As it turns out, the MOON is indeed, a 'Harsh Mistress'...
I am just so tired of straining my eyes to try and see 'anomalous material' which, in most cases has been wiped by NASA's Censorship Department...and yes, that Dep. Does exist, as there are interviews with staff whose job it was, to wipe and remove ANY metallic-looking or unusual objects from Nasa's imagery concerning the Moon!
Now just think about it, for a second....
Why, oh why would NASA require a Department, which sifts through every single frame of Tax-payer funded footage, and removes ANY suspicious-looking frames???
There can ONLY be 1 reason...:
"Of all possible candidates that might require the services of 'Reality-Managing', the Moon seems the least likely.
But if enough Moon facts and factoids are assembled and aligned, then it turns out that the Moon has been treated to exceedingly expansive doses of Spin Doctor machinations.
There has to be a very good reason as to WHY the Moon, of all things, needs such extensive Spin Doctor treatment"
~ Ingo Swann
"I have Never met an informed Skeptic!"
~ Dr James E. MacDonald
Apparently NASA (Never.A.Straight.Answer) and by association America, have been deceiving us for quite some time now...
~ Oh...and about that 'Computer Base' on the dark side of the Moon, evidence of which has recently surfaced from the trove of Classified material being released in this Tsunami of 'INTELLIGENT DISCLOSURE", why do YOU think it is, that the Americans haven't been back to the Moon since 1972...?
Or the Russians a couple of years later?
Curious don't you think?
They spend all those Trillions to get there, and then, and then?...they simply just Don't Go Back!?
Why did the US Government need to hire Psychics, to Spy on the Moon, when they could just go there, and SEE FOR THEMSELVES!?
This is precisely what Ingo Swann, working for the CIA at the Stanford Research Institute discovered, upon Remote-Viewing the Moon...
That 'WE' were not welcome there... and that there were already beings, living or at least working, inside the Moon's hollows, on the Dark Side of the Moon, which is of course never visible from Earth!
This is revealed in Ingo Swann’s free PDF file download, which is available on the Internet under the book’s title; “PENETRATION”
Ingo Swann, along with his famous colleagues at the Stanford Research Institute, had a phenomenal gift, one which was so uncanny, that the US Defense Dep. were willing to rely on his gift of 'Far-sight', as they did with the remarkable Pat Price et al, and if Ingo Swann was as accurate, as he apparently was by all accounts, then it is highly unlikely that his account of seeing beings, seemingly naked, inside one of the Moon's hollows, is very far from the truth.
This issue of using Psychics by the Government has been discussed and finally exposed in the recently released Movie; "THIRD EYE SPIES".
Is THIS possibly why NASA haven't been back to the Moon, since 1972, and instead chose to create a cobbled together SkyLab; the 'International Space Station', hanging, in such a forlorn, fragile way out there in Space, instead of the more obvious chosen location, which had been their original intention i.e to build a Base on the Earth’s satellite, the Moon...?
![]() |
Note* I cannot vouch for either image, they were simply searched under ; 'Moon's Anomalies' |
That something very serious happened, to NASA's plans to build a base on the Moon, is supported by the mere fact that, thereby, foregoing any plans for a base, also meant that they, being the US, would have to therefore also abandon ANY plans whatsoever, for Mining on the Moon, something which would have been quite a sacrifice indeed!
And these now redundant industrial plans are still entirely separate from their original motive, which had always been the strategic Military significance for America, of having a Military base that was positioned, so as to overlook the entire Earth...this also, had to be relinquished.
PS. If you think that the Intelligence Community will NOT be pleased to see this information 'out there', well you would be wrong, as they have No Choice.
Sigh...apparently 'THEY' still have some choice left after-all...
This video, which I had selected to back up my claims is suddenly no longer available!
It contained some extracts; photos of Government documents, which mentioned a possible base for extraterrestrials on the dark side of the Moon.
However, they still haven't been able to remove Mr Swann’s gift to the world, so to speak, and the above information is still ALL available on the Net, and clearly detailed in his book.
Here, is an alternative video on exactly this subject, (altho without the accompanying conclusion) which hopefully will help...:
Final Addendum...At last, thankfully, SecureTeam10 has come to the rescue, with this video which is the perfect companion piece to my article :~
Sigh...apparently 'THEY' still have some choice left after-all...
This video, which I had selected to back up my claims is suddenly no longer available!
It contained some extracts; photos of Government documents, which mentioned a possible base for extraterrestrials on the dark side of the Moon.
However, they still haven't been able to remove Mr Swann’s gift to the world, so to speak, and the above information is still ALL available on the Net, and clearly detailed in his book.
Here, is an alternative video on exactly this subject, (altho without the accompanying conclusion) which hopefully will help...:
Final Addendum...At last, thankfully, SecureTeam10 has come to the rescue, with this video which is the perfect companion piece to my article :~
thanku jules - extremely well researched & interesting
ReplyDeleteThank you for the kind words Grace ~ :)
ReplyDeleteSecureteam10 is a proven hoaxer.. visit theouttherechannel and watch his videos about the hoaxing he did. also high res of the crater above debunks it. and many are photoshopped. OT chan also checked out the co-ords of remote viewing and you see just normal craters
ReplyDeleteI have Never met an Informed Skeptic!