UFOS have FINALLY Arrived ~ Part One
"All craft are living entities, they need to be grown. They are living consciousness."
~ extracted from ; A Primer for the ZETA Race by William Treurniet and Paul Hamden
When I was 15, I somehow found myself in the home of a family friend, alone in California at 2 AM. This meant Only one thing to my adolescent brain :
Shit, they have Color Television over here!
So, in the wee hours I quietly slipped downstairs, and turned on the television to watch my first ever episode of Gene Roddenberry's STAR-TREK in Color...
It was undeniable...after rejecting the Lutheran Catechism, and it's concept of the Holy Trinity, I was left with little choice i.e STAR TREK, with it's concept of the 'Prime Directive' had become my Religion.
Our Reality appears to be fragmenting, like the mind of a schizophrenic...
On the one hand, we have an entire camp of respectable, mainstream Astronomers such as Brian Cox and Tyson Degrasse saying, along with Seti, that; 'They are still looking, and that alas, unfortunately thus far, apart from some disparate signals they have not been able to find anyone out there...!
And yet...Simultaneously, as if in a kind of 'Parallel Universe', there is an absolutely enormous plethora of video and photographic, and first-hand evidence from professional observers in the Military just for example, which entirely contradicts these so-called 'experts'!
Hmmm...it seems that we are once again entering the Theatre of the Absurd :~
Intelligence Agencies collectively have a lot to answer for, as, thanks to the CIA and their cohorts around the Western World, and their shroud of Classified BS lies, the World is only just Now slowly beginning to awaken collectively to the realization that, yes, visiting Aliens are actually in our neighborhood, far more frequently than we could have ever imagined, and that we have been lied to, for a very long time.
Alien Technology has been detected, according to Linda Moulton Howe, in bursts of incredible Energies!
This Technology...began (according to Linda) for the very first time in recorded history, in 2007.
First time ever!
Repeatable bursts shooting out, with an energy equivalent to, quote; 'Half a Billions Suns going off together'!
Absolutely staggering Energies!!!!!
9 Bursts all together, up to this point in time!
With No After-glow! How is this possible?
With no sign of damage to the source!
Meaning that whatever is producing these phenomenal bursts, is clearly NOT being destroyed during the emissions, as they keep happening in the same spot...
Let THAT all sink in...
And what are the official CIA cover story explanations behind the creation of those ubiquitous Crop Circles?
If these amazing patterns are not examples of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, here on Earth, then what are they?
And please don't tell me that there's a bunch of 'likely lads' (with loads of Frequent Flyer points) out there in Gum-boots, with ropes and flat sticks...all over the World, squinting at their Fractal Charts through sheets of wind-swept rain, oh yes, and with their Micro-wave ovens trailing behind, (courtesy of Chris Cool) who are invisibly trampling incredibly intricate patterns into Farmer's crops, literally in seconds and without ever being seen...who leave detectable traces on the vegetation, repeatable measurements showing an inordinately high degree of Electro-Magnetic activity on the exposed areas, which often includes just the one facing side of the trees, that ringed the edge of the patterns.
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After sufficient material had been gathered from the Sun's surface, the craft collapsed it's shield, and left the Sun's vicinity at an enormous speed. |
Due to the preponderance of outstanding videos available on-line and yes, on Youtube, and in direct conflict with the overt position of the US Military, I think perhaps the time has finally arrived to discuss the subject of UFO sightings, in a sensible, rational, non-fear-based manner, as it is clear that our UFO friends are beginning to make their presence visible in this relative ‘Tsunami’ of Intelligent Disclosure.
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From the same incident...this was snapped from a Government video No-one ever thought to Censor the Sun... |
Fully accepting the reality of Aliens, and their visits to our Earth involves a complete transformation of our contemporary understanding, as it involves the interface between Matter, and our states of Consciousness.
Literally marking the End of the Age of Materialism,
and the beginning of the AGE OF AQUARIUS ~!
This emphasis on Consciousness and the Noetic Sciences in general, and how these phenomena impact on our physical World, rather than the conventional contrary view i.e how Matter and Energy effects Consciousness, is quite fundamental to the Psychic revolution we are currently undergoing, as per the example of Remote-Viewing, (see my previous article on this subject matter i.e the-end-of-moon-base-one?) and although this shift has been somewhat forced on us, by our UFO cousins, nonetheless, it was the weird and wonderful world of Quantum Physics which first gave us our introduction to this profound dichotomy of thought.
Insert the Dual-slit particle/wave experiments...
Concerning the more conventional subject of UFO phenomena, or these unknown technologies of aerial manifestations which have been recorded now in our skies for almost a century, and of course many centuries before in ancient structures and artwork through out our history, the former Nuclear physicist Stanton Terry Friedman, who became a brilliant professional UFO-logist, and who passed away recently noted wryly that;
“If they weren't constructed here on Earth...then they must have been built somewhere else!”
It was a UFO video sighting which occurred in either Israel, or China, which originally re-kindled my old childhood fascination with this topic.
The UFO was quite bright, and it was perhaps for this reason that it appeared to be using the cover of a forest, and in the video, it was traced flying along the side of a large hill, until finally it settled down into a forest and possibly landed.
The awed, hushed voices of onlookers on the video were clearly audible.
Then, abruptly, as the witnesses cried out, the craft appeared to pulse hugely like a stroboscope among the trees, and then suddenly, as the audience called out aghast, the craft leapt Silently, straight up and into the stratosphere, at an absolutely astonishing speed, which quite obviously using our conventional understanding of Physics, would have crushed any human occupants due to the enormous gravitational forces involved.
(There was no denying it...my long-lost childhood friends had, in the blink of an eye, re-emerged into my conscious awareness! ~ See : Arcturian Initiation for more info)
There have been accounts of Aliens from the Roswell crash, in an unusual type of material which entirely covered their bodies, and there have also been accounts, of fragments of a type of material, recovered from craft wreckage, which could neither be burned, nor could it be pierced.
I wonder what type of attributes would material need to have, in order to over-come the tremendous forces involved in actually traveling to our particular Solar System, on the outer edge, of an arm of our Milky Way Galaxy...
And this then just begs the question, and leads us into far more interesting areas of speculation i.e that some of these Craft, which keep eluding our fighter pilots, and which obviously display a guiding intelligence, could actually be highly evolving 'LIVING CRAFT'.
It almost seems as if the Swiss Artist H.R.Geiger's vision of Biological Machinery is crystallizing into reality before our eyes...:
That some of these craft are literally ALIVE, and that they actually possess a kind of rudimentary consciousness...which has been downloaded into that craft, opens up a vast field of speculations...
That, in some cases they don't necessarily need occupants, as 'they' i.e the occupants in question, have fashioned themselves into a kind of hive-mind, which is then distilled and 'introduced' into the evolving craft, which then becomes 'Conscious' of itself.
In other words, I don't think they are necessarily Always visiting us in their original forms.
I think that due to the forces and tremendous energies which are necessary to travel such vast distances in Space/Time to arrive here, some of our Visitors have evolved quite novel ways to circumvent the vast distances involved... For example, one way would be to clone artificial ‘shells’, as it were, bodies which house or contain their Psyches, or their Consciousness or 'Souls' for want of a better term, which are then downloaded into these shells.
Apart from these Psychic hosts, the rest, can be artificially cloned, after their Black Hole transitions through the Multiverse to arrive here.
We need to consider a multitude of species which are conceivably, many millennia older than us, and that therefore, they have had far longer to evolve an entire spectrum of highly sophisticated Technologies, far, far in advance of our own...:~
"Any sufficiently advanced technology, is indistinguishable from Magic" ~ Arthur C Clark
Therefore I don't think they are necessarily always visiting us, in their original forms...
If the shell, the host body dies, they can just disconnect....or perhaps even these Psychic pilots are just clones of the original Alien, or another possibility is that these clones have been transformed, metamorphosed into the Ship itself, so that the Ship itself is the aware, conscious entity, and so there maybe just an abrupt shock, in the death of a host shell, but that's all incidental, as the real Host either remains on the home planet, or far above the Earth, in a cloaked, shielded Mother-ship.
Perhaps some these sentient hosts which are downloaded from vast distances, are by necessity artificially cloned, or manufactured locally as in a Mother-ship, after their Black Hole transitions, their journey through the Universe to arrive here.
If we can accept that some of our visitors are in fact millions of years older than us, and that some of these species have been developing their civilizations for many Millennia, then some of our outlandish speculations which accompany this magical phenomena begins to crystallize into tangible, real Technologies, and this also explains why our Military is so interested in UFOs, but hate to tell us so...
Imagine their Technology, after a Million years...
But with this God-dammed shroud of Secrecy and the Classified BS surrounding these events, it is very difficult to know anything for certain, beyond the legitimate recognition of our own evidence i.e sightings captured on film, and similar from professional Ufologists, secondly our own personal experiences using our own powers of observation, and finally the conclusions of inductive and deductive reasoning, which like 'common sense', tells us that the evidence continues to confirm the fact that interstellar UFO'S are indeed, among us.
The conclusion which we are compelled to draw from all of this, is the simple, naked recognition that SETI, (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and their compatriots and spokesmen, such as Professional Public Astronomers, have obviously been co-opted in some bizarre 'alternate universe' manner, that their 'Search Parameters' are quite evidently too narrow...
And that the next time they do a search for signs of ET's and their intelligence, I might humbly suggest that perhaps they could begin by contacting UFO TV Productions, or ZOHAR STARGATE TV, (forget NASA) and politely ask them if they might be able to provide some evidence of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
Unfortunately for us as a species, the Science of Consciousness, and the world of Psychic phenomena, and it’s interface with our physical reality is still in it’s infancy, and therefore it remains for us, as a stumbling block on our quest for spiritual and cognitive understanding of the Universe around us, in our sacred quest to unravel the inscrutable relationship between Consciousness, Remote-Viewing, our Interstellar visitors, and the vast, sheer dimensions of the Universe itself, a secret which others have clearly, already mastered.
Maybe the crop circles were the result of the process of 'tuning' beams of electromagnetic energy from specific satellites being created for that purpose.
ReplyDeleteNice! A possibility...conceivably...but one can actually witness the tiny objects on video, creating these circles before your eyes in a matter of minutes, in England, so I do not believe they need to create Satellites for this task...nor do I think it would be prudent.