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The DRAKE equation measures for the Probability of Intelligent Life by estimating for the number of ET Civilizations that might exist in our Milky Way Galaxy |
N = the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible
R∗ = the average rate of star formation in our galaxy
fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that actually develop life at some point
fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life (civilizations)
fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space)
"This talk of going to the Moon is all rot, and space travel is utter bilge"
~ British Royal Astronomer, 1958
'INFORMATION IS POWER'...and 'We' as the Human Race, have been robbed of our Power by our Governments, through the use of CLASSIFIED BS for almost a Century. appears that there has been some sort of inherent 'internal resistance' to the natural spread and evolution of an idea...a concept, the evidence for which, has been covered up and hidden from us, one that is so deceptively seductive, and yet profound, that it could finally, for the first time offer us a legitimate answer on the issue of our anachronistic, antiquated and at times barbaric, World Religions, and at the very least substantially reshape their Doctrines.
Although the above, the Drake equation came out in the early 60's, and was always only ever intended to stimulate debate on the topic of ET's, and to demonstrate the probability of their existence, nevertheless, despite the justifiable criticism over its estimates, and the fact that it has never been revised, I find that the Drake equation is still only just 'beginning' to be considered by Scientists over 50 years later...
I just watched a panel of Astronomers and scientists discussing the possibility of Intelligent Life, elsewhere in our Universe.
I could Not believe my ears!
These Astronomy 'experts' talked about Aliens as if, (because of SETI), we still did not know whether there even was or is such a thing as an Extraterrestrial Being...
What is wrong with this picture?
What have I been studying these last 12 months or so? Phantoms? Flying Mysteries?
To whom then, do our Astronomers imagine this fantastic technology belongs, which we have recorded in our skies now, in enormous numbers for almost a Century? Santa Claus?
To whom then, do our Astronomers imagine this fantastic technology belongs, which we have recorded in our skies now, in enormous numbers for almost a Century? Santa Claus?
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Note* Due to the incredible furor surrounding these events, Fake crop circles are now being used to muddy the waters as misinformation...This however, is probably still Real. |
What are Crop Circles, if not examples of Extraterrestrial Intelligence?
Concerning the crop-circle question, if anyone can furbish us with an answer, other than that of ET’S, that contains evidence and a rational explanation, well then why haven’t they?
What material were the craft made of (there were 2 of them) which crashed at Roswell in 1947?
And where did they come from?
What do these scientists and experts think is housed in the hangars out at the COSMIC TOP-SECRET facility in the Nevada desert known as S4?
LOL ~ Weather Balloons?
Concerning the crop-circle question, if anyone can furbish us with an answer, other than that of ET’S, that contains evidence and a rational explanation, well then why haven’t they?
What material were the craft made of (there were 2 of them) which crashed at Roswell in 1947?
And where did they come from?
What do these scientists and experts think is housed in the hangars out at the COSMIC TOP-SECRET facility in the Nevada desert known as S4?
LOL ~ Weather Balloons?
Did these 'Scientists' forget about Roswell?
Or, perhaps more accurately, are they deliberately ignoring, and thereby denying the military testimonials which have come from Government eye-witnesses, who claimed to have seen, and in some cases even spoken with ET's that were housed in Government facilities?
Beings such as J-ROD and Skinny Bob? Google them...if that is even still possible!
What is the professional explanation of these Astronomers, as to the being known as 'VALIANT THOR'? who according to Laura Eisenhower, was supposedly an 'Official' VIP guest of the US Government for 3 Years?
If this is a misnomer then surely it shouldn't be too difficult to find evidence to corroborate this one way or the other...
Beings such as J-ROD and Skinny Bob? Google them...if that is even still possible!
What is the professional explanation of these Astronomers, as to the being known as 'VALIANT THOR'? who according to Laura Eisenhower, was supposedly an 'Official' VIP guest of the US Government for 3 Years?
If this is a misnomer then surely it shouldn't be too difficult to find evidence to corroborate this one way or the other...
Did they not see the UFOs which flew over the White House in Washington DC on the 12th of July, 1952, and then another repeated fly-over the following weekend, in an obvious display during Truman's tenure?
Did they not hear the admissions from NASA’S own men i.e those with 'The Right Stuff' like NEIL ARMSTRONG, that there were Aliens watching them the whole time, parked on the rim of the Sea of Tranquility crater?
For more on this, see my earlier post, namely; The End of MOON-BASE ONE?
For more on this, see my earlier post, namely; The End of MOON-BASE ONE?
Did they Not hear the words of their own CIA employees? i.e Remote-Viewers like Ingo Swann, saying that we had been warned off the Moon?
What then, is their 'expert' explanation, as to why we have never returned to the Moon?
In 50 Years!
What is Wrong with this picture????
In 50 Years!
What is Wrong with this picture????
Have they not seen their own 'whited out' photographs of anomalies on the Moon?
What, in their expert assessment, is their explanation as to why we are censoring Lunar photographs?
What could NASA possibly want to hide or shield from us?
What is NASA afraid of us seeing?
Obscene Alien Graffiti?
Did these Astronomers and Experts Not see the massive craft known as; the 'Phoenix Lights' fly over the City of Phoenix in a gigantic display of extraterrestrial technology and intelligence?
Did they not hear the whimsical explanation for the appearance of the craft by the Governor of the State, that evening on the nightly news in a self-confessed attempt to deflate the situation?
Or what about the photos from the Belgium Government, and their Triangular UFOs?
Should these Government documents be ignored by our Scientists, who are busily searching for signs of Intelligent Life, 'Elsewhere' in our skies?
Or the American Military Officers who walked around and 'touched', and sketched a landed UFO Craft, which had descended down into the Rendlesham Forest, directly beside an American military base in England?
What did our scientific experts think these highly-trained Military Officers had witnessed and sketched; a hallucination descending?
Did the officers in the Control Tower, who had announced that the craft was hovering over their front gate at the base, a craft that had been detected on their radar, also experience merely a collective hallucination?
Why Did the American Military have to refurbish all the Warheads on their 'armed and loaded' Nuclear missiles recently?
Seriously if anyone has seen the video evidence and testimonials which I have poured over for this last year or so in an effort to finally make some sense of the data, it makes the pronouncements by all of these so-called ‘experts’, when they say things like;
‘IF, there is intelligent life out there...’ sound so, so ludicrous!
That, is how the US Government and it's Military describe what they are doing!
They are MANAGING our Perceptions!...~...~...Strategically...!
Er, pardon me, but who gave THEM the Right, to alter and adjust our collective perceptions and our 'REALITY' to suit their hidden agenda???
I cannot ever recall signing a document agreeing to this!
It doesn't interest me, as to how the Technocracy and their harlots in the Mass Media try to phase-shift our understanding with Propaganda, in simple terms I see their actions as LIEING to humanity, and that it is an immoral and unethical act, for one particularly 'exceptional' Government to deceive the majority of the World by withholding Critical information, and the more layers that there are, within it's bloated, 'CLASSIFIED' structure, the more they are attempting to hide from us.
Remember...Propaganda is as much about an elimination or 'omission' of crucial data and information, as it is a 'distortion' of data and information.
It becomes clear that any expertise displayed by the US Military in shaping our psychological reality, is illustrative of the fact that the US Military have been involved with the issue of Propaganda and of 'Bamboozling' the public for many decades now.
It compels us all to recognize the veracity of this especially poignant statement by the famous Astronomer Carl Sagan, when he said :
And the most direct example of how this is achieved, is buried within the structure and the endemic laws and codes that govern the World's Intelligence Agencies.
COMPARTMENTALIZATION, that's the Key! In other words, a 'Need to Know'...:
According to John Lear, who was the son of the inventor of the famous ‘Lear Jet’, the Intelligence Agencies such as the CIA have 28 levels that are Above TOP-SECRET Crypto!
And each of those levels is compartmentalized from all of the others.
Then there are 10 levels even above that, which are presumably 'Cosmic' top-secret, (note the interesting choice of nomenclature which is Not a co-incidence) with MAJESTIC being at the very top...
That's altogether 38 separate Levels, all of which are ABOVE top-secret...
Talk about a bloated, out-of-control, epidemic of Bureaucracy!
A final question, which is as revealing as it is astounding, courtesy of James Corbett of 'The Corbett Report' :
Whatever happened to the Missing 20 TRILLION, repeat 'TRILLION' US Dollars? that has been officially announced to the public recently as various short-falls or 'holes' in the budget of the United States Pentagon?
What did the excellent Richard Dolan have to say about a break-away Civilization? ~ ;)
I will no longer post videos to back up any particular message of mine...Every time I posted a video to confirm what I was saying in regard to the Moon, it was swiftly taken down by Youtube, which speaks volumes all by itself...
Well now they have taken the final step.
The third video which I had selected to provide evidence for my claims about the Moon was provided by the Youtube Channel; SecureTeam10.
The author of this particular youtube Channel has done a remarkable job (and always entertaining), providing us all with some fascinating videos of the latest UFOs filmed around the world.
By doing this he helps in the process of uniting and linking the World, over a subject which will inevitably, and undoubtedly, become the most significant topic, for the enlightenment of Mankind in the 21st Century.
Because if even 'ONE' of these amazing craft, or one of these amazing encounters described by Military Personnel is real..., it therefore then opens up a vast realm of probabilities, beginning with the DRAKE equation, with literally endless ramifications, permutations and extrapolations...see my earlier piece, namely :
Secureteam10 was the author of my third attempt to provide video evidence for my claims about the Moon...
As of today, he has been officially Demonetized for the spurious act of quote; 'Misleading Metadata'!
As he was relying on his youtube Channel to provide for himself, his wife and their young child, this act by youcrude, can ONLY be described as 'hostile' and despicable on their part.
Please Youtube, show the World your Human side, and reinstate his Channel...
Absolutely and Positively, THE FINAL UPDATE...:
YAY! ~ :)
Youtube has seen the Light, and thanks to ALL of our Voices, it has most graciously withdrawn the restrictions on Secureteam10.
Colored Streamers burst from the centre of our Hearts like Doves taking flight...YAY ~<3 br=""> 3>
What, in their expert assessment, is their explanation as to why we are censoring Lunar photographs?
What could NASA possibly want to hide or shield from us?
What is NASA afraid of us seeing?
Obscene Alien Graffiti?
Did these Astronomers and Experts Not see the massive craft known as; the 'Phoenix Lights' fly over the City of Phoenix in a gigantic display of extraterrestrial technology and intelligence?
Did they not hear the whimsical explanation for the appearance of the craft by the Governor of the State, that evening on the nightly news in a self-confessed attempt to deflate the situation?
Or what about the photos from the Belgium Government, and their Triangular UFOs?
Should these Government documents be ignored by our Scientists, who are busily searching for signs of Intelligent Life, 'Elsewhere' in our skies?
Or the American Military Officers who walked around and 'touched', and sketched a landed UFO Craft, which had descended down into the Rendlesham Forest, directly beside an American military base in England?
What did our scientific experts think these highly-trained Military Officers had witnessed and sketched; a hallucination descending?
Did the officers in the Control Tower, who had announced that the craft was hovering over their front gate at the base, a craft that had been detected on their radar, also experience merely a collective hallucination?
Why Did the American Military have to refurbish all the Warheads on their 'armed and loaded' Nuclear missiles recently?
Seriously if anyone has seen the video evidence and testimonials which I have poured over for this last year or so in an effort to finally make some sense of the data, it makes the pronouncements by all of these so-called ‘experts’, when they say things like;
‘IF, there is intelligent life out there...’ sound so, so ludicrous!
That, is how the US Government and it's Military describe what they are doing!
They are MANAGING our Perceptions!...~...~...Strategically...!
Er, pardon me, but who gave THEM the Right, to alter and adjust our collective perceptions and our 'REALITY' to suit their hidden agenda???
I cannot ever recall signing a document agreeing to this!
It doesn't interest me, as to how the Technocracy and their harlots in the Mass Media try to phase-shift our understanding with Propaganda, in simple terms I see their actions as LIEING to humanity, and that it is an immoral and unethical act, for one particularly 'exceptional' Government to deceive the majority of the World by withholding Critical information, and the more layers that there are, within it's bloated, 'CLASSIFIED' structure, the more they are attempting to hide from us.
Remember...Propaganda is as much about an elimination or 'omission' of crucial data and information, as it is a 'distortion' of data and information.
It becomes clear that any expertise displayed by the US Military in shaping our psychological reality, is illustrative of the fact that the US Military have been involved with the issue of Propaganda and of 'Bamboozling' the public for many decades now.
It compels us all to recognize the veracity of this especially poignant statement by the famous Astronomer Carl Sagan, when he said :
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
And the most direct example of how this is achieved, is buried within the structure and the endemic laws and codes that govern the World's Intelligence Agencies.
COMPARTMENTALIZATION, that's the Key! In other words, a 'Need to Know'...:
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...and this is the Fundamental issue, in all of this, as we ALL have a 'need to know'... |
According to John Lear, who was the son of the inventor of the famous ‘Lear Jet’, the Intelligence Agencies such as the CIA have 28 levels that are Above TOP-SECRET Crypto!
And each of those levels is compartmentalized from all of the others.
Then there are 10 levels even above that, which are presumably 'Cosmic' top-secret, (note the interesting choice of nomenclature which is Not a co-incidence) with MAJESTIC being at the very top...
That's altogether 38 separate Levels, all of which are ABOVE top-secret...
Talk about a bloated, out-of-control, epidemic of Bureaucracy!
A final question, which is as revealing as it is astounding, courtesy of James Corbett of 'The Corbett Report' :
Whatever happened to the Missing 20 TRILLION, repeat 'TRILLION' US Dollars? that has been officially announced to the public recently as various short-falls or 'holes' in the budget of the United States Pentagon?
What did the excellent Richard Dolan have to say about a break-away Civilization? ~ ;)
I will no longer post videos to back up any particular message of mine...Every time I posted a video to confirm what I was saying in regard to the Moon, it was swiftly taken down by Youtube, which speaks volumes all by itself...
Well now they have taken the final step.
The third video which I had selected to provide evidence for my claims about the Moon was provided by the Youtube Channel; SecureTeam10.
The author of this particular youtube Channel has done a remarkable job (and always entertaining), providing us all with some fascinating videos of the latest UFOs filmed around the world.
By doing this he helps in the process of uniting and linking the World, over a subject which will inevitably, and undoubtedly, become the most significant topic, for the enlightenment of Mankind in the 21st Century.
Because if even 'ONE' of these amazing craft, or one of these amazing encounters described by Military Personnel is real..., it therefore then opens up a vast realm of probabilities, beginning with the DRAKE equation, with literally endless ramifications, permutations and extrapolations...see my earlier piece, namely :
Secureteam10 was the author of my third attempt to provide video evidence for my claims about the Moon...
As of today, he has been officially Demonetized for the spurious act of quote; 'Misleading Metadata'!
As he was relying on his youtube Channel to provide for himself, his wife and their young child, this act by youcrude, can ONLY be described as 'hostile' and despicable on their part.
Please Youtube, show the World your Human side, and reinstate his Channel...
Absolutely and Positively, THE FINAL UPDATE...:
YAY! ~ :)
Youtube has seen the Light, and thanks to ALL of our Voices, it has most graciously withdrawn the restrictions on Secureteam10.
Colored Streamers burst from the centre of our Hearts like Doves taking flight...YAY ~<3 br=""> 3>
Reminds me of the Admiral Byrd Diaries & Journals that describe his journies to the top of the world that have never seen the light of day.
ReplyDeleteYes, exactly :)
Deletea very well researched article. of course interesting.
Deletethanku jules
Lovely...thank You Grace :)