achieved.

Although the sky was, as usual, thoroughly overcast in a blanket of dirty-grey, woolen, cloud-fabric nonetheless this time, there was a circular patch of relatively open sky almost directly above my head...approximately 15 degrees from apogee.

There with the naked eye, I could see what looked like; an inordinately busy and hectic looking patch of night sky, a literal commotion of 'Traffic'...4 Ships were there within that circle of clear space all lined up in a straight row!

They also allowed me to see for example, a smaller ship make a loop and then dock with a Larger ship, all back dropped by a part of Orion, with it's familiar pattern of stars.

But my innate 'scientific' scepticism at the time was still resisting the obvious Truth of what was happening, as I was literally denying my own eyes...

I could see what must have been Neptune, or Mercury or some other Planet passing by, infinitesimally slowly...

And just to the right of Orion, there was another big fat star, which I naturally initially assumed was another Planet such as Venus,( altho I knew deep down that this couldn't be correct either!) as I had already established that it wasn't, and couldn't have been, a part of the usual configuration which made up Orion's belt and the constellations surrounding it, I knew at least that much.

And so, as I stared at this bright, shining interloper, almost directly above my head, I began asking my regular questions;

"Just show me a Sign, Goddammit...

WHY the Hell, have you abandoned me???"

I stared straight up at this Big Fat Star, within the circle of relatively clear sky overhead, which began to look as if a hole had been punched straight through the layer of cloud and as I stared unblinking, within less than 5 minutes or so, the strange star spontaneously 'burst' into a shower of Light in a display, a spectacle which is (except for one magical incident as a child) unlike almost anything that I can consciously remember having witnessed previously...not so much as in an explosion but as if an extremely bright light had suddenly been switched on, flashing straight down on top of us, as if a Light-house beam in the sky had been suddenly switched on and I watched on breathlessly...the Light seemed to pulse and waver,
 I could feel the pressure of this peculiar Light 'dancing' like tiny feet across my eyes...( something which I was never able to replicate ever again, with any light-source )...and it appeared as if there were moving patterns of Magenta within an electric-blue light that shimmered and that almost whispered, of a 'Dancing Shiva' Goddess and then abruptly, it Vanished!

In a microsecond and was GONE...

Leaving just the black void of Space where the craft had been.

I am a reasonably experienced observer of our skies as I had a Schmidt-Cassegrain reflecting Telescope (8 inch diameter) already at a fairly young age and so I can assure you that this wasn't a Meteor, nor was it a Plane, nor a Planet, nor a Satellite, nor even a Star...which leaves very little room for anything except for exactly what I had requested of 'them'...An undeniable, unmistakable Sign.

Addendum :

2 nights ago, after having thanked my Cosmic Friends profusely for still 'being there' after all this time, over and over...I looked up in the same spot and saw 2 Flashes in 2 different locations in the overhead skies, both of which were strangely 'black and white' in appearance.

They Flashed at me and then instantly disappeared as if to say; "If our appearance wasn't Certain enough for are another 2 Flashes just to make sure you received our Message"...and as if they were saying; "Stay Tuned..."

2 enormous flashes in a brooding, troubled sky...within a second or so of each other, that were only distinguishable by the unique after-image they left on my retina and by the fact that once again there was absolutely Nothing else they could have been as they were just simply that enormous...literally covering the entire sky!

For some peculiar reason, possibly due to the incredible timing of these flashes and the fact that they were quite some distance apart, I now feel convinced that they were left there, in the sky so as to automatically activate. I had barely arrived outside, looked up and had only just commenced another rambling 'silent' communication to the night skies when the Flashes hit me.'s perfectly conceivable that these flashes were not related at all to my own contact, but then again, it's also quite possible that they were...and, that there was quite possibly a symbol within those 'black and white' flashes, it's just that I couldn't follow them quickly enough, they happened too fast...

Another consideration is that concerning what occurred both immediately Before and directly After these Flashes, over that there is quite obviously, absolutely no doubt, which adds further credence to the notion that, yes...these Flashes were meant to happen when and as they did.

And sadly, I Now realize that 'They' hadn't abandoned me, but rather that I, with my excessively materialistic, hedonistic lifestyle, my self-indulgent, chemical debauchery...had somehow, unwittingly and oh, so foolishly, abandoned 'Them'.

2nd Addendum (2 Days later again):

An example of my own 'high strangeness' happened this morning whilst I was in the process of reading a book on our Cosmic Friends on my Computer screen...and contrary to what some might believe, I do NOT suffer from Spontaneous bouts of Ecstatic Joy.

I was unexpectedly, completely and utterly overwhelmed by this event, as it was something which, similar to my recent sightings
(at least consciously) was unlike anything I have previously ever experienced or witnessed...there were literally Tears of Joy streaming down my face...the effect was quite palpable.

I have since come to understand that this was again, a form of Contact with my friendly Cosmic Friends as not only did this event come hard on the heels of my 2 separate sightings listed above, within 2 days in fact, but also because that same evening, after the event of my spontaneous tears of Joy, (something which I can assure you, most definitely does not happen ordinarily!) ~ it was an intense Joy, similar to a 'High'...except that it felt 'pure' like a kind of  'Spiritual Ecstasy', I have no other words to describe it, then...that evening I resumed reading the same book and immediately stumbled across this entry :~

"Touched by love.
Tonight I felt so well, my friends, I still had such a blissful feeling,
as if somebody had continually caressed my whole body.

The answer :~

'We caressed you, our beloved, because you love all.
Instead of huffing, you rather hold a book in your hand.
You are not making a bad impression, others do, you are interested in something else, in something else than other people are, therefore we transmit our vibrations to you:

‘Vibrations of eternal love, filled with desire, that you stay with us for ever.’
With us, with our mind, according to this law of Creation.'
~Cosmic friends.“

Ultimately, I don't mind any longer, whether some out there might doubt my experiences, and consider me; 'road-kill from the Psychedelic era', or not...although why I would bother to make this all up, if it wasn't True, and then have the audacity to call this; 'A True Story' is beyond me, as memory is not my best attribute, and to deceive people continuously, I'm convinced that you would need to have a perfect memory i.e it is just so much easier to remain truthful.

I happen to know that there are many individuals out there, presently, who are quite capable of this type of behavior, and in fact who Lie professionally, or Lie for their Governments, on a daily basis...but I am not one of them.

Just as my biographical data about my Father in The Unintentional Hero is a True Story, in every word, so, is This.

Nor could I live with myself if I were compelled to Lie for a job, to earn a living, as I tried that a number of times but in the end, (no matter how much Money they threw at me in commissions) I would invariably find myself in a position where I no longer possessed the actual physical strength to pick up that phone, even ONE MORE just became too heavy.

In the final outcome I was the person who saw the lights and it was I that was beamed in a tight, multi-colored, narrow band which was so distinct, that I can describe with complete confidence precisely the specific angle the Stream was on, the trajectory it took as it painstakingly slowly and in an almost 'jerking' or Vibrating manner entered my 3-D world as I could vividly see the stream coming through the brick wall in 'blocks' or sections and traveling down towards me out of my peripheral vision. I looked up towards the ceiling in stunned amazement I noticed that the separate sections of the Stream that were slowly appearing from the brick wall were actually the 'overtly visible' segment of a vastly larger enormous white and pale amethyst terrain, as if seen from slightly above like an almost completely white, fairly flat 3-D map, a huge Hemisphere covered in repetitive geometric shapes, with pale amethyst or faint blue edging, just subtle shading along some of the lower edges; Platonic shapes such as solid three dimensional white circles or cylinders and long rectangular white blocks, a vast topographical terrain of white shapes which seemed to suggest echoes from an extremely ancient, dense Cemetery...

And amidst this dense expanse of shapes as if straight out of the surreal landscape of a Rene Magritte or a Max Ernst painting there stood a crystalline shaped, bone-white Tower...a monolith which again had some faint amethyst and faint blue shading on the bottom edges.

As I looked further over this vast white map towards the curving horizon line, I began to realize that what I was witnessing was apparently the higher density bed-rock reality for the lower density 'visible Stream' that was slowly appearing through the bricks above my head.

I have no other possible explanation for what I witnessed.

I gazed on fascinated and transfixed...taking in the simultaneous view of a small Planetoid somewhere else and not on this Earth that was covered in shapes like a gigantic spherical map, somehow reminding me of shots of our astronauts on the Moon as I glimpsed more Crystalline monoliths or white crystal spires in the distance, jutting above and along the horizon line...

I was awestruck...and marveled at the streams composition and it's construction as I recognized instantly that this 'streaming' vision which shuddered or vibrated as it incrementally poured down from above, was a phenomenon which did not exist in our 3-D materialistic science...

I slowly stumbled to my feet, turning to face the oncoming stream (altho I DID think of running for my life in the opposite direction!) as it came down and then curved like a hockey stick towards me in mid-air, looking every bit like stretched Toffee as it did so and through the coagulating slow-motion air saw and then felt what I could only describe as;

The most gorgeous KISS you could ever imagine...

 a thin dense range of 'colored feelings' from roughly approximated : 4  individuals which consisted mostly of a dark Emerald Green and a Sandy color (note* I am only a partial Synesthete which may account for the colors or the lack 'Phases in and out') consisting of a spectrum of 'feelings' from sweet affection (this came from smaller entities who didn't know me and gave me the affection one might give to a Photo of a Puppy Dog) all the way through to warm radiant Love from someone who Did...something which I Saw and then Felt through my entire being...and that's ALL that really matters, to me.

And No...I have never seen, or experienced anything like that before.



Certain facts were somehow inadvertently left out of this testimony, resulting in an unfortunately skewed picture of events.

The fact of the matter is that altho it was only 3 nights of searching until the UFOs appeared, what I failed to properly communicate is that thanks to Intelligent Disclosure appearing on Youtube I had spent at least a couple of years intensively Searching videos and reading first-hand accounts in Books gathered from scouring the Web and doing some serious 'Soul-searching' about this entire subject matter prior to these personal encounters cited above...and so altho it looks as if it took only 3 nights for events to begin 'happening', that is misleading as there is actually quite a bit of background i.e a Chain of Events stretching back into my Childhood (as is probably the case with many of us, if we reflect back, deeply enough) which should additionally be taken into consideration, leading up to these events.

Note* As I have been recently made aware of the fact that some of our Cosmic Friends do indeed 'keep up' with our Internet, our little World-Wide-Web here on Earth, I will therefore avail myself of the opportunity to speak directly to them. There has been a new development, almost exactly to the day twelve months later, in the form of direct psychic feedback from my Cosmic Friends on this article and also regarding a desired edit or amendment which they required. The particular amendment, along with other thoughts, was communicated to me entirely without words, but rather with mental imagery; First...of my Web-page, and a split-second later I was looking at my own article telepathically inside my head, as if it were placed flat down on a dark floor, and the 'Dancing Shiva' Presence or person was hovering over, and pointing to a certain line, she ran a finger along the offending line and I knew Instantly what she meant (she did that a couple of times, also expressing the fact that she 'liked' a particular line here and there). I understood and was overjoyed to think that she bothered to even read it! then she 'tapped' the article lightly with her fingers as if basically approving the article (Note* this was NOT a 5-fingered hand) however I await some kind of further feedback...I need some kind of approval that I'm still doing the right thing before discussing this any further...MORE INPUT PLEASE...2 and a half to 5 minutes is just not long enough... Please switch back on again, as I need to talk with YOU...but I guess you know that.

Please accept, that you can trust me implicitly...if you ask me not to mention a conversation or some detail about it, well then of course I won't...but you probably already know that as well.

And, No..."I'm Not in Love"'s just a Silly Phase I'm going through... And just because...I call to You...and keep your picture in my Mind's eye, don't get it Wrong...don't think you mean that much to me! It simply hides a tiny blemish, which is lying there... "Across the Sky...the change of Time...Last Night I lost all Day. Baby Call ME.......and if I were, the KING of ROME, I couldn't be more Lonely! I hunger for your touch...I long for Your inscrutable embrace..." ~ Petshop Boys And YES...I could clearly recognize your distinctive, lovely Vibration! ~ (sorry, it's the human in me) and which was noticeably 'Golden' this time...( I had assumed that yours was the Emerald color in the Stream) I guess now I understand, why we don't need names...
P.P.S But I STILL wish that you could give me a name...unfortunately we humans are sometimes like that, but you know all that anyway. Note* She eventually did give me the name; 'CELESTE' at about 5AM in the morning when I was just emerging from Sleep. So Secretive! SO ELUSIVE...was that YOU, I saw last night? I know it was! I realize why...the Real reason, but I just feel that if you were to allow yourselves to be individually labelled so to speak, (at least occasionally as you have done from time to time) in a type of sacrifice, or service to others, it would enable 'us' comparatively-speaking; limited beings the ability to begin to get a 'handle' on things...which in our admittedly limited comprehension would therefore ultimately assist us all, in our sometimes unconscious striving towards the Great Ascension, and the Law of ONE...the next Harvest of Souls would be considerably improved...or am I just displaying my ignorance? SIGH OH Great RA!...Where are You Now I wonder? Have you completed your 6th Density social-memory-complex Evolution? What vast deep oceans of density do you traverse? What wonders do YOU see, from where you are now? Your efforts in aiding Humanity, have been greatly appreciated by many, down here on these lower planes! Will you ever return? ~MY ETERNAL GRATITUDE AND MY ETERNAL LOVE TO YOU ALL~ Note* Whilst I recognize that there are probably as many Good as there are Bad entities out there...the following is nevertheless the Message I would like to give to those I feel some affinity with : I LOVE YOU ALL...FROM MY BEAUTIFUL PLEIADIAN or PLEJAREN FRIENDS, TO MY ORION/ARCTURIAN FRIENDS, TO RA, AND TO EVERY DIMENSIONAL SPIRIT/SOUL THAT HAS EVER WHISPERED TO ME...THAT HAS EVER TRIED, FOR SO LONG, TO GET THRU TO THIS THICK, THICK HEAD OF MINE. ~OUR COUSINS ARE ABOVE US~


  1. I have noticed with increasingly regularity, how the count numbers keep being dialed back in those 3 comment boxes i.e 'funny' or interesting or cool directly above this comment...And this happens with all of my articles...
    Whoever is doing this, take note, that the World is Waking Up!
    And that your pathetic, morally repugnant and dishonest efforts will make no difference whatsoever to the 'Ascension Process' in the final outcome.

  2. Sensibly perhaps, the overseers of this page have dialed the numbers back to zero...WELL DONE ~ :)

    1. And Thank You for Your interest in my article :)

    2. My name is Collins and i am both and mad and crazy but not stupid i am the raving controller aka truth finder general grandmaster shaman ligt warrior and Facebook group manager maker

    3. Great stuff Collins...pleasure to make your acquaintance :)

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. excellent. an awesome wordsmith with an edge. thank you

    1. Wow...thank You Grace for your lovely comment ~ :)

    2. read this again and so interesting and well written Jules love grace


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