Would the Real Jules Elbeshausen Please Shut Up
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Partially in reply to a friend commenting on one of my rambling, ill-advised Rants...:
It is only really in the last 2 or 3 years roughly, that we have seen anything like this type of a concerted effort on behalf of the Intelligence Agencies, who visited the CEO's of the various players i.e Facebook, Google, and finally Twitter, and the smaller players, each in turn.
One by One, they had their right of self-determination removed!
They were either shown the JFK film in a small darkroom, or their companies were bought out...taken over...amalgamated, whatever was required, in order to achieve ultimate control.
And thus the People had been made mute.
The CIA had spoken...!
(Note* This situation has possibly now Shifted...)
Correction...it has not altered one iota.
Correction...it has not altered one iota.
I am assuming that the above sequence of numbers, is how FB had Shadow-Banned me, possibly
due to my Anti-War, and Anti-Imperialist Posts.
If you looked for my timeline, under my Name, you would probably have found nothing...observe the addition of small grammatical elements, as if trying to guess that sequence of numbers was not enough for them, but if you had searched for me, under this new sequence of numbers which FB designated as my real name, Exactly as I typed, including the grammatical additions, you would have seen what FB were doing...and been sent to my timeline directly ... ;)
A: Apparently, (and using Occam's Razor, er, hand me that razor, would you?) they do not like the TRUTH!!!
There are still apparently anomalies, still glitches in the system, glaring holes, and other Snafus, which will gradually be patched up....but the fact that someone can see what they think is my timeline, means not necessarily a great deal, when you see the bigger picture from my perspective.
If you looked for my timeline, under my Name, you would probably have found nothing...observe the addition of small grammatical elements, as if trying to guess that sequence of numbers was not enough for them, but if you had searched for me, under this new sequence of numbers which FB designated as my real name, Exactly as I typed, including the grammatical additions, you would have seen what FB were doing...and been sent to my timeline directly ... ;)
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Suddenly, an article of mine, about Gun Control, was deemed against Community Standards! |
A: Apparently, (and using Occam's Razor, er, hand me that razor, would you?) they do not like the TRUTH!!!
There are still apparently anomalies, still glitches in the system, glaring holes, and other Snafus, which will gradually be patched up....but the fact that someone can see what they think is my timeline, means not necessarily a great deal, when you see the bigger picture from my perspective.
6 Months ago, Nay, more like 18 months ago I began to notice peculiar 'changes' with my Google results...for me, that was the entrance to this particular ‘Rabbit-hole’...
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This lonely sentence has never been more true... |
It appears that they have the ability to change their Algorithmic settings, seemingly almost at the behest of whoever happens to be in that particular chair at that time...in otherwords, there is some measure of flexibility within the controls which they have available, and about a week and a half ago, or 3, it seemed as if they changed settings Again with my particular profile parameters.
Sigh...All of this only adds to my paranoia, naturally, which also of course could be by design.
Suffice to say, that my Anti-Venezuelan Coup posts, timed as they were, did not seem to go down favorably, and their aftermath was probably not a co-incidence.
Judging by these after-effects of releasing my Posts, namely;
Where is Maduro's White Helmet & A Nation's Sovereignty,
which came out just as America was beginning it’s propaganda war, leading up to a Coup, it was these 2 posts in which I had targeted America's behavior regarding Sth America and in particular Maduro and Venezuela, which ‘appeared’ to have caused something of a reaction or hit a nerve, as all of a sudden, I began to notice unusual anomalies, such as certain Posts, seemingly unrelated, being Banned or prevented from sharing, something which had never happened before and all sorts of other seemingly minor 'quirky' behaviors from FB.
And then there were the ‘Visitors’ that started commenting in a provocative way, whose names I didn't recognize, who only appeared to be friends with each other, and whose profiles quickly evaporated after an especially provocative exchange, into hot air...!
But then, there have been noticeable occurrences happening with ALL OF THE MAJOR PLAYERS;
GOOGLE, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter et al...
They have ALL been Visibly affected by this Imperialistic, Fascistic purge!
Am I having Delusions of Grandeur?
The ultimate Paranoid Psychosis?
Unfortunately, when I look retrospectively at the staggering differences with just one example;
GOOGLE'S Brilliant Search Engine, it compels me to accept that No...I am Not just being paranoid, and that there really are sufficient grounds, for all of us who care about the Truth and Freedom of Speech, to be seriously concerned.
GOOGLE'S Brilliant Search Engine, it compels me to accept that No...I am Not just being paranoid, and that there really are sufficient grounds, for all of us who care about the Truth and Freedom of Speech, to be seriously concerned.
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