THE END TIMES for Bill & Ted

"Let them call me rebel and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul..."


"The People never give up their liberties, except under some delusion" ~ Edmund Burke

"Just 2 Weeks to Flatten the Curve..."

“Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of the press.”
~ First Amendment to the Constitution

"In a time of Deceit...telling the Truth becomes a Revolutionary act"
~George Orwell 

"DO NO EVIL" ~ The original banner motto for GOOGLE Headquarters

"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers which can't be questioned".
~ Richard Feynman

“The most beautiful thing in the world is freedom of speech “ - Diogenes (412-323 BC) "ART is a Lie that tells the Truth" ~ Westworld S04 'The Claws of the Cabal have ravaged the landscape of our Planetary Population' ~I said that "Intelligence appears to be curiously conspicuous by it's absence..." ~ Naomi Silverman
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker a raving lunatic.” - Dresden James

"The further a society drifts from the Truth, the more it will hate those that speak it!" ~ GEORGE ORWELL

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" ~ Hamlet

'Experience has taught me that knowing one's enemy is key to winning any battle'. — Michelle Zink

Voltaire — ‘To learn who rules over you simply look to those you cannot criticize.’

 "Those who can make you believe Absurdities...can make you commit Atrocities!"
~ Voltaire

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

― Carl SaganThe Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

Note: The carnival of LIES from our Governments, which have accompanied the Corona New World Order Plandemic 
during these last 9 months or so, have forced me to go down many, novel and unfamiliar Rabbit-holes in an effort to write this piece...and it is this same didactic process with it's many stops and starts, that will probably cause me to endlessly repeat myself, something for which I humbly apologize in advance.

                   As I understand it...5-G Technology, at high enough frequencies (such as 60 Gigahertz) can directly alter the spin of the Oxygen molecule, (look it up...remember that 5-G Technology was originally a DARPA Defense Project) thereby affecting the human body's ability to metabolise it... THAT is why you saw people collapse on the decks of the Princess Cruise liners...the Chinese had placed a ring of 20 satellites beaming this 5-G 60 GIGAHERTZ frequency down onto their Ships because they had proudly advertised to the World ; STREAMING INTERNET HI-BAND< FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD...then they did their tests and sent the Ships directly under the satellite beams...People started collapsing on deck, because they couldn't get Oxygen. Note* This is not the 46.1 GHz frequencies as listed in the study directly below...60 Gigahertz can even become Terahertz through the use of the Graphene molecule, as DARPA Military application has shown...something which can seriously affect the Human Body.

The Media said it was an outbreak of COVID-19 and like any Journalistic 'Virus', it spread...but you don't collapse like that, from a Head-cold.
The impact of 5-G Towers and 5-G 60 Gigahertz frequencies - just one part of the over-all attack on the Human Immune system...
Note* this was the only study I could find because ( as has been testified to in a Senate Hearing on the 6th of Feb 2019 ) ;
"There have been NO Industry-backed studies, to my knowledge"...
at least none which the Telecommunications Industry spokesman could cite...
Yeh, sure...why wouldn't I believe them?
And yet 5-G has been 'silently' and secretly rolled out over the entire Earth???

AS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF THE VIRUS reports of 'DEATHS'? Why YES, of course they are Real...they are the same deaths that have happened for centuries, when the elderly and infirm get a head-cold or the Flu, especially when there is 'co-morbidity'.
The Irish Health Chief should be fired on the spot for Medical Incompetence 

In other words the COVID-19 Deaths are in actual fact just the re-branding of and are identical to; the annual run-of-the-mill Flu deaths from eg. Respiratory ailments, or simply end-of-life issues...that is, at least according to a Johns Hopkins University statistical study which recently came out and which was promptly and hastily removed from view (why is that?), however it was still (briefly) available on the Internet Archive. This paper showed that the Annual Deaths were at least initially (estimated globally and during a Pandemic mind!) actually at a 13 Year Low. These Deaths are NOW re-branded as COVID-19 deaths using a Fake PCR Test and bountiful financial Incentives...:

RUDOLPH STEINER ~ Father of Anthroposophy 
Second Addendum...: Again, this is only as I understand it...Alas...Reality once again turned out to be even trickier than I had suspected : There wasn't, there isn't, and there never will be a natural Virus as it was never purified or ISOLATED. Note* The CDC literally states this on their web-site; "No quantified Virus Isolates..."
'...Doesn't EXIST!'...i.e Was the Common Cold ever isolated and cured?
OH?'s only available on a Computer screen? Hmmm...

Thirdly, The 'KOCH Postulates' were Never fully established for COVID and yet this is the standard procedure for scientifically verifying a Virus. WHY IS THAT??? How? Could they ignore their own guidelines? And more importantly; WHY? And Finally...for those who insist on not comprehending the full extent of this Scam, or what I am saying, in other words those who scorned my words on the first draft of this article; In order to see exactly how much of an actual 'deception' this is we need to look further at the genetic work done, because in the paper from Chinese scientists they clearly stated precisely what work had been done in order to establish the claim of an existing disease and because they did not have the SARS-COV-2 full genome sequence they took a fragment, one step on the DNA sequencing ladder! One...then, because they only had a fragment, (30,000 Base Pairs) they
surmised that based on the genetic code of their fragment that it would be somehow similar to Sars-Cov-1 and so then they substituted, or 'spliced' the missing links with their own from COV-1, thereby completing the DNA structure and VOILA!~! And if you doubt me, then please do your homework as I had to. In other words it was a Computer mock-up, a fabrication with Cool graphics...besides, the Christian Drosten 'Polymerase Chain Reaction' Test, in the words of it's Nobel-prize winning Inventor; KERRY MULLIS, was not suitable for detecting Covid or indeed any other 'virus' as it was not designed to be used in the way it is being used i.e 'Not for Diagnostic purposes'...but unfortunately he Died, typically and once again oh so predictably...shortly before the prophetic Pandemic Scenario ; "Event 201" had been rolled out for the World, an event that was cynically staged and hosted in a
blatantly 'predictive-programming' kind-of-way by the same bad actors who are currently behind our present global Lock-down.
These were thinly veiled logistical plans compiled from decades of agenda-driven 'research' into finding practical techniques for controlling the collective actions of entire colonies, or even entire societies or Nations of hairy, biological little mammals. It was always about 'Controlling the Herd'...
In order for such gargantuan Psychological Warfare plans to be fully enacted globally required a synchronized effort to completely shut down independent thought, criticism or any contrary inconvenient scientific facts regarding the officially held BS narrative through the use of those infamous and by now surely transparent; Corporate "Fact Checkers"....; "Off with their Heads, at once!" ~ cried the Mad Queen Credit where credit is due...we need to once again thank Mr Bill Gates and his team of Yes men for another strategic innovation or mutation taking place in our society with the emergence of Orwell's : 'THOUGHT POLICE'.

It was especially interesting to discover how neatly these logistical Pandemic Plans conveniently dove-tailed completely 'in-Synch'
 with our current Global problems!...such Timing was truly impressive and fortuitous!

How eerily 'prophetic' it was in hindsight to hear from all of those highly paid professional "Health Experts" attending the fake Plandemic Scenario;
"EVENT #201"...a mere handful of months before the first outbreak...

How fittingly, engagingly and blithely, one-by-one these fine upstanding Ladies and Gentlemen had spoken up at this conference, nodding 'Sagely' in their professional capacities as cunningly calculated, quite deadly plans for muzzling the Free Speech of Humanity were introduced...for totally controlling the News Media output around the globe which were brazenly and dispassionately rolled-out...leaving only a blisteringly obvious question remaining i.e

WHY? would a spider's web of interconnected 'Health Departments' and Government Bureaucrats, in the midst of a World-Wide PANDEMIC be so demonstrably obsessed with curtailing and completely suppressing every single shred of Free Speech on the subject of the Pandemic?
If a deadly Pandemic was indeed raging across the Earth, shouldn't that be obvious to everyone without the need for this massive, unprecedented blanket Censorship of Free Speech?

If they were so confident of their narrative well then why would such harsh draconian measures be necessary?

Why did these 'Health Bureaucrats' feel it necessary to censure and punish Doctors and Medical professionals who held a contrary, differing opinion so vehemently?
Isn't that what Science does? Question and Test prevailing assumptions and orthodoxy?
Surely the evidence of their own eyes, of bodies piling up all over the World from the deadly Covid virus Pandemic, surely this would be incontrovertible evidence of a Virus and simply beyond dispute?

And Why did these cult-like figures, these remote, high-flying professionals from our Health-Care institutions, seated together at the Event #201 Conference in New York City deem it as vital to their stated goals and objectives, as a necessity in fact, to employ entire armies of 'artificially intelligent' FACT-Checkers to patrol and scour all of our Social Networking sites 24 hrs non-stop, removing and Banning ANY comment which wasn't completely in line with their official narrative?

Goebbel's statement from the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda that; ' becomes vital to suppress dissent, for the Truth is the mortal enemy of the Lie!' could not be more relevant to our present situation. 

(Note* Bill Gates & his "Gilead" Corporation, either had a hand in, or were a financially-contributing factor in 'Fauci's Protocols' to Hospitals through out the United States regarding the administration of 'REMDESIVIR' ( a fine Gilead trademarked bit of Pharmakeia ) for every Covid-hospitalized patient in America that was placed on a Respirator...and D.N.R was often additionally scrawled on the clipboard...entirely the same thing happened with incremental doses of Midazolam (commonly known as the Death-shot in U.S Federal Penitentiaries) combined with Morphine, which were administered to those especially 'Lucky' Vaccinated old folks in selected Nursing 'Care Homes' in Great Britain that required a Respirator, simultaneously across the Atlantic ocean, the same thing was occurring with Cuomo and Nursing Homes in New York, so as to create the initial cause for Fear & Panic in the Public's perception, using their mercilessly created statistics of Death. ) Perception is reality can always be changed through language and perception, as in; "NEWSPEAK". These methods of
Orwellian 'Thought-Control' and fascistic Censorship by the State are obviously reminiscent of Cold-War Communist Russia and East-Germany and they furnish us with a blatant clue as to the Malthusian, Nazi-Eugenics origins of our present predicament...
although the roots of this malaise extend far back into antiquity with the ancient Sumerians. Remember that during the reign of the Nazis those behind the German Government made it official policy to burn the data contained in certain Books as Censorship, so as to shape the perception & reality of the German people at the time exactly as the Deep State does today!~ by burning the data i.e the scientifically inconvenient Posts & Accounts of people on Facebook or Twitter or innumerable other Social-networking sites that are owned & operated by the Cabal.

FAHRENHEIT 451: Bradbury's chilling depiction of censorship in a future technocracy ties the Nazi burning of books from our past, together with what was at that time in the 60's; 'the Future' so evocatively and convincingly that we cannot help but notice the ominous parallels within our own dystopian Age of Corporate manipulations & never-ending, statistical deceptions which the Deep State are currently
rolling out like an assembly line on a nearby screen...451 is the Temperature at which Books spontaneously ignite.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the Truth is the mortal enemy of the Lie."
~ Joseph Goebbels, the German Reich Minister of Propaganda 1933 - 1945

"The Lie can never withstand the Truth, which destroys Evil in it's fire" ~ Billy Meier : 'The Talmud of Immanuel' Our Social behavior is being orchestrated, choreographed and coordinated, using PSYOPS attacks on Society and on our collective consciousness...'Dark methods' that have been compiled and documented over many decades by 'bought-and-paid-for' technocratic, Intelligence Agency bureaucrats.

Ruthless cynical game-theory stratagems towards an intolerable and quite specific ; Medical Genocide. Expensively written academic research papers employing thoroughly amoral, clinical Psychological strategies for the complete control manipulation and transformation of human societies and nations in order to keep us marching in 'Lock-step' towards their criminal end-goal of 'Culling the Herd'... i.e the "Useless Eaters".
As if straight out of ; The PROTOCOLS...

"Welcome Doctor Frankenstein! So good to see you again..." Science is being employed as a Bio-Weapon against us by these Materialistic Machine-Men... The concept of Covid-19 as a deadly Pandemic has been methodically, patiently crafted and assembled on our Earth, breaking 'Headline by Headline'...altering definition by definition in the Medical literature, incl. the alteration of the definition of the word; "PANDEMIC" something which should be an obvious give-away... dotting all the i's, crossing all the t's and covering all of the bases. An especially destructive viral Meme has been masterfully introduced and woven into an incredibly intricate web of Lies that were drip-fed in mantra-like fashion to our distracted, Free-floating, anxiety-plagued minds in a kind of Military Campaign...and once their gestalt hallucination, the Magick 'Spell-ing' of a deadly virus had been cast, taken hold in society and been firmly insinuated into our subconscious minds using the repetitive, subliminal oscillations of the Television screen, this perceived
could then be utilized by the Cult ( via their long-established regulatory Health & Safety controls ) as their justification, their raison-d'etre for a draconian Lock-down and a World-wide coup d'etat...all nicely shrouded beneath the pretense of an international state of Medical Emergency...i.e their particular 'TROJAN HORSE' to be employed across the entire planet.
"The welfare of Humanity is always the alibi of Tyrants" ~ ALBERT CAMUS

A contagious event so calamitous that it required our complete, global
Social Transformation...stripping our Sovereignty ( incl. Economic, as in the greatest 'transfer of wealth' in History! ) and our basic, Democratic Human Rights world-wide in order to contain this especially deadly disease...!
From the Protocols of ZION by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

This was contrived, fabricated and then saturation-spread over the air-waves so as to achieve the openly-stated objectives that Mr Klaus Schwab & his cohorts (incl. the World Economic Forum & DAVOS) had so famously and glibly laid out for us in his book titled : "COVID-19 & the Great Reset" published on the 9th of June, 2020 Which was the openly-stated 'Utopian'
 end-goal of 'Re-Engineering'
the Human Race into a new image, a Trans-Humanist design that secretly exploited the bizarre, unearthly attributes of the Nano-particle material; "Graphene Oxide" for the creation of the genetically-modified 'Human' version 2.0...A CYBORG race of beings that would finally usher in the glory of their New World Order...:

Klaus Schwab:

"It is a system which changes US! is the Fusion of Our Physical, Digital and Biologica
l Identit

Yes, but How exactly would you achieve that, Mr Schwab?

Note* we'll get into this Trans-humanist subject matter in more detail further into this article.

But would their clearly enunciated, Soulless vision of the end-goal, where; ' vill own Nuszink, but be Happy...', would this be a type of halcyon shining technological Utopia as depicted, or a level of Hell in Dante's Divine Comedy?

It was always intended to be the latter, for the organic 99% of us.

Using the work of Sigmund Freud, Behavioral Psychologists from the Fifties such as Skinner and Watson and the accumulated insights of George Simon, Robert Hare, William Sargant (author of the highly influential ; "Battle for the Mind") Ivan PAVLOV, Dr Ewen Cameron, Korzybski, Vance Packard (author of "The Hidden Persuaders"), Edward Bernays and many others, their methods of manipulating society have been refined into a body of well-documented work over many decades, work which has included extensive research beginning with the control and behavioral modification of rats and other mammals, all of which was quietly and insidiously developed thanks to the enormous generosity of another warm 'Hoomanitarian' ; Rockefeller... This is the same Rockefeller that had been the driving financial impetus behind the founding of the World Health Organization in 1946, our old now familiar friends at the was he who had donated the original land in Manhattan for the United Nations building. Ah yes! The WHO's Eugenics conference in 2009, hosted by the Vaccine Industry...Kissinger's speech must have been a real hoot! Vaccine-Men or Chemical men such as the white-collar armies of Hit-Men from Big Pharma were in full attendance, hanging on his bated breath like it was a Religious Mass during Easter celebrations. Afterwards Kissinger, Rockefeller and their band of hangers-on and groupies (loyal brethren to a man) undoubtedly attended the obligatory After-Party at the U.N, along with all of those Top-Shelf New York hookers and Party-girls, the Cocaine and other exotic intoxicants...after all, these were our highly lauded, Capitalist trend-setters! These were VIP Business-Men that benignly guided the ebb and flow of our nation's Money-Markets using that ancient, arcane tool i.e the Invisible Hand or otherwise known as; 'Babylonian Money-Magick'.

Shouldn't they at least deserve some small measure of compensation, for their thoughtful, altruistic labors on our behalf? i.e for their enterprising and enthusiastically robust schemes to ensure that all of our Children and elderly
are fully Vaccinated and protected???
After all...isn't there a deadly 'Pandemic' raging across the Earth? with people dropping all around us like dead birds in a Hitchcock scene? Some days I can barely get out of my front door it's so congested with the victims of Covid-19...Oh God Yes! Please Sir...Protect Me from my Fears!

"Bring Out Ya Dead!" ~ Monty Python Note* I realise that our situation is not really appropriate material for levity and humour, it's just that I find the entire subject matter of the 'deadly Covids' quite Surreal and sometimes laughter feels like the only Sane response, in a World gone Mad. Ah...Kissinger, the Rockies and their ilk; the 'ILLUMINATI', obscene and wealthy beyond measure, most of whom are no doubt beaming momentarily from beyond the grave. I can almost see them now, lined up like a spot-lit catwalk of 'The Usual Suspects', an ancient League of Dishonorable and Infamous 'Carcinoma Angels', as if all of those black and white text book photographs from history had suddenly blurred together. As if their waxen, withered faces had been captured, etched into a single blurry freeze-frame photo of an old Polaroid and there they stood with their ancient inbred blood-lines, revealed in all their malignant majesty like slick Puppets without Souls...just hollowed out glistening husks of their former selves,
permanently trapped in a loop of repetitive tasks...victims of genetics and the inexorable gravity of their own Karma after centuries of Evil. Propped-up like hollow shells of ritual and privilege, long ago lobotomized from any Human concerns and disconnected from the voices of their own hearts. Devoured by a powerful, ancient Reptilian darkness and consumed in the fires of their own obsessive lust for Power & Control like enslaved captives of their own Disease.
From the excellent 'Academy of Ideas' on Youtube 
It's a sick kind of smile...see? Look into the deep vacuum of their Adrenochrome eyes as they draw us in like binary Black holes, exposing the gaping nebula of plummeting despair at its core. A type of insane leer, usually seen in the faces of homicidal clowns flickers and twists across their faces. They are smiling now, as they step into the fawning Paparazzi light...and sometimes waving...or even Dancing... Waving & tik-tok Dancing from the balcony of room: #9-11 'Hi-Fiving' each other from the Penthouse of another cheap, sleazy mask-infested piece of towering real-estate and still clinging desperately to their material illusion. Rumored to have been seen clinging tenaciously to an ethereal vanishing point, a final cliff-edge in the intangible fabric, in the folds of the ineffable Spiritual void. Nevertheless they and their minions are now Smiling...from every Corporate-owned media platform and Plasma screen like Medieval charlatans paraded before us as benign, obscure VIP's from the Church of the Holy Experts.
Pulmonary Plague 1656

"Come on Children...It's time for your Medicine" says an encouraging paternal message from our Health care professionals. Doctor Fauci Clones come in all shapes and sizes, ( talk about an Appeal To Authority...Lolol ) but they all share the same annoying common tongue; The Church-speak or 'Orwellian NEWSPEAK' of the Holy Experts...; 'Expertism' or 'Scientism'... Using tactics of confusion via a constantly shifting stream of contradictory medical advice, superstitious practices and primitive Voodoo beliefs such as touching elbows instead of shaking hands whilst on Camera ~ Lol, these High Priests and Priestesses of Big Pharma look down on us from a podium somewhere, sweating profusely under the hot lights and still smiling for the cameras, adorned in their finest stethoscopes and surgical gowns meanwhile generously distributing toxic chemicals for the elderly and for our children.
Notice the 3 phases of the 2010 'Operation Lock-step' on the right-hand side, which arose from the earlier 'Operation Dark Winter' in 2001... The 3 phases listed above are a precis and are paraphrased from the original document, with the 'filling in' of 5-G and COVID-19.
The original is however just as damning and even more detailed and prophetically accurate...

Naturally they are smiling as 'they' have been planning this for a very long time. Which includes the elite 1% from the Club of Rome and other nefarious groups such as the TRILATERAL Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations with their 'Bilderberg-Group' cohorts from Bohemian Grove. Cecil Rhodes and his creation of the "Round Table"...all of whom are 'Illuminated' Freemasons!
Cecil was himself another protégé of Rothschild, as was J.P.Morgan...
These are some of the original; "Conspiracy Theorists"

Plus The 'JASON' Society...and their 'Defense Advisory Panel'...
Quote from Jason :
'Artificial Intelligence is seen as the 'Key' enabling technology...
along with Human/Computer interactions of various kinds...

and of course The ILLUMINATI Cabal itself, that dark thoroughly insane Cult, which now squats visibly over the Earth like a venomous bloated Spider, these are the elite Psychopathic remnants of genetic antiquity who have finally revealed their hand and stepped into the light, emerging from their ancient crucible, from an especially perverse infestation of the darkness. During all of these final dizzy decades of ephemeral, idle consumerist TV distractions our minds were gradually introduced to a trickle and then to a flood of inane FREE Brain-Warp, Big Brutha Reality Shows or Survivor Shows plus a non-stop parade of Cooking Shows introduced to us with a warm, real-genuine; Advertising smile...a Cash-prize and a catchy opening song... A never-ending parade of entirely meaningless, bizarre er, ironically-termed; 'Reality-Shows' which only served to illustrate and mock the yawning chasm, the noticeable sense of existential 'angst' or the anguish rapidly emerging from the heart of our Western cultural focus and our Consumer-driven, materialistic lives. As Rabbit said in: "Taking Liberties with Lewis Carroll" : 'We have become unchained from our Sun...from our 'spiritual hearth' and we are now giddily reeling, unchained through the cold vastness of the aether...' or words to that effect, as I keep losing my copy.
In simple terms we have lost contact with our inner-most voices...those of Empathy, Virtue, Honour or even common Morality and Ethics, having lost Compassion for our fellow man i.e Humanity, as these inner voices have been relentlessly drowned out through decades of perception-management via our ubiquitous communications technology i.e the deafening cacophony of Corporate Capitalist Lies and the perceptual manipulation which streams from the Mash Media, in our permanent, non-stop; "24 Hour day"

It appears that our Western Kulture has been thoroughly hijacked under the influence of the Deep-State and their 'Dream Machine': i.e HOLLYWOOD for far too long without any sort of credible, substantial Political voices in opposition or even anyone ever daring to question for example; To what end or aim are we being led by our Planet's Monetary decision-makers and in which direction? To achieve what kind of outcome or Agenda? CUI BONO? Have our social scientists and Psychologists ever asked themselves; what is the ultimate over-all, cumulative effect on an average citizen, over an approximately 75-year time-frame of an unremitting, remorseless campaign of Intelligence Agency Psy-ops, of Media spin and lies, subliminal messaging, sexual depravity and immorality, gratuitous violence and the endless Military propaganda beaming each and every evening out of the glossy portal of the Television screen for their entire lives, from the cradle to the grave? No one and no nation among our Western countries has escaped this Free-to-air onslaught!
What effects I wonder, does this relentless Psycho/Spiritual Warfare assault have on a Nation's level of Crime, on it's social cohesion and on it's relative Educational level?

Or on the general Moral climate, or on a nation's relative level of Sanity or Psychopathy...for example; what are the latest statistics on the tragic reality of Fentanyl Addiction in America's largest cities? 

Or on a Nation's common level of Happiness, or Fear?

What deleterious effects would this remorseless, life-long assault on human perceptions have on a Nation's collective consciousness after so many years of repetition I wonder?
Judging by the complete silence from our political leaders on these topics, I guess we can safely assume that they lack the will-power to act and cannot abate or oppose this gargantuan tide of Military, Medical and Psychological Spin, as our political leaders have evidently almost all been compromised and corrupted...'bought and paid for' by the same group that uses Movies and the Media to shape our perceptions of Reality.
A kind of PLEDGE has been signed by each and every one of these "Dual-Citizen" Political Puppets! This is like a guillotine collectively hanging over their political careers and that of their Parties...and without signing this pledge, their political survival and their campaigns for office go largely unfunded and so they are then 'weeded out'. A type of 'Regulatory Political Capture' within the halls of the American Government has been happening for decades through the enormous influence of Lobbying money, the persuasive power of the Deep State with it's deep, dark pockets and it has become obvious that our Culture and our entire Civilization is currently under a kind of Moral, Psychological, Physical and Spiritual attack from these same 'wicked forces
in high places'.

We are ultimately being taken by the hand and led down a shiny path of glittering moral decay, Spiritual sterility and over-all disempowerment and disenfranchisement from our trumpeting Pied-Pipers, herded towards an ignominious fate that is completely contrary and counter-productive to our own general happiness as human beings and entirely devoid of personal autonomy or even a shred of Freedom.
Our personal, hard-won Freedoms are under attack from an ancient, Evil force! 

Divide, Separate, Confuse and Conquer through Fear, Lies, Black-Ops and disinformation followed by a barrage of heated Classic-Marxist, Critical Race theory; 'Identity Politics'... These are the main tools in their arsenal and due to this relentless barrage, it appears that we are losing our way as a human collective. As a civilization we have largely forgotten the teachings of our ancestors...fundamental rituals and ancient songs concerning who we truly are as Individual, sovereign spiritual beings with 'Higher Selves'...songs which speak to our over-all unity as one species...our inter-connectedness 'Quantum-mechanically' with the vast morphogenic Field that is Consciousness...and yet despite being sentient, Spiritual beings temporarily inhabiting physical bodies, we are constantly being programmed to view ourselves from the Outside in our 3-D material video-game world. What matters most in our topsy-turvy, Cultural Decadence is apparently cosmetic, superficial physical appearances and skin colors and Not the inner substance of our true selves i.e our 'Character' and then only as in a visual 'reflection' from within the Looking-glass Scrying Mirrors of our Mobile Phones, captured by the ephemeral whims of Fashion with status symbols and the identifying markers of a particular political tribe or gender Brand or skin Color.
As Humans we are generally speaking social beings and herd mammals and in terms of the CABAL'S objectives our Psychological manipulation and Brain-washing appear to work most effectively for them, when we identify with a Group or Tribe setting as in the phenomena of : "Mass Formation Psychosis" whereas for the loner...the individualist, who doesn't particularly wish to belong to any identifying pack or tribe, who just wants to find his or her own 'Truth' it looks like the Romance is rapidly waning... In the Corporate Media's sterile realms of artifice, illusion, lies, Psy-ops terrors, Fantasies and fake dreams, it's now all about an apparent obsession to establish which Pidgeon-hole Gender Group or sexual pronoun we fall into! It's about manageable 'Identity' categories...Pigeon holes and little boxes to keep us apart and to divide us into... Driving a deep wedge between our relationships. The division and hostility towards the Unvaxxed versus the Vaxxed being a clear example, actions which at their essence are just more classic "Moral Relativism". It's about 'Labels' and badges and categories of digital identification which en masse make us far easier to divide and separate, track & trace, tabulate, monitor and control than say a heterogenous, unpredictable group of Individuals! In other words it's far more efficient and organized in a 'neat and logical' fashion for an Artificially Intelligent cluster of algorithms to have to deal with. In the West we have been well-trained since childhood to be good conformists, to obsess over monetary gains and the acquisition of material objects, thereby creating a competitive social hierarchy...a pecking order obsessed with material affluence. Alluring presentations of fabulous eye-candy & monetary prizes were paraded before us on an endless stream of non-stop TV Shows that were invariably punctuated over a full evening's entertainment, by a smorgasbord of advertising seductions from our benevolent nightly sponsors and always lavishly back-dropped with Hollywood clichés and status symbols.
Vulgar, mind-numbing and Spiritually bankrupt Shows that were and still are being presented to us
each evening by our 'Owners' ostensibly as harmless, wholesome 'Bread and Circuses' Family Entertainment.

(( Today it is perhaps worthwhile to contrast the decline and moral decay of our own Western hegemony or Plutocracy with another classic tyranny of Empire; namely ROME...and to consider the fact that a certain Spiritual Decadence, an 'illness' had similarly begun to take hold within that Ancient Roman Empire, just prior to it's ultimate decline and collapse and that within the court of Caligula for example, as just one of numerous other parallels, in all of their depravity their so-called Civil-ization had also begun to display a clear fascination with Spiritually numb, idle distractions, carnal pleasures and competitive, gladiatorial Blood-Sports, while their Emperor bathed in goat's milk, crafting, plotting and dreaming on, of the many assassinations and betrayals yet to come. An Emperor who, after devouring an entire Hog's head before his assembled guests in one sitting began to host an endless parade of exotic culinary extravaganzas and enormous banquets, lionizing the Chefs & Cooks responsible in the process, who all took a respectful bow to the Emperor in gratitude, praising him awkwardly in lines of purple prose for their elevated status, for being honored and feted in Rome like ultimate Culinary artisans and Cooking Celebrities.)) Meanwhile...behind the green velvet curtain, behind the glossy black plasma-screens;
'The Cult', whose name Shall Not Be Spoken, or at least only in a whisper and then only from within the 'Cone of Level-42-CLASSIFIED Silence' continued to slither and crawl and tip-toe towards its final destination... Faceless well-paid Lab-Rats are finally scampering for cover after having completed their Master's bidding. They have been conspiring in the sterile, academic darkness for many decades now, busy with their schemes for You and I; see The Tavistock Institute for just one example...again financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and the 'Usual Suspects'. All in order that they might completely control Human behavior! Surreptitiously...scientifically...profitably... Our 'Directed' Social-Engineering...our 'Directed Evolution' was always the ultimate 'name of the game' ( see the complete naked exposure of Big Pharma by the brilliant James O'keefe from Project Veritas ) and it is finally all coming to fruition ~ also the superb Documentary on this subject and of course all of their other excellent videos which include the subject of the CIA'S notorious behavioral modification efforts such as; 'Operation Mockingbird' in which agents of the Security Machine ( tools of the Deep-State ) were infiltrated into all major American Media outlets ( did they ever leave? ) & MK-ULTRA, by Aaron & Melissa Dykes from "TRUTHSTREAM MEDIA" titled:
From Truthstream Media, notice the Masonic/Illuminati Eye at the top.

Something like the 'Hegelian Dialectic' has become their cliched and tiresome but always alas, effective Modus Operandi i.e 1) Create a Problem...a Crisis...; "Ooo, look! A Bat virus outbreak in a Wuhan Market-place!" 2) Stand back and allow the seeds of division to ripen; the paranoia to rise...the 'Reaction' to fester, and then step in and offer the :~ 3) er, Final 'Solution' or the Synthesis, all wrapped in the finest legalese and Government 'Double SPeak'. In otherwords;
"Order Out of Chaos", an old Latin favorite of the Cults...'Ordo Ab Chao' and which today has been rebranded as; Build-Back-Better. This clandestine Cult of the "1%" have refined and evolved heinous strategies, techniques for manipulation using Fear and anxiety among an already shell-shocked and Cognitively Dissonant citizenry, thereby shutting down and paralyzing our logical reasoning skills and our critical faculties and leaving only the Reptilian brain in charge, in order to achieve their intolerable psychopathic Agenda cloaked beneath an academic pretense, an air of Science or; 'Health & Safety'...;
"The welfare of Humanity is always the alibi of Tyrants" ~ ALBERT CAMUS

A shiny plastic facade...a 'Smiley' yellow badge of bureaucratic legitimacy...supplied by America's prestigious, 'Patently' Cash-rich, Ivy League educational institutions.

All for a 'higher-purpose' which never acknowledged it's own nefarious historical pedigree or the heinous agenda that we are strategically still being herded towards; coerced and ultimately terrorized by our fraudulent Politicians into an uncertain Future, a deep-freeze abyss of ever-increasing Medical hazards, illnesses and statistics of 'Excess Deaths' via their highly profitable untested Corporate medical procedure or 'intervention' for the entire Human Race like oh so many, many LEMMINGS OFF A CLIFF... For an Agenda of openly-stated "depopulation" which is carved into the "Georgia Guide Stones" in 8 separate languages, four of them being ancient. A lineage that can be traced with connections directly to Hitler's NAZI Eugenics work and beyond, deep into antiquity which, like a Cobra visibly raises it's serpentine head once again from the pages of the Rockefeller Institute's no doubt generously funded report on ; 'Operation Lockstep' from 2010. This Paper is just one example 'out there' which clearly describes all of the 'Totalitarian Tip-Toe' events that we have seen being meticulously rolled-out before our eyes, ( incl. the intentional release of a highly-contagious Virus ) with a type of insidious duplicity worthy of a Machiavelli, or culled straight from the pages of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu...and this has been oh-so effectively achieved by completely controlling the entire nauseous output, the entire narrative of the omnipresent, Corporate-controlled, BS Mash-Media. What the PCR Test (which wasn't a test) ACTUALLY detects are "Exosomes" and the normal Viral particles that exist within everyone. So hang on a minute, let me get this clear...'THEY' ; The Cabal and their fear-mongering puppets are attempting to convince us all that altho they were Never able to Isolate a Natural Virus at all, nonetheless they were apparently capable of producing a vaccine (which wasn't a vaccine) against this same er, secretive Yeti of a virus and in record time at that!? In my humble opinion the deliberate 'Genetic Engineering', the manipulation of our DNA goes way-way beyond the conventional, common understanding of what a Vaccine is, or indeed how it works and therefore the word; 'Vaccine' should no longer be used to describe the Bill Gates' heavily-patented ~ : Beta version of a 'Plug & Play Program for our DNA'...for Humanity's DNA. Such dedication and devotion to suffering Humanity...sniff, a tear almost wells up when ever I think of that wonderfully magnanimous and enormously beneficent; 'Caring Couple' i.e BILL & MEL :) In keeping with this Loving concern to save suffering Humanity from the deadly scourge of the killer Cov-2 virus, I suggest we allow these noble far-sighted Leaders...( and their Children as Bill will NOT Vaxx his own and yet would Vaxx the Children of the World? ) let them show us the Way! Quote : "...and then we just SHOOT IT right into little Kid's arms..." said with his usual mischievous grin by ~ Bill Gates They could lead by example and 'We' the People could help them in this endeavor by generously allowing 'Them' to take the moral high-ground so to speak by lining-up for the Real Vaxx jab first! ~ with close-up Shots! Such exemplary bold Leadership! How could we Not give such courageously forthright, such visionary Technocratic Heroes our vote? How ingenious of them! To be able to develop an instant Vaccine which is described on the CDC's own web-site as being not a Vaccine, but instead is described as a 'Plug & Play' Program for your DNA... (You know! just like a system upgrade for your Windows or Apple computer...;) And this er, 'Vaccine' was developed naturally without any human trials whatsoever! (Trials end in 2023) ~ against a Virus which they never managed to stumble upon?...even with Billions of dollars in loose change, yet they still couldn't manage to find and isolate their supposedly virulent, deadly hidden Prize?! can't patent a natural virus just as you can't patent a blade of grass...and yet, according to Dr Rashid Buttar, this particular Virus has been heavily patented... Nineteen eh? I guess I'll have to try that particular 'Lucky Number' the next time I'm in a Casino! It almost seems as if, despite these valiant men and women having battled heroically to defeat this elusive Virus, it wasn't until their nineteenth attempt that at last in a desperate, eureka moment of raw empirical science they were finally able to develop a delicious 'warm and fuzzy' Vaxx for HUMANITY...Awwww ~ ;) We have since learned that the magnification or the amplification rate of an extremely small sample, i.e the cycles of amplification of a particle of RNA or DNA is deliberately set way over any reasonable, usual guidelines and that once you get to about 30 Cycles or above, the Polymerase-Chain-Reaction Test ( which is the weapon that has been used to establish Covid Cases all around the World ) becomes invalid and will invariably create false positives with out end. Which explains why ELON MUSK gets tested by the same Nurse, with the same Machine, within the same Hour and gets 2 Positive readings for the deadly COVIDS and 2 Negative readings. And finally on this highly propagandized subject, I feel it is necessary to add that the definition of a Virus needs to be clearly understood as this particular subject predictably and at the hands of the same Cabal which wants to forcibly inject toxic and poisonous chemicals into our bodies has been endlessly mystified with BS Computer Graphics, monetarily-incentivized, patently false 'Dodge-Em-Ball' statistics and a constant stream of Fear, manipulation and Psychological Terrorism from the Puppets on our screens. From what I have come to understand via consensus through numerous sources a not a living is variously described as a 'solvent' or a scavenger or as the bodies cleanser, something which attacks and breaks down what it identifies as foreign material and it arises from the cellular level of the host organ as a de-contamination effort, as a reaction to foreign particles and toxic substances, like an annual Spring Cleaning for example and can NEVER jump from one animal like a Bat, to a different species such as Humans...unless has been artificially manipulated. Without 'Gain of Function' interference or technological intrusion and manipulation, this dubious notion of 'crossing or jumping' between species would appear to be; 'genetically suspect' because in the wild, or in 'Nature', just as a virus is particular to the specific cells and organ in which it manifests, neither can it therefore invade or cross the genetic or immunological barriers of any other animal species, or even any other organ of the body i.e it is a specific reaction to an infestation or infection within the host organ ( in the case of Corona viruses within the Respiratory tract ) and cannot affect any other organ of the body i.e your Respiratory infection doesn't spread to your Heart or your Liver or any other organ of the body altho it might feel like it. Now if this is the case...that viruses pertain to, or are endemic to the specific cells of a particular organ within the body such as the Liver for example, as in the Hepatitis virus and do not spread to the heart simultaneously, then how can a Respiratory virus go on to infect the whole World???
The fact that these studies have been confirmed repeatedly since this time and do not appear to have ever been refuted or debunked, at least judging by the relative silence, the lack of official response on this subject matter brings us eventually to ask the 64 dollar question;

Was the Transmission of a Virus EVER proven?

See  :

A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition) - Dr Mark Bailey
It is divinely designed to dissolve foreign matter within the cells of the body from which it is least that is the case within a healthy organism and so what? Now, in 2020, the virus has apparently decided to go on an extended sabbatical to cleanse the entire World as it's host, except of course in Sweden or China? And yet it can't even manage to spread to another organ within the same body? There is clearly something drastically wrong with our current conceptions of Contagion, disease and what a virus actually is and does.

And if that sounds counter-intuitive to you, I'm not surprised, as we seem to forget that almost the entire emphasis or ideological perspective of modern Western Allopathic Medicine ( which is basically just 'Symptom suppression' and 'Cut, Burn or Poison' ) over many decades, can ultimately be derived from our 'Corporate' overlords such as ROCKEFELLER and his Petro-Chemical waste materialistic 'Business-Men' whose minds and motivations are about as far removed as it is possible to be, from the Hippocratic Oath...
I guess that we can safely assume that the Special Counsel to the US Senate Committee on Interstate & Foreign Commerce must be a "CONSPIRACY THEORIST"

Big Pharma is not exactly an angel and it is surely therefore noteworthy to mention, to consider the history of these Medical Vaccine Policies as they hark back to the work of ~ :

 Pasteur, December 1822 - 28 September 1895) a French chemist and microbiologist, a Medical 'Health Expert' who was World-renowned for his discoveries on the principles of Vaccination and who unfortunately for us recanted his theories of GERM versus the TERRAIN concept on his Death-bed and who was exposed by various authors as a Plagiarist and Impostor in the decades which followed...;

Death-bed Quote : "The Terrain is everything and the Germ is Nothing"

In otherwords if the Fish in a Fish-bowl were sick, 

Should we perhaps clean the water?

Or should we just ignore the environmental pollution of our Terrain ( such as 5-G...Chemtrails etc., ) and just Vaccinate i.e Inoculate the Fish?


This is a subject
which is surely worthy of discussion and consideration, whenever an organization or a Corporation or a Cult is attempting to forcefully inject and thereby permanently and irreversibly alter the DNA of the entire Human Race, based on these underlying principles.

Another serious and obvious flaw in our Medical concepts has always been the controversy surrounding the notion of : 'Pleo-morphism' or the idea that a Virus, a Germ can change, can opposed to our old, institutionalized conceptions, which are still largely based on the rapidly fragmenting, contrary view of:~ 'Mono-morphism'... But then...this becomes another deep Rabbit-hole and we have even more serious and pressing matters at hand as people are Dying based on these erroneous or at least flawed, imperfect concepts as we speak ~ :

Quote; 'Significant adverse effects!' Why YES, I'd hazard a guess that 'DEATH' is a significant adverse effect...but how can DEATH even be a side-effect? In otherwords if you are Dead, then I don't see how the Vaxx is going to help you.

To socially sterilize and disinfect our hands not have contact, to put up perspex barriers and to wear Masks, to not have normal contact with our extended family and friends is completely counter-intuitive to what we now understand about our Reality i.e We are Metaphysical beings with extraordinary mute and untapped potential to heal ourselves.... We are gregarious herd animals and yet spiritual beings simultaneously, which at least on the material plane require our immune systems to be functioning properly as per our evolution as a species and Herd-Immunity to keep ourselves collectively healthy. Note* the WHO has recently and oh-so coincidentally transformed what has always been considered as the orthodox 'natural' definition of HERD-IMMUNITY i.e through Nature ( that is, at least since the early part of the 1900's, altho as vernacular wisdom conceptually it has been around for far longer) and the WHO now officially claim that the concept of herd-immunity refers ( Hey Presto! and Abracadabra!) to an altogether 'different' definition... I guess 'They' were hoping we wouldn't notice...; The WHO states on their web-site that this well-understood medical term actually means to use Vaccines ( who would have thought? ) as the primary method by which we obtain; 'Herd-immunity' ~ Lulz

"We'll only be Safe, or be able to 'return to normal' when we have largely Vaxxinated the entire global population!" ~ Bill Gates
~ which makes absolutely no sense medically whatsoever, sigh
In other words if you and your loved-ones and those in our society of your persuasion are 'Protected & Safe' well then why do you need to worry about what I do?

True, genuine Herd-immunity is being achieved in SWEDEN, as is now being done in WUHAN, CHINA...NO LOCKDOWN, no social isolation distancing, no mandatory masks! And if that isn't convincing enough consider the Population numbers in WUHAN alone, especially on a hot day at the one photo I recently saw there were thousands and thousands on the beach together, hip-to-hip, shoulder-to-shoulder with bare skins and not a Mask in sight...! ((*Note...the vast bulk of this article was written in October/November of 2020, altho the brutal, Kafkaesque nature of their impending Medical Imprisonment for over a Billion Chinese citizens via the 'Great Convid-19 Conspiracy' (something that was orchestrated digitally through the ubiquitous radiance of their Mobile Phones) was just 'waiting in the wings' and eventually created for this ancient lumbering Giant, for this beautiful Confucian Culture a true 1984 Orwellian technocratic nightmare of Control... The ultimate in digital hand-cuffs, a shiny glittering trap, a user-friendly Digital Prison for mankind that had been many decades in the making and which finally emerged, 'still-born' like an Artificially Intelligent mutation, an inhuman, soulless miscarriage only a month or so later...)) what is happening here? Where is this Virus that we are hearing so much about? Perhaps the COVID virus is Racist? And simply doesn't like the Chinese anymore or the Swedes?

And so to summarize for myself what has been learnt so far in this giddy rush of contentious medical data, misinformation and disinformation, the facts which have risen to the surface of our global, industrial/chemical swamp appear to lead me unerringly ( via a path of diminishing returns ) to a simple, fundamental conclusion regarding the transmissible or contagious nature of these animal cells. Which is that the ONLY way that you can end up with the type of Bat-flu cells which are described as being involved with what is spuriously referred to as; "COVID-19", is by having them :~ 1) it was never isolated, or purified... ( See the interview with the male Chinese scientist from Wuhan on 60 Minutes, Dr. Wu Zunyou from the Chinese Centre for Disease Control wherein he specifically stated exactly that ~ Quote : 'They didn't Isolate the Virus...that's the issue...' ) 2) Nor were the KOCH POSTULATES ever fully established ( RIVERS postulates don't count! ) and : 3) Nor was the entire genome sequence ever mapped...30,000 Base Pairs cannot be the complete sequence... Could someone please explain to me why there was a fairly recent Chinese scientific paper declaring exactly how they had managed to splice a Virus together using a computer to form Sars-Cov-2? How? could they and Why? would they even do this work and then publish it officially if they already had an intact, full genome sequence? Combining what I have already stumbled upon so far, we find ourselves as a result in an unfortunately invidious position, one which compels me to recognize that I can sustain not a shred of confidence in the official narrative and that I should be in little doubt that the only true way that one can have Bat cells or Monkey Kidney cells, Bird-flu cells or Swine-flu cells or fetal Calf serum or aborted Human fetus cells ad nauseum, thriving within your body is by having them forcibly injected. When everything else has been revealed as a manufactured fiction, whatever remains however improbable ( to borrow Occam's Razor ) is usually the simple truth...i.e pure Evil. IMAGINE...let us ask ourselves; why exactly is it that we have shut-down the entire economies of the Earth, for a virus which was never isolated? For a virus which, by it's own inflated statistics has a 99.7% recovery rate??? Did we catastrophically shut-down i.e completely stifle and paralyze the Economies of all the nations on the Earth during our annual Flu Deaths? And this collective frenzy of institutional/Corporate Medical tyranny is all based on their highly selective, cherry-picked statistics of Death such as those caused by Influenza (combined with old-age and co-morbidities) annually throughout the World? These Centuries-old Flu & Respiratory death statistics have been suddenly, miraculously wiped from our collective-consciousness and simultaneously from our Databases world wide... So that the Cabal could insert their own fake version of Reality ( Covid-19 ) substantiated and legitimized by our omniscient Mash-Media ( over and over again ad infinitum to the point of nausea ) through the intentional manipulation of a Fake-PCR-Test, in order to alarm the public enough to be able to choreograph our collective movements and behavior ( as if we were a herd of sheep or extinct Bison ) into obediently laying down and complying with their plans for a Fascist World-wide Take-Over ( the Great Reset ) something which is ultimately leading us to our own Genocide. This has been ably assisted to give just one example, by the hysterical statistics for what are referred to as : 'A-symptomatic' COVID-19 cases ( stats which once again are pure nonsense and are established using a fake test! ) and then ramming these fake 'Case' numbers down our throats via modern societies only remaining source of reality these daze ; the 'Idiot Box', in endless mind-numbing repetition. How often did I see the same headline occurring simultaneously around the Western World? And every single Headline had exactly the same statistics to report for their local National News: "~33~ New Positive Covid Cases!" detected this week in : add your own city and country... You mean to tell me that all of these Hospitals all over the World, ALL had precisely the same number of Positive Covid-19 'case detections' in the same week or the same month? Exactly "33"? Sigh...'They' must assume we don't know how to use the Internet. The 33d Degree of Freemasonry is apparently a popular number these daze. This is perhaps not so surprising when one considers how many Hospitals around the world, proudly display the Freemason symbol by their Main entrances... Are these stats not in the same category of Influenza respiratory Deaths that have consistently occurred, at least up until Dec.31, 2019 and often in higher proportions for many centuries? So hang on...did these people Die with Covid or from Covid? Wasn't Bill Gates photographed with one of his favorite books; "How to Lie using Statistics"??? The Cabal must be quite satisfied with themselves and their loquacious, chattering Investments...for having financially captured and strategically assembled the entire Tower of Media-babel around the World, like an incredibly ancient slow-motion War-Game maneuver, almost
reminiscent of strategies often practiced by Alexander the Great...and now at last the Reality-grid illusion, the 3-D Matrix is complete...our Global village fishbowl has been hermetically sealed in Live High definition 5-G radiance.
It is largely due to this same complete and utter, inherently problematic, full-spectrum dominance & ownership of the Media landscape that the Scamdemic 'Gas-lighting' of our societies is able to continue the remorseless assault on Human Consciousness with the toxic pollution of our minds... Note* "Gas-lighting" is loosely defined as tricking or deceiving someone into questioning their own sense of reality, something which, as citizens of Earth we have all been subjected to from our smiling Media & Political whores ( for example the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" that never were...) and it represents one key aspect of the Cabal's portfolio of investments, in a much larger pattern of strategic, linked investments concerning ownership of our planet-wide network of communications infrastructure, so that by using their well-practiced traditional methods, the less-than-1% can continue to quietly roll out their dystopian end-game, i.e the demise, control and complete subjugation of the Human Race.

See the book "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" just for example...wherein are revealed the real views of our planet's Monetary Owners i.e the less-than-1% ( who incidentally also own the US FEDERAL RESERVE and almost every Central Bank around the globe incl. the IMF and of course the Bank for International Settlements, the BIS in Basel Switzerland ) and it is within these unholy pages that we uncover their real intentions for the rest of Humanity, 'the Goyim' i.e 'Us, Gentiles'...a book in which their highly-revered Religious 'Elders' have neatly articulated in bullet-point Protocols, their merciless plans for systematically destroying AMERICA...: "They ( Americans ) will deliver their Babies up to us!" and also for eroding, Spiritually and in every other way corrupting and ultimately extinguishing all other Religions on Earth.

From the Protocols of Zion by Janet Ossebaard

"But the precept of observing social laws is a positive one, yet it is reckoned? — It is both positive and negative.
והא דינין קום עשה הוא וקא חשיב קום עשה ושב אל תעשה נינהו
R. Johanan said: A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death, for it is written, Moses commanded us a law for an inheritance; it is our inheritance, not theirs." 

~ trawled from the Web

~The TALMUD - ZOHAR 1, 160a

Pouring off these seriously wicked, scandalous pages like an unnatural, unearthly mist is a cold, inhuman disdain for Humanity, for their fellow Man and it is all couched in a type of elitist, condescending phraseology, language which, for a Religious diatribe is 'breath-taking' in it's lack of humility, in it's utterly inhuman, Machine or BORG-like callous cynicism to say the least.

"The Talmud* tells the Jewish flocks that Moses was their militant, conquering hero, and that the Mosaic Law which says love thy neighbor is for the Jews only. It shows the Jewish people are not bound by any moral requirement when dealing with gentiles."
~ extracted from "The Jew UTOPIA - The Ultimate World Order" by R.H.Williams

"...he describes the Zionist method for destruction of Western Civilization, which is required for transition into THE NEW WORLD ORDER" end quote. mean Build Back Better???

The Hand of the Cabal, plus of course their 'Luciferian Agenda' have abruptly washed to the surface of our mass consciousness like the bloated corpse of a Giant on a busy Lillyput beach...and their Technocratic schemes for complete Global, Totalitarian control have thereby become; transparent or manifest.
Which is to say that "The Evil Ones" have quite obviously been er, 'illuminated' in the process...;

individuals that hide behind our global woes.
Here is one of the Founders of the US 'Federal Reserve' naturally in collaboration with Rothschild money... FREEMASONS!'G' is presumably for Grand Master

I think perhaps an important distinction is required at this point, in the common view of the particular individuals that hide behind our global woes.

Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, respected leader of the “Reform” sect in America, said the following about Freemasonry which was published shortly before General Albert Pike was elevated to the illustrious position of ; "Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" in Charleston :~

“Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from the beginning to the end, with the exception of only one by-degree and a few words in the obligation… It is impossible to be well posted in Masonry without having a Jewish teacher…”

 — Rabbi Isaac Wise, in his journal “The Israelite”
Certainly it is clear that these individuals who originally arose again after the 'sack of the Knights Templar' out of the Bavarian Illuminati have embraced the dark institutional anonymity to be found within the cloistered halls, Temples & altars of FREEMASONRY and also; the 'JESUIT & ROSICRUCIAN ORDERS', the Knights of Malta et al, so as to be able to infiltrate, subvert and shape our world into Their image in the Modern Age.
The Infiltration
But from my understanding of 'Semitic' Jewish people and their history, combined with the current statistics of nation-wide Deaths from fake-Vaxx injuries, I think it is a safe assumption to say that most of the elite creatures responsible for this contemporary holocaust are Not from the traditional Semitic Jewish people as such, otherwise we would not have seen the devastating consequences of the inaugural roll-out of Vaccines on Planet Earth happening in Israel
First ~ note; the horrendous statistics of injuries and "excess deaths" in Israel are now tragically available ( altho still under heavy propaganda ) and therefore I have little remaining doubt about this assumption ; ( see ) It appears that a core of these ancient, aristocratic practitioners of Dark Occultism & Satanism, at least from what I have gleaned out of the digital avalanche of data competing for our attention, are not genetically Semitic people at all. See Arthur Koestler's book; The Thirteenth Tribe. At least some of their Primary members are ; the 'ASHKE-NAZIS' from the Lower Steppes of Russia (and before that ancient Egypt and Sumeria)...'Fake Jews' hiding beneath the religious iconography of the original form of Babylonian Talmudic Zionism...otherwise known as : "The Khazarian Mafia" Note* Rothschild affectionately nick-named his Palatial, ridiculously opulent Estate in England: "Little Khazaria"... '...them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do Lie' :~ REVELATION 3 : 9

Who only converted to Judaism (as 1 of 3 choices) somewhere
around the 8th Century
AD, under penalty of Death, with Swords ( whether metaphorical or real ) being held at their throats ( something which the high-Priest leaders of this particular nation would never forgive, or forget! ) and at the hands of the Russian Czar at that time (who forced their exodus into Europe) with the implicit consent of the Turkish Sultan, both of whom could no longer tolerate a neighbor, a nation on their borders that engaged in murders and kidnapping, devil-worship, blood rituals, child-sacrifices and the complete Inversion of the common ethics and morality of the age.

See the history of their thoroughly Luciferian "false Messiah" : ~

Sabbatai Zevi

for further details. Note* It was in the year of 1666 that Mr Zevi declared himself to be a type of 'god'...and was rapturously hailed by his faithful flock
through out Europe as; the 'New Messiah'...( I guess there was no 'Returning of Christ' with this bloke!)

This would neatly coincide with something I came across in an article recently and then somehow mislaid during my kaleidoscopic travels thru cyberspace, which is that one of the only Human Gene-types that are apparently not affected by the synthetic M-RNA technology of the fake Vaccine are the ASHKENAZI Jews along with, curiously enough the AMISH, altho I still need to independently verify this information.

Note* This was the state of play 25 Years ago!
IMAGINE what they can do now...

The following was confirmed by the excellent Dr Lee Merritt : Apparently the only Humans on Earth that have Zero up-regulation or uptake for the ACE2 Receptor in host cells (a binding which is required for Gene Editing) are the two groups I have listed above, whereas for white Europeans it's at about 56%!

Notice the portrait of the Luciferian Albert Pike...the historic & notorious long-haired leader of the FREEMASONS!
The quote above is from "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of

This historical subject matter falls into the hot/cool-zone of one of the most controversial topics on the Net...; I wonder why it is that the subject of equating "Anti-Zionism" with Anti-Semitism as the 'same thing' is a subject that was presented to the American television-viewing audience as a kind of Policy statement by Mike Pompeo, who at that time was the Secretary-of-State for the Trump if it were a kind of Government-labelled Sin or a type of official transgression to in anyway criticize Zionism or Zionists, and which from that moment on was verboten i.e became a Criminal Offense, in an announcement
to the American people?

Why was this particular topic alone, i.e 'Anti-Zionism' framed in all its glorious, dazzling hypocrisy and exceptionalism, so vital a subject matter, so important that it needed to be declared officially to Americans, clearly announced as in a 'warning' by the Secretary of State for the United States? with Donald 'WARP-SPEED' Trump, standing obediently with head bowed and hands neatly folded directly behind him with such adorable Body-language...and yet one can happily criticize, vilify, insult and make fun of the Irish or the Yanks or the Aussies or the Christians, without any noticeable reaction whatsoever?
Notice the 6th person down in the first column...or the first 2 contestants in the second column...Anyone up for a game of 'Diversity, Equity and Inclusion'?
The Money is on-tap! It's EASY...just Hate White people & the White Race, Hate Males & Hate Christians and incessantly promote the LBGTQ++ transgender Community's a piece of cake.

Update* See BLACKROCK for more information or to experience the "DEI" agenda directly, see the DISNEY company for further details ~ Lulz

Let's ask Mr Trump shall we, of his opinion on genital mutilation and of his support for the LBGTQ++ Community who are being thrust in our Children's faces, or of what he thinks of white Christians in general? Never mind...I don't think we need to hear anymore torturous, bald-faced Cultural Marxist BS rhetoric that attempts to justify Zionist efforts world-wide to invert & pervert our reality... I recently discovered that even our local library here in Melbourne is on-board with this Zionist/Blackrock DEI agenda, hosting a Story-Time hour for Kiddies read exclusively by male perverts wearing dresses, wigs and high-heels... Hmmm...could the fact that, according to Amy Goodman of DemocracyNow, TRUMP was bailed out over his Bankrupt; ATLANTIC CITY Casino debacle to the tune of quote: '...over a Billion Dollars!' by the Zionist House of Rothschild ( TAX Returns? Wot Tax Returns? ) could Trump's personal and economic salvation through this er, extremely generous Loan from the Illuminati have anything to do with his announcement about ANTI-ZIONISM being an official Government Taboo from that moment on? I guess that Dear Donald, knows at least on which side his bread is buttered. Could this also be why TRUMP appointed his 'Man-on the Spot'; Wilbur Ross, smiling from his profile page like a lizard on a rock and just basking in the rarified atmosphere of his elevated Government position, ( who had PREVIOUSLY acted in his capacity as an ' Agent Smith ' for the Rothschild Bank working out of their London Headquarters during Trump's bankruptcy Bail-out negotiations i.e he was the liaison man) could this possibly be the reason behind the subsequent, rather unexpected appointment of Wilbur Ross as the New "Secretary of Commerce" for the United States? The very same individual who at some point prior to his fabulous, Plum-Job appointment, had basically handed Trump a personal Cheque for over a Billion Dollars? Is this what Donald meant when he said he was going to drain the swamp? Hmmmm....Judging by the deafening cacophony of Crickets chirping & the White-Noise emanating from America's BS Mash Media on the subject matter at hand, I guess there is no conflict of interest here!... 'Nope, nothing to see here Folks!...the Shows over...move along please...nothing to see here at All...we recommend a morally-uplifting Disney Show on gender-neutral Transgender Kiddies instead~!!!' Ah yes, it's just another hard-day's night in the Oval-Office, for the Best Democracy that Money can Buy. Didn't the incredible Thomas Jefferson warn the American people about exactly this type of scenario? i.e that it was crucial to maintain the separation of the Church, or a particular Religion (such as Zionism) and the State? Since when has America become a Zionist nation instead of a Christian nation? I guess since the phrase; "Happy Holidaze!" was made compulsory and replaced 'Merry Christ-mass' as the mandatory terminology to be used on America's television screens... could almost suspect that whoever writes the scripts for the US Media doesn't appear to like the name ; Christ...or the name 'Jesus' for that matter.
The Brill Investigative Journalist & Artist;
A simple web browser search for example, originally said nothing on the history I discussed above, (this appears to have changed) and suggested that I must be mad for even entertaining such an irreverent and obviously 'Fake' version of history...but is this account of history Really fake? or is it just officially denied and defined as 'fake' according to the Corporatocracy & their owners, through their constant use of computerized algorithms, A.I and the occasional trigger-happy little human "FACT-CHECKER" (gosh! just imagine their overwhelming sense of Power!) in order to be able to completely dominate, subvert and pervert our Human perception of reality, and in the process, naturally also affect and influence 'Consciousness' via the resonance of the Morphogenic field...

A field that according to Rupert Sheldrake, as Humans we are all connected to, and which vibrates eternally in our ocean of Consciousness. And Sheldrake's theories appear to be at least somewhat confirmed yet again, with the emergence all over the world of the psychological phenomena known as : MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS or better still;

Fortunately these elite Reptilian creatures and their scurrilous minions are being exposed due to their incessant use of transparent statistical Lies and by the blatantly nonsensical nature of the so-called 'Expert Medical advice' which is being spewed out, like FEAR-PORN, 24 hours a day on our Idiot Boxes... "I know! Let's BAN people from going to our Beaches and into the Sunlight...Hear! Hear! and while we're at it, let's BAN Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin as well!!!!" Thunderous Applause from the 'Mid-Victorian' Dan Andrews Cabinet...

Another trailblazingly stupid comment...sigh

Complexity...or the art of bamboozling the TV-viewing public with the mystifying jargon of an 'Expert', typically portrayed in a type of recognizable lab-coat or uniform, and under the guise of another 'Health Expert' bureaucrat ( they must clone these people somewhere deep inside their highly-classified Military D.U.M.B.S... ) wearing a smiley yellow Badge of academia and wielding an impressively detailed looking statistical Graph, this is a tactic that has historically often been employed by our Shadow Governments ( the Deep State ) in an effort to shut-down critical thought.

For example; with the official 9/11 Commission Investigation or with the Warren Commission which was formed over the Kennedy Assassination Investigation.

“The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings" ~ JFK

Both of these official investigations were effectively stymied and subverted by completely controlling the Press and the official narrative of words on these subjects; thereby completely and securely managing public perception through the use of the cunning art of Propaganda, something which, again has the tell-tale marks of the Illuminati as it is their Prime Weapon and yet another common, recognizable strategy or tactic, waged by the Cabal in their Psyops Wars against us i.e Humanity or the 99%... ( Note* the word : "Cabal" originates conveniently enough, from the word Kabbalah, which is a form of ancient Jewish mysticism that can be found in the "Zohar" volumes )
Control the source of a Society's News & Information, for either side of the Political spectrum such as the "Box" and you control that Society's perception of Reality.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
~ Vladimir Lenin

Just 'Loverly People' these Conspirators...
Revenge is Sweet! i.e The UKRAINE HOLODOMOR...
Never forget the actions of the Russian Tsar in the 8thC!
Next Stop : 

Lets just take a wild guess here as to who owns most of the Western Media around the globe and in particular; The 6 Hyenas of the US Media~ Tell them all; "MERRY CHRIST-MASS"!!! or information gatherers & disseminators such as Reuters for example? BLACKROCK & addition to owning each other's shares, are also the majority Share-holders in every single major Industry on Earth...including of course Silicon Valley, 'Big Tech' (as in Dominion Voting Machines;...'Gosh look at that! I accidently pushed a button and the data just swapped boxes, just like a real Excel Spreadsheet!') plus the Pharmaceutical Vaxx Industry & the Banking Industry...

Predictably & conveniently it is this same almost supernaturally-large Corporate entity which invisibly guides the United States through that time-honored old tradition of lending the US FEDERAL RESERVE it's own 'Filthy Lucre' via a sleight-of-hand using Treasury other words the United States has to pay Interest on ALL government issued money thereby again; Monetizing Debt.

Does anyone Not see a problem with this arrangement?
The US 'Federal' Reserve is in reality a foreign, Private Cartel which ( according to Catherine Austin Fitts ) to this day has never been Audited... Nor has there ever been any legitimate financial over-sight of the Pentagon or DARPA for that matter!

"On September 10th 2001 the Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced to the citizens of the United States that 2.3 Trillion Dollars in transactions for the Pentagon could not be accounted for.

On September 11th 2001 the Accounting offices in the Pentagon were blown up..."
Abraham Lincoln certainly saw the inherent problems with this financial arrangement, as did John F. Kennedy & Ghaddafi...all three leaders sought the right to create their own currency eg. 'Greenbacks' and their fate is now history...coincidence? somehow I doubt it! This almost megalithic control includes the Marxist 'Printing Presses' ~ 'Das Kapital' and every lascivious stream of digital data and dis-information around the globe!

The ancient Pyramid and the Masonic 'Illuminati Eye' on the back of the US Dollar Bill should have rung alarm bells for citizens many decades ago...or the Owl of Minerva from Bohemian grove, which can be easily seen with a strong magnifier...a symbol which can also be found in the original floor-plan, in the lay-out of streets for Washington D.C

"NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" or A New World Order

What an absurd Babylonian-BAAL-Frankenstein-Moloch monstrosity we are finally confronted with...a ruthless and cunning Monetary-behemoth of babbling technocratic fascism, of financial exploitation, authoritarianism & terrorism, infused with a kind of soulless A.I elitism, and delivered up to us in a glass vial of demo-cidal Medical tyranny otherwise known as
'Health-Care'...forcefully mandated and implemented against the entire Human Race via a vast interlocking Spider's-web, a network of world-wide Regulatory BS 'Health' Controls pulsing with digital streams of ; ' filthy lucre '. A Musical Interlude :~ "Money makes the World go round...World go Round, World go Round...Come to the Cabaret Ole Chums" (To be sung when counting Sheep...) This gigantic edifice to EVIL was planned, financed and built all under the patently ludicrous pretense of 'Caring for our Health & Safety'...something that again, has always been "...the Alibi of Tyrants", which was gradually and stealthily constructed before our eyes... So that now, as Slaves or Serfs, we can finally begin to see the harsh dimensions of the Digital Prison Planet which our fragile, azure jewel of a home-world was always intended to become, in the New World Order...China has become the perfect example of a Digital Prison. "Human beings appear to be a slave race languishing on an isolated planet in a small galaxy. As such, the human race was once a source of labor for an extraterrestrial civilization and still remains a possession today. To keep control over its possession and to maintain Earth as something of a prison, that other civilization has bred never-ending conflict between human beings, has promoted human Spiritual Decay, and has erected on Earth conditions of unremitting physical hardship. This situation has existed for thousands of years and it continues today." ~ CHARLES FORT ~ Book of the Damned 1918 Our Reptilian Overlords, who were featured in the 2015 movie "Jupiter Ascending", are now seemingly breathing down our necks...and it appears to be about 'Real-Estate'...Their Real-Estate.
  • Stalin’s real name wasn’t Stalin, it was 'Josif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili'.
    Stalin roughly means “man of steel”.
  • Lenin’s real name wasn’t Lenin, it was 'Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov'. Lenin named himself after the river Lena in Siberia near where he was exiled
  • And almost ALL of the Leaders of their first International Congress of Bolsheviks were with few exceptions of Jewish ancestry...i.e approximately 18 out of the 22 influential, participating members of their Marxist/Communist/Bolshevik Party had a Jewish background.
  • Many of the Bolshevik (“majority party”) revolutionaries who took part in the events leading up to the 1917 Russian Revolution used pseudonyms...could this be to hide their secret common allegiances?

    Leon Trotsky's real name was : Lev Davidovich Bronstein.

    Finally, Karl Marx who came from a wealthy family of Ashkenazi Rabbis in Prussia, his Real Name was ; Moses Mordecai Marx Levy...;

    A) 'Abolish Private Property!'..."The Communist Manifesto"
    by Marx & Engels

    B) 'You vill own Nuszinck!'..."Convid & the not-so Great Reset" ;)
    by Klaus Schwab

A monstrous ancient ANTI-HUMAN plan has been painstakingly and methodically installed behind-the-scenes through the judicious use of endless graft...monetary incentives, straight bribes, blackmail, and strategic assassinations, slowly coercing, co-opting and corrupting every single one of the servile Pharmaceutical lackeys otherwise known as 'politicians' we had placed in charge to represent us in a Military-style campaign that had already been rehearsed, trialed and sifted through long ago...ultimately causing a type of Planet-wide, but especially 'Western' Cultural moral decay, a cold and calculated spiritual malaise to spread among our World Leaders, all hunched together inside their highly-classified, Bohemian bunkers...and a gradual, seeping erosion of national identities, Borders and priorities, all of which were side-lined in favor of the greater Agenda i.e their Dystopian goal of a one World Government...:
Hey JOE! How is that South American Border of yours doing? "Mumble...mutter...mumble"
WHATS THAT??? SWISS CHEESE you say? Well Done! You will receive a personally engraved copy of the Great Reset from Klaus himself, along with your Cheque.
A methodical, unrelenting campaign of subversion and corruption, of 'Divide & Conquer' has been waged by the Cabal behind-the-scenes for many decades, for example; through the use of Blackmail 'Honey-Traps' such as the infamous MOSSAD (Mossad derives from 'Moses') Operation with Trump's 'Good Buddy' EPSTEIN and his; Pedophile Island...are their ZIONIST loyalties and affiliations even in doubt at this stage?
A remorseless undermining of Nationalist goals and the moral-fibre of our elected leaders and in particular the moral code of society at large has been undertaken in a relentless Spiritual Warfare attack on our Collective other words we are literally in a Spiritual War : For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against a spiritual wickedness in high places.
~ EPHESIANS 6 : 12 An attack which has been carried out against us through the well-practiced use of the BS Mash Media, and a simultaneous complete re-structuring of the Body-Politic towards a new ideal i.e their own, urgent end-game goal to hurriedly usher in the "New World Order" and "The GREAT RESET", ( "Never let a Good Disaster go to waste" ) something which has spread like a
malignant growth, or like a corrosive, alien 'Black Goo'...programming the co-opted hearts and minds of our elected representatives to such an extent that the stated goals and ambitions of our political puppets sound as if they were in an enormous echo chamber, or like a tawdry "Chorus-line" of sleaze...puppet-actors in a cheap Off-Broadway Musical, as they are all quite audibly reading from the same script...:

"Build Back Better"...? "New World Order"...?
Now where have I heard these phrases being uttered recently??? Let me Count the Ways... The obvious truth that our political Leaders have been deeply, badly compromised
world-wide is an inescapable conclusion. Every single Political Puppet-leader that has ever uttered these phrases 'officially' should be arrested and jailed as they have betrayed Mankind with their 'Crimes against Humanity'.
We, the 99% shell-shocked denizens of Planet Earth have been suddenly rudely awakened...only to find ourselves trapped within our homes, captives of the Cabal and their paper-tiger Puppet Governments on this unique speck of star-dust; our precious Prison Planet...causing a kind of Stockholm Syndrome to be writ large across the Earth. Which begs the question : Who? Is the Playwright? Who, is the Wizard behind the velvet curtain? Who pray tell writes the 1 single definitive script for those 25 or so 'American Media Puppet whores' that we have seen being comically displayed in numerous documentaries, all on screen at the same time like some sort of giant, Jeopardy Quiz Show?...all mouthing the exact same lines and platitudes about : ' the Sharing of Misinformation on-line';

("...this is extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy!", whose Democracy would that be, I wonder?)

With similar expressive hand-gestures and engaging looks on their particular station's 'Evening News Update' or final summing up, every single one of them pretending to speak to their own local demographic with their own dramatic or sincerely heart-felt lines and yet, when 25 or so TV Stations, from 25 or so separate US States are placed side-by-side we can suddenly see how ludicrous our Western Media Puppets look and how much they actually have in common with a bunch of hacks on an
auditioning gig, reading for a minor bit-player part in some obscure Off-Off Broadway play.
Collectively these Media Puppets speak to us as if the words that were so earnestly and authoritatively uttered were their own casual, ad lib words... What Fakes! Wot Liars! What Puppets! These are not Journalists...they are merely mouth-pieces for their "Puppet-Master" who is the only real so-called he or she is the Master Propagandist for them all, the BORG-Hive 'QUEEN' so-to-speak and the only genuine-article 'Spin Doctor' in the American House!
A type of official Medical Fraud can now be heard in Real-time via the Media's incessant, constantly shifting, paranoid litany of safety directions supposedly for: 'Health & Safety'. Punitive tyrannical directions ( again reminiscent of Nazi Germany or any Fascist State ) to restrict our personal and collective movements around the globe, ( Vaccination Papers Please! ) which are astonishingly still being touted and disseminated to this day, by a murder of chattering, pitch-black Crows on our screens. A Syphilitic gaggle of corrupted, 'bought and paid for' fake Politicians, hiding on our 24-hour plasma screens in plain sight...just another cult of Satanic 'Funeral Directors' surrounded by their servile hand-maidens, and shamelessly still parading before us each morning and evening on the ever so obsequious, Corporate tentacles of the Mash Media. "Today it is a well-understood tactic of mind manipulation that if an unknown and unresolvable guilt can be established among a group of people, (such as a sickness or disease which they All share ~ my insert J.E) that group can be controlled and subdued. As long as the target group accepts the possibility that the guilt might be true in some ways, it remains introverted and creatively unproductive. All its resources go into trying to resolve the "guilt" that does not exist in the first place". ~ INGO SWANN
Click on the picture for a slightly closer view.

And this is all for a Computer-Generated CGI fiction??? Let us ask ourselves, should we trust the company which is currently pumping out Vaccines for Covid-19 like they are going out of style, such as the Drug cartel known as;
"Pfizer"??? A Corporate conglomeration which has continuously and repeatedly been involved in racketeering, in paying out Billions and Billions in fines, for having BRIBED Doctors ceaselessly to This Day, to prescribe poison to patients, whilst knowing it was harmful...!? "Here! Try some of these delicious Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRI's as they are commonly'll feel so much better...your cognitive dissonance will just melt away!" Cue odious sickening muzik..." brought to you by Pfizer..." Are you absolutely sure, that you want to trust this Corporation with your DNA? Remember...This, is something new! Something never trialed before i.e it's a synthetic 'Messenger' R.N.A Vaxx, your Ribo-Nucleic-Acids... This is Not a Vaccine in the traditional definition of the word! i.e it does Not create the normal Antibody response, but instead creates a synthetic, toxic pathogen...a spike-protein antigen ( another fine Bio-weapon developed by our friends at DARPA ) which attaches to our organs and requires storing at below freezing that needs to be wrapped in it's own protective synthetic envelope; Bio lipid Nano-particles ( Hydro-gel, yet again another fine invention from your friendly, neighborhood Military Department; DARPA ) which is described in their patent literature as the category; "MATRIX-M". So that it can by-pass our cellular 'Lock & Key' Receptors i.e the cell plasma membrane and so that our protective immune systems cannot interfere with this artificial process, which is designed ('loosely calculated' using statistical computer-modelling probabilities and expected outcomes) in otherwords; 'simulations' to supposedly launch the correct Immune response... Hmmm...sounds somehow, er...'sketchy' to me... In other words to sacrifice and destroy our own innate 'broad-spectrum', God-given immunity ( Shot by Shot ) for a type of temporary, synthetic Vaccine immunity ( "...but you can still catch it...and you can still spread it!' ...the obvious question being; THEN, WOTS THE POINT EXACTLY??? ) sigh...this scrambled Logic-Salad just does not make any sense whatsoever! So am I hearing this right?...What our joined-at-the-hip Governments are saying is that their globally mandated, medical procedure or intervention for the entire Human Race is a 'Perfectly Safe & Effective', potentially lethal injection ( which lists 'Death' among it's adverse side effects! )that only lasts for a few months as it requires continual top-up Boosters?
I just Had to include this superb Meme courtesy of :~
Merritt Medical Hour: Dr. Lee Merritt

And yet they cannot and will not release the details of what is inside the Vaxxine as it needs to remain Classified or 'Proprietary' for 50, correction; 75 Years into the future??? Is that what they call; 'INFORMED CONSENT'? A chemical concoction which is specifically tailored to recognize SARS-COV-2 when their mutagenic nature has already been established? i.e that viruses and their variants are seasonal and also constantly morphing, somehow this all makes their temporary synthetic Medical procedure in exchange for our life-long & broad-spectrum 'Natural protection' sound to me like a seriously-seriously bad trade-off... Was there Ever, a full 'RISK/BENEFIT' analysis conducted on this particular heavily patented; synthetic "Messenger-R.N.A" technology? Of Course All of the early 'short term' (no mid or long term testing was ever done) animal Trials had to be abandoned due to an over-abundance of deaths...!
Pathogenic 'Priming' not a healthy thing.
The internal Flora of our organic bodies significantly do not employ digital solutions, or respond 'mechanistically'. Our ingenious machine algorithms and our precious materialistic sciences have always failed to come to terms with the 'Spiritual Ghost in the Shell', just as they have failed to locate the 'Seat of Consciousness' within the neurological brain, as the entire field of materialistic science became cognitively incapable of acknowledging the 'Divine'...the er, Elephant in the Room from the time of the Roman Catholic Inquisition and 'The Copernican Compromise' with Galileo and Pope Urban VIII, as a result of which Science was officially 'locked away' forevermore from the Spiritual realm. "...Linear Science had grown progressively divorced from concern with the basis of life itself—all life processes are, in fact, nonlinear. This isolation was also characteristic of Medicine, which, when presented with the amazing discoveries of kinesiology, merely ignored the information because it had no context, no paradigm of reality, with which to comprehend it. Medicine had forgotten that it was an art, and that science was merely a tool of that art." ~David R. Hawkins from "Power Vs Force" MAD SCIENTISTS courtesy of MONSANTO and their 'Department of Evil' have been cloned ever since the Human Genome Project was concluded...;) And they are currently rummaging through the essence of our Humanity, our DNA like demented children playing 'Tractors' in a sand-pit and considering the potentially 'lethal' nature of tinkering or interfering with the sub-molecular components of our own DNA, with it's organic, epigenetic complications that can already modify Gene expression via a host of factors incl. environmental triggers i.e 'the Terrain', in addition to the random or aberrant outcomes potentially caused by applying a Computer Simulation to our bodies using CRISPR Technology, in order to attempt the creation of a quote : "Plug & Play" Program for our DNA" (~ described as such on the CDC Web-site ) is something that should cause serious concerns in the mind of any Sane person reading this... '(The CDC owns 57 vaccine patents and spends $4.9 Billion Dollars out of its $12.0 billion-dollar annual budget (as of 2019) on buying and distributing vaccines)' ~ "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F Kennedy Jnr Could the CDC's own financial investment have anything to do with their 'spruiking of the Vaxx', (in the manner of a side-show huckster like a 'Snake-Oil' Salesman) as being perfectly 'safe and effective'? 'C'mon Folks! It's dangerous out there! Get your Jab, just to be safe...If not for yourself then Do it for the others and especially for the old folk!'ll feel so much better AND safer' other words exploiting 'Shame' & FEAR. This crazy Soup-mix of scientific sorcery devoid of Ethics, Morality, Humanity or even Common Sense, compels us all to ask some serious questions of those attempting to force this fake Vaccine on the entire population of our Earth, primary among which should be a rigorous investigation into the key players and Health Officials involved, including their own personal financial stake in the outcome and their spurious 'scientific' justifications for this militaristic NAZI-like lock-down, for the complete totalitarian, Technocratic repression & suppression of the Human Race. Note* Both 'Repression & Suppression' involve removing mental content from our conscious minds, from our awareness via 'Censorship', with the distinction (according to Freud) being that 'Suppression' is said to be voluntary and conscious censorship. These crimes are now being perpetrated all over the Earth, in the name of 'protecting us' all from ourselves and from the frightening scourge of statistically non-significant Flu deaths that occur among the extremely elderly and infirm residents of Nursing homes & Hospitals around the World annually. We need an investigation which would naturally require us to scrutinize this technological process in much greater detail, something beyond the scope of 'Informed Consent' surely? In other words is everyone that is taking this experimental concoction, are they made fully aware of the risks which they are facing? Hardly... Even a cursory glance at the Nano-particle 'Graphene Oxide' ( ~ BORG-TECH ~ ) infiltration of our DNA leaves us speechless and in awe at the unmitigated temerity, the colossal hubris and the evidently Biblical dimensions of sheer raw, 'Evil'...
glistening like a recently skinned animal which is suddenly visible and manifested on the Astral plane. Note* It is due to the courageous work of a group of Spanish Doctors ; La Quinta Columna, that the details about Graphene Oxide have finally been irrefutably confirmed with vivid photographic testimony! *See the 4th slide down.
meet the new CYBORG... This, is what Schwab meant when he said; "It is a system which changes us!" "It is the fusion of our Physical, Digital and Biological identity"

"MIT researchers and colleagues recently discovered an important — and unexpected — electronic property of graphene, a material discovered only about 17 years ago that continues to surprise scientists with its interesting physics. The work, which involves structures composed of atomically thin layers of materials that are also biocompatible, could usher in new, faster information-processing paradigms. One potential application is in neuromorphic computing, which aims to replicate the neuronal cells in the body (Don't they mean 'brain'?) responsible for everything from behavior to memories."

Quote; 'Interesting Physics...One potential application...'
Lulz...I can think of 'other' potential applications...Brain-control-interface or BCI, but without the need for an external neural net! (Hey! maybe I can get a Grant?) but at least on the surface of the Web, you have to dig to find anything but watered-down references to Biocompatibility...well, if the Graphene  molecule 
(which hosts an electronic charge and has the ability to measure Biometric data) is Biocompatible with our organic bodies, well then why don't we er, umm Gee I dunno...see if we can't affect or alter Human Behavior itself???

(Oh that's right...silly Me...they have already established how to do that!)

 Sigh...Another Grant just bit the dust...

"...from thousands of miles away using 5-G technology"

This quote above in red background is from any one of innumerable articles I have found discussing the dual-interactionism of Human Biology with the Graphene molecule...this one was taken from an MIT.EDU website, there are countless examples incl. the Graphene Flagship website, (altho this is all being rapidly cleaned up, or white-washed) but I really don't want to give these monsters any publicity...:

Speaking of which, Quote:

"Today we have the technology to Hack human beings on a massive scale...Humans are now Hackable Animals!...the whole idea that Humans have this soul or spirit, or free-will...that's over!"

Yuval Noah Harari

Gosh! Could this er, 'Pineal-challenged' individual be anymore excited?

How else would you hack a fleshy, biological Human or a society of Humans at a certain distance, say from 'thousands of miles away' unless you introduced nano-particles of self-assembling rare metals into their 'organic' brains such as Graphene, with it's unique electro-magnetic properties?!

Whereas, by contrast with the previous individual, Mr Kurzweil can hardly be held responsible for his ability to recognize or predict future trends in Tech.


Tragically, the above is now being self-assembled in the blood of the Vaccinated...

Don't believe their Propaganda!

It is from the sterile, morally & spiritually bankrupt chambers of their own solipsistic thinking that these virulent and dangerous Monsters of the Human Psyche
emerge to flourish undetected and unrestrained in contemporary society, despite possessing what is clearly ; Psychotic Grandeur i.e such evident egoistic arrogance from Mr Gates and his minions, in thinking, or even suggesting out-loud, for even a moment, that he and his team could snappily provide plans to improve on "Divine Creation", by re-designing the sub-atomic world of our DNA...!
" Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, Modern Man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche. This is the "World Power" that vastly exceeds all other powers on earth.
The Age of Enlightenment, which stripped nature and human institutions of gods and Spirituality, overlooked the God of Terror who dwells in the human soul.
~ Carl Gustav Jung
This is a truly Epic and mind-blowing concept in it's magnitude, and historically speaking is without comparison. Not surprisingly therefore, this latest wave of institutional, forced Global Vaccination-Genocide
appears to possess a good deal in common with those other ancient harbingers of Doom; the dark Riders of the Apocalypse. Which is to say that Any Christian Church today, that recommends their flock get fully Vaxxed, is a Church that is using a different book, and one that is definitely not the King James Bible... "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse":~ 1) Religious Deception...such as the latest Twitter message from the Vatican, with it's "LUCIFER" Observatory... In which Pope Francis, in his most recent ecclesiastical pronouncement to his loyal flock, directed that all Church members should be Fully Vaxxed ASAP World-wide! (The late Reverend from the 'People's Temple' in Jonestown Guyana, Jim Jones would be proud) A message that, considering it's devastating implications and potentially deadly ramifications for the Human Race is something surely only an Anti-Christ or a 'Black-Pope' would say?
2) The horror of Endless Wars...We know about those! 3) Famine or Starvation...are those shelves looking a bit empty? 4) Pestilence, which is to say Epidemics and Pandemics such as the Spanish Flu, Polio, AIDS/HIV or COVID-19. Note* All four epidemics had, at the very least, two things in common; 1# They ALL used 'medical treatments' or Vaccines extensively... 2# All left a trail of horrific injuries or deaths in their wake.
Et cetera

Here is another example...: ~ In 1997 the CLINTON admin began a program called; the 'ANTHRAX Vaccine Immunization Program'...All active US service personnel were to be injected with an Anthrax Vaccine...later it was revealed to cause 'Serious side effects!'. These machinations from the Cabal ~ 'Our Merchants of Hell', now being developed in a Military/Government Lab near You, which Mankind has unwittingly suffered for centuries, can today conceivably be viewed as the actions of "The Four Horsemen" they are all clearly described in the KJB : which it talks about their iniquitous actions, and the 'wages of Sin' that they will reap, for incurring the Wrath of GOD. "Her Merchants (Big Pharma) ruled the Earth, & by her Sorcery (Pharmakeia) were all nations deceived"

Note* Religion of any flavor is not actually my 'Cup of Tea' ( unless it be Star-Trek)...but the parallels which we are currently witnessing from the Bible, within our own Times, the synchronicity and for me personally just the unnerving sight of those Masked, Genetically-Modified 'Zombie Hordes' staring fixedly into their Scrying-mirror, mobile phones all over our streets our cities and our World somehow make these End-Times 'portents and signs' from the Bible just seem too strikingly 'on-target', too uncannily accurate...too uncomfortably prophetic for an old reformed Agnostic/Ignostic like me and the words of St.John the Baptist, in his
'Psychic' Revelation~ KJB (
Ingo would kill me for using that word, altho he softened this approach later and spent his entire Life attempting to define his unique gift!; see "To Kiss the Earth Goodbye") can therefore at least for myself, no longer be safely ignored...:

Revelation 13:17

“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Consider the fact that the chemical structure of 'Graphene Oxide' is a self-assembling Nano particle material that can easily pass through the BLOOD/BRAIN Barrier, which appears to be the main, primary ingredient ( something like 91% according to one particular Lab analysis done on a box of vials from our Spanish Friends @ La Quinta Columna ) within the COVID-19 vaccines from all 4 Manufacturing Horsemen... Now consider that this Graphene molecule can become magnetic at body temperature ~ hence the need for Deep-Freezing! A molecule which can be remotely detected via a Blu-tooth scanner (revealing a real, fair-dinkum Digital ID MAC address in the recipient's body!) and activated say from a 5-G tower, that consists chemically on the molecular level of a simple, extremely sharp razor blade (hence the Blood-clots); a Hexagonal lattice framework that is 1 atom thick i.e three bonded, 6-sided Hexagons...thereby creating an apparition of the 'Mark of the Beast' or "666"...something that appears to once again echo Revelations, in otherwords ;
'the number of his name'

Graphene is a derivative of Carbon, which has the distinct properties of 6 Electrons, 6 Protons and 6 Neutrons!
Note* I should add that the Graphene tiling of Hexagons in this manner is considered a 'regular tiling' of the Euclidean plane, in which exactly 3 Hexagons meet at each vertex. This is all surely a kind of deliberate EVIL by design...and it suggests that to carelessly ignore the coded symbolism of the King James Bible ( in this chaotic age of hysteria and Aquarian Magick ) could so easily become the mistake of a lifetime, as Time continues to quicken its pace and as a high-speed Car Ultra Slow-Motion, into a brick-wall at the end of a one-way street... In otherwords how? are we otherwise expected to interpret and reconcile these wicked acts with the ominous parallels contained in the KJB?
Damm...I'm sure it's just another of those annoying coincidences....mathematical odds of this being just another random coincidence, anyone?

"Judge nothing lightly ; They are guilty of a great
crime; they have allowed the sanctuary of antique initiation
to be entered by the profane. By them for a second time
the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil been gathered and shared, so that they might become
the Masters of the world" ~
"The doctrine of Transcendental Magic"
Whether or not you or I believe that their techniques for mystical Magick work, or how effective they might be are surely not the issue... THEY ( our Digital-Prison Guards ) appear to believe that they do work as they have spent a great deal of money and effort, creating fabulous Illuminati/Masonry stage-productions such as the infamous London 2012 opening ceremony... Note* The year 2012 was a significant event for the Astro-theological calendar i.e the inception of the 'Age of Aquarius' as it exited the Age of Pisces and also for the ancient and mystery-filled Mayan Calendar as 2012 marked the end of their Calendar and the end of the Age.
Once again, it appears to be all about Perception...:

This London ceremony featured hundreds of Hospital Beds, Tik-Tok dancing Nurses followed by Robot-Nurses who all simultaneously jerked their heads; Left-Right, left-right in a robotic, mechanical manner, a Giant hologram of a Corona Virus with Spike proteins and towering hooded dark Ghouls that hovered over the Hospital beds with enormously long syringes... What relevance or significance this well-rehearsed, well-produced pyrotechnic nightmare was meant to hold or represent for the "the Spirit or Ideal of the Olympics" is anyone's guess...these symbols and signs can also be seen in predictive-programming TV Shows such as the brilliant British version of "UTOPIA" and endless Illuminati Musick Videos,
saturating the carcinogenic Media with their particular brand of Satanic symbolism so as to ensure that 'The Revelation of the Method & the externalization of the Hierarchy' is purposefully shoved in our faces and therefore into our Jungian collective unconscious...a kind of Universal, inherited field which is common to all Human beings.
And that's ultimately what matters here, as they are the ones holding the purse-strings and indeed the levers to our economic 'midnight ghost train' as it careens with malign intent deliberately out of control...disappearing into an endless fog of apocalyptic disasters and wars.
Let us speculate, or better still 'Theorize' just for a moment that You and I, harbored an ancient, secret plan to surreptitiously exterminate the majority of the Human Race. A genuine er, 'Conspiracy' let us say... Now in order to commit this evil, tip-toe skullduggery, this clandestine slow-motion genocide would it seem like a sensible strategy to you, in order to quietly achieve this monstrous goal to intentionally mimic and faithfully follow the descriptions laid out in the final chapter of one of the best known and most widely read and translated books in human history??? And then select a name for this deadly weapon such as; "LUCIFERASE" or otherwise known as 'the Name of the Beast'??? I am again reminded of the fact that the ritualistic activities performed by these aristocratic practitioners of the Dark Arts more often than not, at least according to apocryphal knowledge, traditionally appear to work successfully for the 'Evil Ones' in terms of KARMA only when certain conditions are fulfilled; when for example the Act or deed in question is hidden deviously in plain sight. So that our every act such as defiling God's temple, or our bodies with reptilian, snake-venom peptides ( courtesy of the brilliant research of Dr Bryan Ardis ) can be viewed by the Cult as a voluntary act, with the onus for this defilement being placed squarely on ourselves, as from their point of view the hand of Lucifer was always right there, before our eyes... Deeper...ever deeper down this manufactured leviathan of Rabbit-Holes...; We suddenly find that our preliminary conclusions and deductions have been abruptly interrupted and compelled to shift yet again, due to these startling discoveries by Doctor Ardis whose research on snake-venom peptides, their manufacture, sale and distribution through out modern 'Medical Science' has brilliantly exposed yet another important aspect of our Critical Malaise...our complex of COVID-19-like symptoms. Thanks to Dr. Ardis, the archetypical "Rod of Asclepius" with the dominating Serpent from the Garden of Eden, whose coils are wrapped tightly around the staff as the one and only symbol of our: "World Health Organization" has becomes an image which is suddenly possessed of far greater gravity and historical implications.

Their strict requirements for ritual and overt symbolism, I believe will ultimately spell their end, because as we begin to recognize their faces, their techniques & Psyops tricks, our gathering awareness and sharpening focus begins to erode, dispel the darkness which they traditionally infest just as a candle conquers the dark, vanquished by the light of Humanities rising consciousness, our 'Awakening' to the truth which has been purposefully kept from us and through our long-foretold "Ascension Process" in the narrowing Timelines of our post-2012 Age. These are War-Crimes which ever way you look at it. We are in a Spiritual WAR...and it appears that these monsters cannot escape the divine laws of our Universe ( or the potential retribution or reaction of our Cosmic Friends, such as the 'Galactic Confederation of Planets', or at least those among them that are in the service of the Infinite Creator ) and that ultimately the Cabal need a kind of implied consent from their victims in order to carry out their diabolical acts, so as to ( at the very least ) avoid or minimize the crushing spiritual forces of Karma from interfering with their Luciferian plans. Meanwhile this CULT continues to forcefully distribute their heavily patented, brand new, Beta version of an experimental process for our bodies to the entire Human Race, without trials, through a mandatory Vaxxination campaign? Am I living inside an episode of
"The Twilight Zone"??? Or is This truly the "End Times" referred to in REVELATIONS? Did the clever Mr Gates ever, even manage to keep Viruses out of his own Windows operating system? In a word; No. And yet he believes that as a Medical amateur, a untrained Medical novice, that he can somehow do a better job with the sub-atomic elements of our DNA than the Creator? Who wants to be blindfolded, and get to try out his first untested, unapproved (only EMERGENCY approval) experimental Beta version of a program to manipulate your DNA hmmm? Oh wait, there is a bonus! What an incentive! ~: There are now apparently free Crispy-Creme Donuts for every confirmed recipient of the double-JAB! It's only because 'they' CARE so much about us and they want us to be Safe! And don't forget the 5 Million dollar lottery prize...! Gosh!!! IMAGINE...( relax and dream big! ) what you could WIN...what you could DO...for just a little pin-prick...a Jab!?
We need to realise that these insane Fascist Monsters that want to force-ably inject us with Poisons ( by hiding behind the 'PREP ACT' which is basically akin to a 007 'license to kill' ) have thereby completely removed themselves from ANY LIABILITY whatsoever for ANY damaging effects that you or I might incur from taking this fake Vaccine!!!!! Find me an Insurance Agent, would you?...they seem to be scarce on the ground all of a sudden. Hmmm....these Corporations appear to know 'something' we don't, wouldn't you say?
A Corporation which has a culture and an ethos of corruption, maintaining Profit over Human Lives? George Soros : "I am here to Make Money, and cannot interest myself in anything else..." So why is it I wonder, that a Richard "Rothschild", naturally a self-confessed Supreme Zionist as it was originally the Rothschilds that were deeded the carved-out chunk of basically Palestinian land which became Israel from the Brits as a 'promised' reward or payment from Her Majesty's Government for financial and 'other' services rendered in 1917 i.e their guarantee to bring America into a World War... Something which was spelled out in the BALFOUR Declaration so as to achieve the formation of an ages-old goal i.e the creation of a Zionist state and homeland after they had been driven out of Khazaria by the Russians somewhere approximately back in the 8th century. So why is it, and how is it that a member of this same family already had a patent for technology to supposedly monitor and detect COVID-19 using mobile phone telemetry and A.I already in 2015??? How is this possible? WHY, oh WHY I wonder is Mr Rothschild so-o interested in COVID-19? Perhaps he's a Humanitarian now and is doing it out of Love for Mankind? What do you think? Does this sound at all likely? The Rothschild Family and their ilk have been heavily involved in or were chiefly responsible for, almost every Bloody War for the last 2 or 3 hundred years! And on the 13th of the 10th, 2015, they are suddenly interested in this wonderful new Tech, surrounding COVID-19? How could they even know it existed in 2015? When the first outbreak or at least 'supposed' outbreak in a Wuhan Market-place did not occur until 31st Dec. 2019?
 check the blue highlight...
Datum is the Dutch word for : Date

'Something smells rotten in the state of Denmark' ~ Hamlet There is an entirely different way to view this thorny issue, and I recommend the excellent work of the Pulitzer winning author; JON RAPPOPORT, or alternatively;
Doctor Tom Cowan, author of :
"The Contagion Myth". Plus Mike Adams who is doing a superb Job with his Health Ranger Report! Other influential and clear-sighted Doctors such as the brilliant Doctor Vernon Coleman, the courageous Doctor Jane Ruby and the equally courageous Stew Peters, VIVIANE FISCHER & Doctor WOLFGANG WODARG, Doctor Dolores Cahill, Doctor Robert Young, Doctor Andrew Kaufman, Doctor Sheri Tenpenny, Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Doctor Carrie Madej, Doctor Mike Yeadon ~ the former Vice-Pres. of Pfizer & Chief Scientific Advisor! Doctor Rashid Buttar, Doctor Judy Mikovits, Drs Sam & Mark Bailey from New Zealand, Dr Rima Laibow, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr David Martin, Dr Ryan Cole and a rapidly growing host of Epidemiological Specialists, Virologists and Medical workers are all now exposing the Truth behind the Greatest LIE EVER TOLD....But you won't hear about it by continuing to watch the Corporate Puppets on the Mash Media. LUCIFERASE ? That is to say; the poisonous 'proprietary' substance SM-102, otherwise known as the Quantum Dot 'Mark of the Beast' that we are planning to inject into our bodies, something which is described as Toxic and Deadly to biological organisms
, and has a Patent number that includes; "060606"? and a whole gamut of perfidious, unnatural and highly toxic concoctions?
Is there seriously anything else which needs to be said? HYDRA-VULGARIS? otherwise known as the seemingly immortal stem cells of the River-Parasite? Would anyone care to receive a dose of these in their bodies? And finally, I feel that I should give full credit to both; Max IGAN of The Crowhouse and also the brilliant David Icke for their wisdom. And the uniquely talented and hugely entertaining ; Mr Jeff Berwick of The DOLLAR VIGILANTE...KUDOS to You Jeff...: ~

Alex Jones & the INFOWARS team...indefatigable Fighters for Spiritual Justice and Humanity, however misguided... Russel Brand, who dances brilliantly between the acid-rain drops of Corporate censorship. And also Another excellent ANARCHIST i.e Brian, from HighImpactFlix Karen Kingston & Maria Zeee & Dr. Ana Mihalcea... True Heroines! Del BigTree doesn't need any Credit from me...He is doing Brilliantly without me ;) The GrandTheftWorld team, who are also superbly erudite analysts...Kudos gentlemen. Also Sean, of SGT Report, who was one of the first to be BANNED... this Never going to end? Of course my eternal gratitude to the inimitable James Corbett of ;
The Corbett Report And last but not least, the superb, gorgeous 'AMAZING POLLY'... And Everyone else amongst my innumerable 'Alternative' Brothers & Sisters out there speaking Truth to Power; Thanks To You ALL, with LOVE P.S I apologize in advance for my medical ignorance or for any glaring mistakes I may have made and I feel that perhaps I should add a caution regarding the above medical data by reiterating the fact that the above article consists of my personal observations, they are my 'freedom of Speech' opinions if you like and should be taken or left, as one sees fit. P.P.S As for the subject of Masks and other nonsensical 'idiocies' such as the 6 feet apart rule and the; 'no more than 6 to a room' rule,
I do Not wish to reduce this article to the kindergarten level, which is what I discover every time I tune into the Corporate BS, or the equally BS Government Fear Mongering... And Finally...I shall leave you with some good news...and a fine example of what we ALL need to Mother's side was DANISH ~ :)
HOORAY FOR DENMARK ~ Click on the picture



The above slide is courtesy of the David Knight Show...another excellent communicator.




And always remember...Vaccines are the leading cause of Coincidences...and the term; 'Conspiracy Theorist' was popularized and employed as a semantic Tool ( similar to the way the charge of Anti-Semitism is used i.e a semantic trick) which was wielded by the CIA in the 60's in their efforts to shut-down debate over the Kennedy 


  1. impeccably researched. thanku jules

  2. I really appreciate your support on this.
    Look forward to hearing from you soon.
    I’m happy to answer your questions, if you have any.



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  3. I 'd say that most of us visitors actually are very fortunate to exist in a remarkable community with so many lovely people with beneficial points. เล่นสล็อต

  4. Kinda strange that the invisible virus can't be found in any person claimed to have been a victim of this Covid bullshit .
    No autopsies seem to find anything, because the virus doesn't exist...
    As to what a virus is it is the bodies soap, the cleaner...

    Good basics on all of this.

  5. A most thorough and excellently researched article. I learned a lot of new info, particularly the Kissinger comment and the fact that the 'virus' was declared a PHEIC on 30 Jan 2020 = 31 if you remove the 0. The virus was declared a PANdemic (Pan is another word for the Devil - wiki/ polish folklore: a sorceror who made a deal with the Devil), on 11 March 2020 which can be read as 11.3 or 3.11 (UK/US date system). 1031 = 131 minus the zero is the street number of the GEORGIA GUIDESTONES from Satanist Aleister Crowley's Liber Oz Book 77, located off, wait for it Route 77 and Hunt Road. Stones erected 'anonymously' by the Order 322 Skull & Bones Brotherhood of Death, on 3.22.1980. 1031 represents Oct 31 Halloween: Pagan festival of the Remembering the DEAD. Those stones are their MAP /Template for every FF that has ever happened, including obviously, this Scamdemic, the Final Solution. Corona of course means CROWN from Spanish. When you check the coordinates of the GG's against the 1953 CORONAtion of the creature on the throne and her very deliberate hand gesture wave of 4 fingers from the Church of Satan's Anton LaVey, the mind is blown...

    1. Brilliant work! Thanks for your research Catherine ~ :) Love from OZ

  6. the article that just keeps giving - always grace

    1. Lol...You were so-o right Grace, as I only just completed the Final Edit...Sigh


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