Living within the INFORMATION WAR
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*Note...contains Fiction (©), or Fictitious elements. |
"Beware of those who forbid you access to wisdom and knowledge, for they speak to you only to attain power over you and to seize your goods and belongings."
~ The Talmud of Immanuel, Billy Meier
“The purpose of such propaganda phrases as "war on terrorism" and attacking "those who hate freedom" is to paralyze individual thought as well as to condition people to act as one mass, as when President Bush attempted to end debate on Iraq by claiming that the American people were of one voice. The modern war president removes the individual nature of those who live in it by forcing us into a uniform state where the complexities of those we fight are erased. The enemy-terrorism, Iraq, Bin Laden, Hussein-becomes one threatening category, something to be defeated and destroyed, so that the public response will be one of reaction to fear and threat rather than creatively and independently thinking for oneself. Our best hope for overcoming perpetual thinking about war and perpetual fear about both real and imagined threats is to question our leaders and their use of empty slogans that offer little rationale, explanation or historical context.”~
Information War: American Propaganda, Free Speech and Opinion Control Since 9-11
We are living inside an enormous artificially created giant Bubble...a Fish-Bowl...a Huge techno-social Machine, call it McLuhan's Electronic Global Village if you wish, and deep inside this virtual Plastic village there is an Information War for the control of our minds, which is really only Stage One in the contrived Wonderland of our 'GLASS-ONION-REALITY'...a Matryoshka World of WARS within WARS, which leaks out periodically, through the glittering curtain of nonsensical babble on our daily Television screens...
I began to notice that a few posts out of a minor flurry of my recent Posts and Shares to Facebook seemed to be disappearing, they were being culled before my eyes without explanation...insidiously...Silently, and they were Not being ‘Censored, Removed or Banned’...instead, in it's place we have just another euphemism, another oxymoron it seems, as the video I had posted has become another anonymous statistic, another piece of er, fact lately I have noticed that anything too bloody controversial or 'interesting', at least by my standards these daze is increasingly prone or subject to that highly dubious ailment known as the 'UNAVAILABLE' disease, which appears to be rapidly becoming an epidemic, especially on You-toob.
I began to notice that a few posts out of a minor flurry of my recent Posts and Shares to Facebook seemed to be disappearing, they were being culled before my eyes without explanation...insidiously...Silently, and they were Not being ‘Censored, Removed or Banned’...instead, in it's place we have just another euphemism, another oxymoron it seems, as the video I had posted has become another anonymous statistic, another piece of er, fact lately I have noticed that anything too bloody controversial or 'interesting', at least by my standards these daze is increasingly prone or subject to that highly dubious ailment known as the 'UNAVAILABLE' disease, which appears to be rapidly becoming an epidemic, especially on You-toob.
Curious, as I'm fairly sure that I spotted that clip on my Timeline, and that it was 'Available' only a few short hours ago...!?
Where then, did this small video clip, or prose poem article suddenly disappear to??
How does a perfectly good article or a video disappear or metamorphose into an UNAVAILABLE object, just like that?
What a devious and intransigent Creature we must be dealing with...obviously it’s one of those surly, disreputable Demons...
What a devious and intransigent Creature we must be dealing with...obviously it’s one of those surly, disreputable Demons...
As it appears to demonstrate a complete lack of a sense of Humor...!
How Strange...!
What occurred in the upper-atmosphere, or beneath the Earth I wondered, to have precipitated such an epidemic of lost videos, all containing; 'Dark' Information?
Or did my small video clip simply fall through a crack in the floor?
Where then, How? and Why did they go??
Could it have been innocently ripped apart perhaps, and blown away by the precocious winds of Climate Change?
No chance!...according to our patriotic and highly informative Corporate Mass Media, we can rest easy on that score as such 'nasty ole thangs' just don't exist!
So where did they go then, these Dark pieces of Information? did they abruptly grow wings in some novel mutation, and take flight perhaps???
No, what actually happened, is what always happens, as it is a cliched, tired old Fascist story starring our old adversaries from George Orwell's 1984, namely;
"The Dark-Thought Police"
...Those benevolent Masters of bright, shiny Public Opinion, of ‘Grey Matter’, the official arbiters of 'Good Taste' and Government-Approved Thought, and their fashionably nefarious moles, the thankless mindless minions of the CIA, who had (in their capacity as our self-appointed, beneficent Protectors) initially complained to Google, which had then subsequently complained to it’s You-tube subsidiary, all of which is of course owned lock, stock and barrel, or at the very least, entirely and utterly controlled muzzled, and hog-tied (in all sorts of hidden and devious ways) as are all of the other Social Networking platforms with few exceptions. an increasingly frenzied state of drug-induced paranoia, largely brought about by a recent International affair, involving a sloppy and hastily-managed Cocaine bust, and a further sign of positive things ahead, blended with the gross incompetence of novices, and topped-off with a rather large amount of improbably Bad Luck, our bright as a button, Virginia-blend CIA recruits blithely carried on 'carrying on'...embarking on new historic lows for Agency relations which had unfortunately involved public trust, due to an unexpected situation in which they were 'panicked' by the sudden premature return of a CEO, and thus, in a frantic effort to wipe evidence, these bright shiny Agents had thereby wound up accidentally deleting everything suspicious-looking on their 'books' for the entire weekend just like that!...and just like that, they had ushered in the new policy of repression, and the new Age of Cyber-Fascism... "A Single Click for a Man, a Global Propaganda War for Mankind..."
"The Dark-Thought Police"
...Those benevolent Masters of bright, shiny Public Opinion, of ‘Grey Matter’, the official arbiters of 'Good Taste' and Government-Approved Thought, and their fashionably nefarious moles, the thankless mindless minions of the CIA, who had (in their capacity as our self-appointed, beneficent Protectors) initially complained to Google, which had then subsequently complained to it’s You-tube subsidiary, all of which is of course owned lock, stock and barrel, or at the very least, entirely and utterly controlled muzzled, and hog-tied (in all sorts of hidden and devious ways) as are all of the other Social Networking platforms with few exceptions. an increasingly frenzied state of drug-induced paranoia, largely brought about by a recent International affair, involving a sloppy and hastily-managed Cocaine bust, and a further sign of positive things ahead, blended with the gross incompetence of novices, and topped-off with a rather large amount of improbably Bad Luck, our bright as a button, Virginia-blend CIA recruits blithely carried on 'carrying on'...embarking on new historic lows for Agency relations which had unfortunately involved public trust, due to an unexpected situation in which they were 'panicked' by the sudden premature return of a CEO, and thus, in a frantic effort to wipe evidence, these bright shiny Agents had thereby wound up accidentally deleting everything suspicious-looking on their 'books' for the entire weekend just like that!...and just like that, they had ushered in the new policy of repression, and the new Age of Cyber-Fascism... "A Single Click for a Man, a Global Propaganda War for Mankind..."
There they stood, like typical bureaucrats, pretending to gloat over their work, as if their disastrous fumble had been intentional all along saying;
“It is fitting and proper that our will has been seen to be done in this righteous manner, as the Hand of our blessed CIA giveth, just as it taketh away, and surely the Lord and our President now smile down upon our handiwork?”

You see, the video material was, and is Now being routinely deleted, simply because it may have espoused, or even merely because it had once 'contained' a particular thought, a singular Word or catch-phrase, or a point of view, a MEME which the CIA, in their infinitely paranoid wisdom could not afford to allow to reach the 'Light of Day'...
It was completely beyond the Military policy guidelines of the United States, and way-way beyond their Military-grade 'comfort-zone' to allow Us humans, i.e the great unwashed, collective citizenry to be permitted to see even a minuscule glimpse of the Truth, or a glimpse behind the 'velvet-curtain' for example, or indeed be permitted to entertain or consider, even for a moment concepts which ran directly contrary to their own highly CLASSIFIED objectives like that, as the articles and video material in question did not comply, nor did the videos conform with the official Government policy of Spin-Doctor machinations...
These Military-Intelligence-inspired, Tax-Payer-funded machinations ( Russia-Gate being just a single example) had largely exhausted their credibility in the public's gaze in the West, certainly among those on the Left, becoming increasingly transparent over decades of collusion, whistle-blower testimony and exposure, and the Military's ultimate raison-d'etre for their 30-year War, was now just an ancient spurious false-flag echo; an "Invented, Contrived Business-model-War-on-Terror”...surreptitiously influencing and cynically infecting the World’s Opinions, and the general tone of debate regarding these Military incursions and invasions (particularly in Europe) all in the pursuance and the furtherance of their own semi-divine global Agenda, unfolding like a piece of Origami, in the omnipresent on-going ‘Information War’ for our Minds.
good read jules
ReplyDeleteThank You GRACE...for your kind words :)