The Rupture in Reality
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TIME is an experiential phenomena seemingly devoid of independent Objectivity as it can be said to require Consciousness in order to exist. |
"The true seeker, who has recognized mankind’s total disorientation and intellectual helplessness as to the problems of existence, examines everything, not caring whether the ruling authorities have dismissed it categorically or parroting public opinion ridicules and disdains, as it does everything that it does not know or cannot comprehend."
~Henry T. Laurency
"The Unity underlying all Religions ~:
Right thought, is necessary to right conduct, right understanding is necessary to right living,
and the Divine Wisdom ~ whether called by it's ancient Sanskrit name of Brahma Vidya,
or it's modern Greek name of Theosophia, 'Theosophy' - comes to the world as at once an
adequate Philosophy, and an all-embracing Religion and Ethic"
~Annie Besant from 'The Ancient Wisdom'
Here within the confines of this small note,
and shackled by the bureaucrats of Facebook,
are rumored to be found the potentially mythic,
and much maligned creatures of antiquity,
such as the blood-stained Syllogism of Socrates,
or it's deceptively simple tools for cogent thought;
Such as preposterous prepositions that strut their stuff,
While elegant axioms, manufactured out of prosaic,
innocent-looking words, hold enormous ramifications,
and potentially...even threaten Reality itself...!
CONSCIOUSNESS is the Skeleton Key to understanding a great deal about our contemporary reality, including our understanding of Time, and where we are heading 'scientifically and philosophically'...
In other words, the Gates of Materialism have been brought asunder, smashed apart by our Mathematics and Physics, and if we follow the mercurial thinking of the Quantum world, it leaves ONLY one answer for what is to be put in it’s place i.e...Consciousness.
Max Plank, who is credited as the Nobel prize-winning German Theoretical Physicist
that founded Quantum Physics in 1918, said this :
“We cannot get behind Consciousness.
Everything that we talk about,
everything that we regard as existing,
postulates Consciousness.
I regard Consciousness as fundamental,
and Matter as derivative from Consciousness...”
A Deep Dive shall we say, down the Rabbit-hole of Consciousness, and it becomes immediately apparent that our 'Words', the tools of our thoughts, begin to break down as we slip through cracks in the conceptual and semantic barriers of language, and especially how our epistemology, concerning such subjects as Time, is just an 'ILLUSION', a cerebral construct...!
Such matters were first introduced to the World by a highly original thinker in the field of General Semantics, and in particular, a student of the more Nietzsche-an side of european Philology; namely KORZYBSKI.
Beginning with a conceptual grasp of Theism, Atheism and then Agnosticism, with KORZYBSKI'S help, at long last we were dragged snarling and kicking into the modern Existential age, along with Sartre and Dostoevsky, arriving unceremoniously on the rocky, sterile shores of Ignosticism..which, simply stated, is the position that the existence of God is meaningless, because the term: "GOD", has no coherent or unambiguous semantic definition.
There are an estimated 4,200 separate man-made Religions here on Earth.
Most of these Religions have their own unique interpretation, of the word for GOD,
and many also contain doctrines that are entirely contradictory with other Religions...
We certainly cannot expect Science or the scientific method to unravel this dilemma for us.
Equally so, Religion as seen from this perspective, is a 'Tower of babel'...constructed with eclectic voices, all of whom claim to have the only unique...truly divine message...
Thus, according to the out-dated empirical methodology of Science, we are abandoned to our own devices, alone in a vast Godless, Materialistic/Reductionist Universe, or at least that was the case up until Quantum Physics began to rear it's quixotic head.
Today the concept of Consciousness, in all of it’s manifestations, permutations and ramifications is being introduced by New-Age Physicists with increasing frequency and relevance.
And it is the incontrovertible examples taken from the paranormal world of Remote-Viewing, (courtesy of Ingo Swann and the Stanford Research Institute) which have emphatically helped to open up and confirm the existence of our non-localized, universal field of Consciousness.
In fact it was the ground-breaking film; 'The Secret Life of Plants', which first uncovered the undeniable evidence of our Connectivity with the World of Flora, and the fact that Plants, are indeed, at least in some senses of the word, 'Conscious', and it is worth noting that this film and book also came out of that remarkable period involving Ingo Swann, Hal Puthoff and Russel Targ at the Stanford Research Institute, and their studies into Psychic phenomena.

The problem now lies in learning how to define that field of non-local Consciousness using our primitive scientific instruments, our out-dated words and definitions, and the tools of our Logic.
It has become ever more obvious in our New-Age Universe, that these two disparate disciplines i.e the world of Consciousness, as opposed to the world of scientific Rationalism and Reductionist Materialism are simply put; mutually incompatible and diametrically opposed.
Ergo, a New Age terminology and definition of Consciousness needs to be introduced into every which doesn’t necessarily always require a strictly empirical, technological approach, or fall within the exclusive boundaries of pure logic and rationality in order to advance our knowledge...
This New-Age subject matter should be pursued as a practical, experiential study, and it is thereby, through our use of Meditation and other techniques to 'tune in' to the slipstream, that we can once again become 'One' with that Fundamental, non-local Field of Consciousness...
Language is obviously our problem here, and Laurency, who is apparently ( much in the manner of Rudolph Steiner) another brilliant, jaundice-eyed observer and commentator of the 'Mystical Movement' bemoans this fact as well, as when he refers to the 'transmissions' of Madame Blavatsksy, the first Lady of the Theosophical Society, saying:
"Her writings (Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine) are certainly gold-mines of facts, more resembling voluminous encyclopaedias, but they are largely inaccessible for those who have not acquired a system. Her inability to find a terminology suitable for Western language usage makes it even more difficult to study her writings…"
It is clear that what Korzybski had revealed, with his obsessive scrutiny of our terminology, were the flawed under-pinnings of our Reality, our 'subjective' understanding and conception of 'existence', and it's over-arching implications within the bigger, objective picture, something that today still finds itself entangled with faulty concepts, constructed out of elements from a debunked 'Materialistic Age'...
Hence, all of this vividly exposes the fact that we need a new Language set for the rapidly emerging; 'Aquarian Age'...and this can be initially achieved by using words already written down for us, culled straight from the various differing fields of esoteric knowledge, rather than merely from the empirically correct, Physical Sciences...
For example, in the Sanskrit language the word; a perfectly appropriate term which is quite often employed in the areas of Metaphysics, Theosophy and the Spiritual plane of existence.
"How to open up your seven Chakras, as explained in a Children's TV Show...:"
Click on the video...~
Quote; a specific type of 'Emotional muck' can block the flow of Energy between the CHAKRAS...
There are an estimated 4,200 separate man-made Religions here on Earth.
Most of these Religions have their own unique interpretation, of the word for GOD,
and many also contain doctrines that are entirely contradictory with other Religions...
We certainly cannot expect Science or the scientific method to unravel this dilemma for us.
Equally so, Religion as seen from this perspective, is a 'Tower of babel'...constructed with eclectic voices, all of whom claim to have the only unique...truly divine message...
Thus, according to the out-dated empirical methodology of Science, we are abandoned to our own devices, alone in a vast Godless, Materialistic/Reductionist Universe, or at least that was the case up until Quantum Physics began to rear it's quixotic head.
Today the concept of Consciousness, in all of it’s manifestations, permutations and ramifications is being introduced by New-Age Physicists with increasing frequency and relevance.
And it is the incontrovertible examples taken from the paranormal world of Remote-Viewing, (courtesy of Ingo Swann and the Stanford Research Institute) which have emphatically helped to open up and confirm the existence of our non-localized, universal field of Consciousness.
In fact it was the ground-breaking film; 'The Secret Life of Plants', which first uncovered the undeniable evidence of our Connectivity with the World of Flora, and the fact that Plants, are indeed, at least in some senses of the word, 'Conscious', and it is worth noting that this film and book also came out of that remarkable period involving Ingo Swann, Hal Puthoff and Russel Targ at the Stanford Research Institute, and their studies into Psychic phenomena.

The problem now lies in learning how to define that field of non-local Consciousness using our primitive scientific instruments, our out-dated words and definitions, and the tools of our Logic.
It has become ever more obvious in our New-Age Universe, that these two disparate disciplines i.e the world of Consciousness, as opposed to the world of scientific Rationalism and Reductionist Materialism are simply put; mutually incompatible and diametrically opposed.
Ergo, a New Age terminology and definition of Consciousness needs to be introduced into every which doesn’t necessarily always require a strictly empirical, technological approach, or fall within the exclusive boundaries of pure logic and rationality in order to advance our knowledge...
This New-Age subject matter should be pursued as a practical, experiential study, and it is thereby, through our use of Meditation and other techniques to 'tune in' to the slipstream, that we can once again become 'One' with that Fundamental, non-local Field of Consciousness...
Language is obviously our problem here, and Laurency, who is apparently ( much in the manner of Rudolph Steiner) another brilliant, jaundice-eyed observer and commentator of the 'Mystical Movement' bemoans this fact as well, as when he refers to the 'transmissions' of Madame Blavatsksy, the first Lady of the Theosophical Society, saying:
"Her writings (Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine) are certainly gold-mines of facts, more resembling voluminous encyclopaedias, but they are largely inaccessible for those who have not acquired a system. Her inability to find a terminology suitable for Western language usage makes it even more difficult to study her writings…"
It is clear that what Korzybski had revealed, with his obsessive scrutiny of our terminology, were the flawed under-pinnings of our Reality, our 'subjective' understanding and conception of 'existence', and it's over-arching implications within the bigger, objective picture, something that today still finds itself entangled with faulty concepts, constructed out of elements from a debunked 'Materialistic Age'...
Hence, all of this vividly exposes the fact that we need a new Language set for the rapidly emerging; 'Aquarian Age'...and this can be initially achieved by using words already written down for us, culled straight from the various differing fields of esoteric knowledge, rather than merely from the empirically correct, Physical Sciences...
For example, in the Sanskrit language the word; a perfectly appropriate term which is quite often employed in the areas of Metaphysics, Theosophy and the Spiritual plane of existence.
"How to open up your seven Chakras, as explained in a Children's TV Show...:"
Click on the video...~
Quote; a specific type of 'Emotional muck' can block the flow of Energy between the CHAKRAS...
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