To America's Lost and Fallen Comrades

These pristine, orderly columns of white stone,
seem to deny the chaotic, blood-stained brutality of WAR

To all those brave, lost comrades, all those fallen Brothers in Arms, and to those who made it back home, but were badly broken and cruelly remade by the ordeal of WAR, so that they could never be quite the same bright, shining Men and Women which they once were, and which they had innocently offered up to their Country in a kind of cheerful sacrifice, as they were leaving for the War-zone in the first place...

In the eyes of the Infinite Creator, No-one is more deserving than any one else!

No one is 'better' or in a more important or 'special position' or relationship with GOD, than anyone else!
In the eyes of the Infinite Creator, not only are We All Equal...but we are ALL ONE, as in the Law of ONE. But unfortunately, if we tune-in to the hive mind of the Establishment via our omnipresent, omniscient MEDIA anywhere in the World, our Reality shifts and we receive a contrary impression! Despite their usual 'nod to Religion', their Official message to 'US' has always been laced with the implied, inferred or assumed position of moral indignation against a foreign or domestic enemy, or of a type of righteousness, of God-given 'need to know' authority, whereas, especially in our current climate of 'Plandemic' hysteria, it's over-all affect, and the 'real' message for us, is often one of: Fear...Solitary isolation and of sheer helplessness...
These isolating manipulations, which ooze in bite-sized chunks of bigotry, Racism and Intolerance from it's Donald Trump Government appear to deny the very same, simple Religious and Spiritual Truths, Truths of Community, of Love and of 'togetherness' or 'Unity' which are universally held by almost every enlightened Culture and Religion on the Earth, as the Trump circus show continues to display attitudes based on blatantly delusional ideas and beliefs, about their own separate, elevated, exceptional global status, or imaginary importance over others, and particularly over other Nations. By referencing God in their speeches, even as an after-thought, they nonetheless imply the approval of their heinous, war-mongering actions in the eyes of the Creator!

These 'exceptional' individuals were raised to believe that their Self-worth as citizens was all based on some arbitrary external Measurement of how much, in terms of material assets and shiny, new Corporate status symbols or piles of digital cash they actually owned, as in their fragile self-inflated ego bubbles, they had somehow managed to believe the Lie and convince themselves that possessing greater or superior amounts of this mercurial substance, whether Dark or Light, whether virtual or real, somehow gave them a uniquely elevated position of superiority or importance over 'Others' in the eyes of the Creator...
Meanwhile our Governments, and in particular their obsequious MASH MEDIA, bombard us daily with messages designed to reinforce these delusions of 'separateness' and 'inferiority' reinforce some kind of materially-based sense of hierarchical superiority and arbitrary 'authority' on a daily basis.
How tragically empty, I wonder, do our Lives need to be, when in order to establish our self-worth as Humans, we need to count up these flimsy scraps of paper filled with traces of human avarice, loneliness, desperation and a kind of wicked 'human frenzy'...?
As Alan Watts the great Zen Author and Spiritualist once observed ~:
"Money is something of the same order of 'reality' as inches, grams, meters, pounds or lines of latitude and longitude. It is an abstraction. It is a method of book keeping to obviate the cumbersome procedures of barter. But our culture, our civilization is entirely hung up on the notion that money has an independent reality of its own.”
Altho I have absolutely no respect for the Masters of War, which DYLAN so eloquently sang about, those brave Men and Women who did indeed hear the call of their Country, are something else entirely...:

They have made the Ultimate sacrifice for their Country, they Deserve Nothing Less than the absolute Best of Care!
They should be able to see their required Specialist, whenever they Need.
They should not have to queue up for Months at the VA, without getting processed by the System...or fall through a gaping gap in the System so that they wind up, begging on the many, many Veterans have I seen, doing precisely that!
Don't they Deserve better than this? Isn't that, what we told them when they went away to fight on foreign shores in the first place? That 'They' were our Heroes? Is THIS how we should treat our 'Heroes'?
The System acts as it is always motivated to do; in a Machine-like manner and out of blind, morally-void Self-Interest, towards efforts which maintain it's own there is Always a search for a loop-hole, another 'Cheaper' way out, an alternative plan using perhaps inferior components or ingredients...(Sound Familiar?) as it predictably turns a cold, digital blind-eye to suffering Humanity...!
It coldly and disdainfully discards it's moral obligations to it's surviving War Veterans, for the sake of more Profit... Just as it failed those heroic responders (threw them overboard) i.e those fearless Fire-fighters on that fateful day of 9/11...
Just as it has failed the average American Citizen for some decades now, with the remorseless stripping of Financial, Governmental and Institutional supports, justified as increasingly necessary; AUSTERITY MEASURES! Even Charities (Meals on Wheels for eg) or Institutions such as the E.P.A or even Schools have been recently targeted, all in favor of a more Privatized World, one which would operate strictly at the behest of, and to benefit of; purely those who pull the Government/Political strings with their Endless Bags of Cash; 'Filthy Lucre'...
Ah Money! Sigh...For the misery, suffering and enslavement of generations of Humanity which it has caused, it has a lot to answer for...Heavy Karma indeed!
That mercurial substance which greases all the Wheels of Industry around the World, and which eventually replaced the songs in their Capitalist hearts, until we all began to march to the same tune of a Digital, machine beat, just as it had replaced the Blood which pumped through their veins, with Digital Streams of binary information, flooding their Super-computers, and our hearts and eyes, and polluting the Collective Consciousness of Humanity with an endless stream of mind-numbingly useless information, which has sent Humanity 'spiraling' collectively, on an endless futile quest, searching for meaning, among the materialistic shadows of modern life, and for a kind of baptism and salvation from within the Spiritually numb, Soulless endeavors of the 3D Capitalist Dream. Despite what Trump's gum-chewing advisors and apprentice 'men in black' handlers might tell him; it was NEVER about external possessions or attributes, or material true meaning, and our true worth as humans, can only ever be found on the Inside, something which every single great Sage, Philosopher, Spiritualist and Teacher has maintained since the dawn of time...
Why oh Why? I wonder, did we never really pay that much attention, when JESUS harangued and spat at the Moneylenders, saying :
"The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil"
How could we not understand a clear statement like that, or were our ears already ringing? From the Siren-songs of Hollywood and our semi-divine Media, and were WE already caught?...trapped and seemingly forever cocooned like conditioned Monkeys by the whispered promises of Consumer Capitalism, and an endless parade of imagery which had captured us 'psychologically' from an early age...? Hopelessly transfixed by an 24-hour non-stop, liquid stream of seductive, Carnival-parade imagery and the Sing-Song eye candy of the Television Wizard...
Suckling neurotically at the System's burnished Steel nipple and the Plasmatic, Artificially Intelligent, Technocratic monstrosity that squatted invisibly at the Heart of our SYSTEM.
With it's incessantly glittering facade of empty, soulless messages mechanically regurgitated over endless banks of Computer and Television an enormous collective effort across the globe, to hypnotise and enchant it's captured audience...
All in a vain attempt to fill the constant burning ache inside, forever longing for the kind of real Spiritual, Psychological, and Emotionally-intelligent nourishment which only Truth can provide...
NO MORE LIES!!! Tear down this 'CLASSIFIED' monstrous Governmental edifice to 'hubris'...'separateness'...and 'exceptionalism', which has kept Humanity intellectually under ; 'Lock & Key' for many, many decades... And thereby remove 38 separate levels of Government Black-budget "CLASSIFIED" Secrecy, designed to keep us oblivious to the Truth...lies which have kept Man ignorant, of his true reality, and of his true place within the Cosmos. AN END TO THE THEFT OF FUNDS! The fact that the Pentagon have a budgetary deficit of $22 TRILLION US Dollars speaks volumes all by itself...Austerity Measures? Are You Serious???
And an end to the institutional, 2nd Class treatment of American Citizens generally, which is so clearly evidenced by the Beauracratic nature of the VA for these War Veterans...
And Finally, let us have an end to the callous stripping and theft that is occurring within the average American's standard of Living, all carried out by our benevolent, so-called 'elite' 1%, through the manipulation of monetary policies and rigged Interest Rates on Wall Street...

This elite, which is commonly referred to, more romantically and traditionally as that notoriously evil group; the BANKSTERS...or otherwise known as the 'Illuminati', ultimately runs the FED, and thereby, through their direct control of America's Money Supply, they also control the American Government, and by inference or association : The entire Planet, because as we all now know, this is an ages old which the inevitably corrupting taint of Filthy Lucre makes the 'World go round.' Just as it makes their evil Reptilian hearts go a pitter-patter...
These Dark agents of America's Military/Government Cabal, have famously long conspired to take over the American Government and it's Democracy, (since at least the early years of the 20th C) and we have been warned about their insidious machinations against the citizenry, by at least 4 Presidents that I can think of... Sadly it was John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was beloved by many, that became the President who ultimately paid most dearly for daring to attempt to reveal, and control their deeply heinous machinations...: "Whatever our hopes may be for the future--for reducing this threat or living with it--there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our  Security-- a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere of human activity."
And this poignant historic sentence :
"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. "
This is how they did it.

Greedy and immoral Men, that have always sought to maximise their own Financial position, naturally at the expense of the 'have-nots'...those long-hoodwinked, silently-suffering average American Tax-payers.
We are manipulated so much in our daily lives, in such an assault on our senses, via the veritable Tsunami of meaningless daily messages, coming from our ubiquitous commercial 'SCREENS'... Messages which tend to trivialize and zombify, rather than uplift or illuminate, all diligently put together by faceless Men and Women, who will probably remain so...:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind"

~ Edward Bernaise PROPAGANDA

And Finally, let us have an end to the mostly Republican Legislative stripping and larceny, from whatever is left of America's failing institutions, such as the POST OFFICE.. A heinous 'looting' of assets that is occurring presently through out America, all carried out by it's Military/Financial Co-opted Government.
This is a Government that has become mutated and carcinogenic over it's decades of Legislative and Lobbying assault from the Corporations, so that today we see a Government which has an entirely different agenda to that of it's People!
So much so, has this pervasive influence of Foreign Money co-opted the loyalties of Politicians and Law-makers, that today, it is quite common and natural, to see 'DUAL-CITIZENS' from Israel, among America's Leaders, Movers and Shakers.
And the fact that America's cultural and Religious icons have been removed silently and insidiously from their Television screens, including the phrase; MERRY CHRIST-mass, and have thereby also been wiped from the Collective Consciousness of all Americans, (all at the hands of Foreign actors with foreign allegiances and loyalties) does not seem to be of especially great concern to the average American consumer, or to it's Media, as even TRUMP'S Secretary of State; Mike Pompeo recently made a similar declaration of Loyalty to a foreign Government and Country, with his official "On the Record" statement that from now on, in Official American eyes; 'Anti-Zionism would be considered as the same thing as Anti-Semitism.'
I wonder what America's non-jewish er, Patriotic television evangelists would say about an American President making a shameful display of being Controlled by, and showing Loyalty to; Israeli Money...and to Jewish Zionism...Jefferson would surely be Rolling over in his Grave!!!!
This is a Government whose members have become completely corrupted, by the process of Lobbying, and it's members appear to be quite accustomed to the insidious Lobbying power and corrosive influence of moral decay which naturally arises from having dual allegiances i.e the outside influence of at least one Foreign Government, and also the further corrupting influence of the powerful Political monstrosity known as :

CITIZEN'S UNITED (what a wonderful euphemism, that is)

All in order to continue to influence and pervert America's decisions, and in particular, it's Military and Foreign Policy decisions, so that America, and it's Government's priorities, are no longer even recognizable or relevant any longer today, as they have been entirely removed from the interests of it's own :  "People", compared with America's famous declaration on : Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness i.e 

Abraham Lincoln's famous; 'Declaration of Independence', a historic document that by today's standards is about as remote as you can possibly get, from Trump's officially declared position concerning the Government of Israel today...

Wasn't Religion to be kept, separate from the STATE?
This is an ages old agenda...which is entirely remote from those original sentiments and words, spoken of so nobly by America's Great Founding Fathers such as; Abraham Lincoln, and Thomas Jefferson, with words that epitomised the love of Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and Freedom, that were so representative of America's original Democratic ideals.
However...our current modern erosion, this pillaging and plundering of America's Middle Classes, and it's assets and standard of living I believe, stems largely from the collective CORPORATE influence of Neo-liberal 'think-Tank' policies, based on laissez-faire policies of economic and a philosophical Ideology which eventually 'took hold' like a bushfire, rapidly spreading globally to wherever Western Capitalism flourished, a perspective on the Earth's rapidly dwindling resources that gave Governments free reign over the environment, and over everything else as well...

in the 1970s had begun a great cry in the Media around the de-regulation of the Banking Industry, apparently our Banksters were calling for a 'FREE-FOR-ALL'... These were policies which had been sifted through for decades by cynical, plotting faceless men with troglodyte minds, and flocks of Dollar bills in their eyes, and it is these same policies which were now being employed on International sweet-heart Trade deals between certain Western Democracies, at the expense of certain others. Rapacious policies which had a direct influence in steering Reagan's speeches along the right 'Corporate' path for those who stood behind the Velvet curtain... So as to ignore the wishes and the needs of America's Citizens for the sake of the Corporatocracy and their 'Blessed' Profit margin, especially during those heady early days of Thatcherism, Reaganomics and of 'letting the Bulls loose'.

This minor cul-de-sac, at least in historic terms, of Economic greed and collusion,Trade pacts, broken promises and ecological dead ends, i.e "Neo-Liberalism" can at least be superficially seen as the driving impetus behind America's departure from it's original policies of traditional economic reason, and Roosevelt's New Deal, influenced as they were, by the early examples of Great Britain's success embarking on global ventures of Economic gain for themselves, such as the East India Trading Company, ventures which were all based on exploitation and Economic erosion for the dispossessed natives and everybody else: a CORPORATE/MILITARY/INDUSTRIAL 'approved and designed' Economic Take-over of America and it's Consumerist System, a mono-dimensional, single-minded approach that appeared to have removed itself from any human concerns, human needs or any type of human-centrist values or morals, as these Policies were invariably 'trickle-up' policies which were designed to benefit exclusively the enormous Profit margins of the Corporations, and nobody else, and they were ALWAYS introduced at the expense of the long-hoodwinked, long-suffering average American Tax-payer, and his standard of someone always had to lose, in a game of Monopoly and Musical Chairs.


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