Where is Maduro's WHITE HELMET?
Written in reply to the comment below, from a contributor to the Hartmann Blogger’s Group on Facebook :~
“Tulsi Gabbard also has a few skeletons in her closet that will rise to create dissension at any time.
1) She met with Assad and believes he didn’t use any chemical weapons on his people.”
“Tulsi Gabbard also has a few skeletons in her closet that will rise to create dissension at any time.
1) She met with Assad and believes he didn’t use any chemical weapons on his people.”
A question arises from an otherwise fairly rational appraisal...:
Quote: 1)
"She met with Assad...AND believes he didn't chemically gas his own people..."
AND???? So???
I fail to see how this first bullet point is a skeleton in Tulsi Gabbard’s closet.
On these particular incidents, we have the reports and evidence of Unesco and the United Nations, and a whole host of highly reputable International observers, which have all clearly concluded that these attacks were perpetrated by those attempting to overthrow Assad...
Just as they are attempting to overthrow Maduro in Venezuela i.e with Dirty Tricks and Black-Ops!
Oh, but FOXNEWS & CNN naturally say the complete opposite!!!

Just as they overthrew the former Leader of Brazil, and replaced her with a Puppet...
Just like they overthrew the legitimately elected President of the Ukraine, and replaced him with a Puppet...
SIGH... Its an Ages Old Story!
In fact few people outside of the Land of OZ, know Anything about an Infamous Coup D’etat against one of Australia’s own Prime Ministers!
Remember Gough Whitlam and his Stand Against the Vietnam War at that time?
The CIA according to certain reports, with the concerted help of Rupert Murdoch's Newspapers overthrew Whitlam, and replaced him with Malcolm Fraser in a Constitutional Fraud, through the use of the Governor-General at that time; Kerr, who, as a result, went on to become the most despised person in the political history of the Land of OZ.
You see, America needed all the official support they could muster, in order to engage in their illegal War....and they couldn’t possibly allow their little mascot i.e Australia, to take the Moral high-ground.
Surely by Now, we can ALL see the Imperialistic Game being played?
Just like they overthrew the legitimately elected President of the Ukraine, and replaced him with a Puppet...
SIGH... Its an Ages Old Story!
In fact few people outside of the Land of OZ, know Anything about an Infamous Coup D’etat against one of Australia’s own Prime Ministers!
Remember Gough Whitlam and his Stand Against the Vietnam War at that time?
The CIA according to certain reports, with the concerted help of Rupert Murdoch's Newspapers overthrew Whitlam, and replaced him with Malcolm Fraser in a Constitutional Fraud, through the use of the Governor-General at that time; Kerr, who, as a result, went on to become the most despised person in the political history of the Land of OZ.
Surely by Now, we can ALL see the Imperialistic Game being played?
'Oh, we just want to go to Venezuela to give those poor People Food! And Aid!'
Oh Really?
(And it has absolutely Nothing to do with the fact that Venezuela has more OIL even than Saudi Arabia, or that the Ukraine has more Gas than, you get the picture...)
Well then why don't you just remove the Sanctions which are in place to prevent Medicine and Aid from getting to Venezuela in the First Place?!
THE RED CROSS...The International RED CROSS want Nothing to do with this Scam and they refuse to contribute Aid.
Have You ever heard of the International Red Cross refusing to help?
Hmmm...I wonder Why?
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"RED CROSS refuses to send Venezuela aid, WITHOUT State approval" |
Have You ever heard of the International Red Cross refusing to help?
Hmmm...I wonder Why?
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