A Politician's Wet-Dream
"The unchecked striving for more, for endless growth, is a dysfunction and a disease. It is the same dysfunction that cancerous cell manifests, whose only goal is to multiply itself, unaware that it is bringing about its own destruction by destroying the organism of which it is a part." ~ Nikola Tesla
Disclaimer: The slightly more cerebral Surgeon-General warns that although the following pertains specifically to the local OZ political landscape, this particular wet-dream can equally well be detected like residual sludge, sloshing nauseously through the largely empty back lots of many, many Political brains either side of the Atlantic.
This is in reply to Robertand's lovely 'welcome back' ;Thanks Big Bro... I am currently experiencing what some used to term ; 'going through a bit of an existential crisis'.
It's that historic moment when Sarte is asked by a young student what he should do about his patriotic fervor and we learn that he has already lost three brothers to the French war cause and that he is conflicted due to the fact that he doesn't wish to bring his lonely mother anymore pain and distress over her lost sons...To be or not to be...
Whether it is nobler in the mind, to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous bosses, knaves and fools, or by opposing to end them?
To sleep, perchance to dream of a better World, guided by our best scientific understandings rather than the posturings of a political hack, to wit; Tony Abbott, Opposition Leader extraordinaire and his Ministry of minions, his Cabinet of buffoons.
Leaders who would unwittingly drag us to the precipice and beyond, and make it sound like someone's grand design, or, is it not surely someone's idea of a joke? somebodies Capitalistic wet-dream, in which economic growth just keeps on keeping on...just make sure that 'growth' is growing...and everything will be just Hunky-dory, Jim-dandy and my personal favourite flavour...Peachy-keen.
Sigh...this is the calibre of our particular 'fearless Leader' and his 'vision' or wet-dream of a future Australia...
It all comes down to the Money, mate!
I suggest we ask those in refugee camps or in the enormous urban population centres of the New World about growth.
Further 'growth' they will concur, is really the last thing we need.
How the heck do we expect to keep 'Growing' in any sense of the word in the long term i.e beyond the terms of a short-sighted political aspirant such as Tony Abbott, in a finite paradigm?
One which is already witnessing exponential growth as it is, in various areas such as animal population depletion along with human population growth, along with Polar Ice-cap melt, along with increased erosion of air quality, increasing volatility and temperature rise in our ecosphere, increasing acidification of the Earth's Oceans etc., ad nauseum.
It is readily evident that 'Life' itself is under attack from our cancerous Socio-Economic model, in this mad, bad scramble to the top... in the Profit Wars.
In a brilliant feat of prophetic script writing in 1974, Paddy Chayevsky in the film "NETWORK" showed us all the bride stripped bare, revealing his bold perspective, his weltanshaung, by having it uttered out of the mouth of a deranged Peter Finch balanced superbly by a dispassionate Ned Beatty ; "The World Has Become A Business Mr Beale..."
"You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen, and howl about America and democracy.
There is no America. There is no democracy.
There is only IBM and ITT and A T & T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide and Exxon.
Those are the nations of the world today."
Under these circumstances, with deranged lunatics at the helm, hell-bent on Profit no matter what, it is obvious that on the contrary, a reverse i.e a decline in growth, a slowing down and restriction in growth is what is truly required, at least if one uses the tools of extrapolation.
Our precious globe is under assault from ruthless, greedy, short-sighted individuals who would strip the carcass of Mother Earth bare, for the sake of a meaningless statistical percentage increase in Profit.
Our fresh water streams, our oceanic Fish stocks are largely depleted.
Germany has already implemented bans along it's coastline.
The Southern and lower Eastern parts of Australia recently narrowly avoided coastal genocide at the hands of Global Capitalism in the form of a giant trawler, a Super-Trawler with such enormous propensity for destruction it would have wiped out generations of food-stock, and this matter has still not been entirely resolved as it is currently undergoing litigation proceedings.
The obvious question which begs to be asked at this juncture is : Why do we always need to be growing?
Is growth inherently a good thing?
A comment heard on Zeitgeist : Moving Forward :
"The only thing which grows in a Man's body after a certain age, is Cancer"
Why is growing always assumed a'priori as the unalterable state of play?
Granted that a minimum prerequisite amount of growth will always be required in the first instance to establish Shelter, Energy, Food etc., but beyond these necessary attainments is it not possible to imagine a different World?
One which lives in a kind of Steady-State equilibrium?
Using our best Technology and Science in order to live in harmony with the forces of Nature and our environment?
The indigenous tribes of the Earth have always understood that their home is sacred.
American Red Indians, Australian Aboriginals, indigenous peoples of the Earth have always maintained a spiritual connection with their home, and their hearth, Spaceship Earth.
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